He fell for the attractive women meme
moot hates you
>this bullshit meme chart
Yes yes after years of advanced genetic engineering we learned that fucking man jawed women gives birth to a baby that looks like the rocky villain!
>he fell for the woman meme
Cope babyfaced roastie
I love aussies
if you look at that mugshot guy his parents weren't that attractive. i see a lot of good looking people with ugly parents. height matters, maybe you would spawn a manlet if you had a child with alizee
Are you saying the top woman is unattractive? Are you saying that bottom is attractive with her face plastered in chemistry?
>the rocky villain
that's Dolph Lundgren show some respect
I don't get this meme
I would never have children with a blonde woman though.
Blond hair = death sentence.
t. blond cucks
>Choosing a blonde roastie over a teenage alizee
you feeling alright, Bruce?
If you don't have blondism as a kid or all your life you're basically not even human imho
i'm blond but I want a dark haired, big titty Goth
A sad state of affair that without the make up and outfit i probably wouldnt even look at her
> t.
Who cares what you looked like as a kid. You need dark brown or black hair to be considered a man.
rather bust in Alizee than care about my future zoomie's looks desu
Have you ever heard of the vikings, Emir?
????? the blonde chick is more conventionally attractive that alizee
No, only incels study history.
Yeah, they were all black, transgender and supported female rights. The documentaries don't lie.
Only as a child.
If you don't grow out of it you are basically a woman.
Ask me how i know you’re a nafri
Moot has been an irrelevant hasbeen for years
Yea, they never did shit right?
And now their ancestors LARP?
I think I heard of em.
Have you ever heard of a blonde-haired person with an IQ above 100? I've never seen a above average intelligent blonde person.
>inb4 blonde PhD
Getting a PhD does not necessarily make you smart or mean you're smart.
that's the point. for a girl to look like a goth, she needs to put shitload of makeup first.
that blonde is pretty attractive, you mong
More for me, then. Glad to see the white men are hating blondes now.
I just love the way blond white women moan when I fuck them with my big brazilian cock.
The top girl looks way more beautiful though?
>dat gorgeous jaw (yes faggot good jaws are attractive on women...)
>those eyes
>those gorgeous cheekbones
She's a solid 9 desu.
>If you wait long enough every blond haired person becomes a white haired person.
>checkmate goldielocks.
Ok mehmet
>t. homosexual
Missed the point
Seething non white
Light-haired "people" are always retards, no exceptions. I bet you have light hair too.
don’t care, fucking alizee is all that matters.
seething brianlet.
Albinos are a genetic mistake
Dutch people have lighter hair.
You’re a disgrace to this country and not Dutch.
Man with european features and dark hair + white blonde woman is the most aesthetic pairing though.
Kek, retard
What do you think about brown girls? We could exchange them.
>conquers half the world
>never did shit
Ask me how I know you’re a retarded kike
Wtf no stay away from my women ahmed
Lmao. Try to stop me.
Umm, yikes, Cringe.
It's true though. It provides the best contrast while not crossing into the territory of bestiality. And the produced children are not mutts.
dolph would have been a much better gigachad meme
>ignoring the point I make in the post
>no u
I'm half dutch, but I have brains more capable than about 2000 randomly selected dutch "people". Meanwhile you're keeping yourself occupied with your hair like a retarded 13 year old blonde girl. Hope you're proud to be blonde, dutch, retarded and girly. Talking about disgraces.
You’ve watched too much blacked porn, chang. Leave
>muh blonde hair is girly
Like i said earlier, have you ever heard of the vikings, Redouan?
Blonde girly retards confirmed. Don't you have to brush your hair or something?
Floating by on a glorified canoe doesn't count.
What Euro, mostly Anglos did in the 16tg century on is called conquering the world.
>I'm half dutch, but I have brains more capable than about 2000 randomly selected dutch "people".
being occupied with hair is girly
>reading comprehension
confirmed retard again
>muh contrast
Chang, please...
Get out of Europe, Mohammed.
>not in the 10k club
Any evidence to this? Do feminine women really give birth to feminine men?
What traits should one look for in a partner to have chad offspring?
That's you in the mirror isn't it? At least I'm happy you're happy you're blonde.
Those few points can be the difference between a bad and a good day.
By your logic that would be butch dykes build like a fridge no?
Moot is a trap
wow... it's rare to see one of those 150+ IQ insults coming by. Truly we average Dutch are no match for your wits and cunning.
Epigenetics is a thing. Whether or not feminine women give birth to feminine men specifically I'm not sure. But it's established that women with high levels of androgen inhibitors pass them on to unborn fetuses which affects how their brain grows (due to blocking absorption of actual androgens, testosterone). The brain ends up smaller and the person more effeminate in their interests and personality.
>be blonde "man"
>immediately think of blacked and ricecels
Why are you guys like this? Just leave your cute blonde girls to me brahs, at least my mind doesn't immediately switch to interracial porn.
I would look at their life circumstances ahead of how many points over 145 they are.
keira knightley/olivia wilde manjaws are unf af desu desu ;3