Communism and Sex Inequality

To the communists on this board: tell me how you plan on solving the sexual inequality problem which is bound to arise as a result of communism making the genders equal. Within an economic edge over women, men will not be able to use their wealth as leverage to gain access to the marriage market. Won't communism create massive sexual inequality, with all of the women only pursuing the most attractive men in a way that will be far worse than under our system of hyper-capitalism? Why should any man join you when the end result of communism is matriarchy?

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there was no sex problem in soviet russia, their population kept on going up.

Its seems that sex goes down when it becomes a commodity for merchants to paddle.

Think about it, making money from something that we are programmed to want, from something that is essentially free.

>there was no sex problem in soviet russia, their population kept on going up.
They were socially conservative. Modern commies are socially liberal.

You're a real dipshit, do you not understand women chase after Looks and Class now. If we destroy class it'll solve that one inequality and you cannot solve genetic inequality (unless state mandated gfs or some joke) no system of government on earth has ever done that

Read Das Kapital. That communism is supposed to be about correcting inequality is a caricature and not true.

I'm not too keen on throwing the whole communist label. Its kinda cringe. These privileged faggots are not fucking communists, they are fucking greedy money grabbing kikes.

Its not going to get better for our generation. Just got to make it comfy for you and yours.

>theres people on this board right now who don't know who pic is

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Social Conservatism literally did that

Is that, that faggot jazz?

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false you think women didn't consider looks before?

That's not an ass user

Eugenics will do that. Just let the government be all powerful.

modern commies are centrists who'd die to keep the status quo and the factories in the hand of the good people who know better

Sounds like a concerned troll. I don't need "communists" opinion on "sex inequality".

To a far lesser extent

sauce please

the thing is your not entitled to anything. if they don't want you then tough shit. even if your the most humanitarian wonderful person that has ever existed . They have choice let them make their choice,you find some other purpose in life. We live in a liberal society, people have freedom of choice they've made their choice.

How is this concern trolling? The communist dream of equality will necessarily create a world of sexual inequality.


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possibly, but communism isn't incompatible with social conservatism and aims to destroy class so together they're the ultimate best for sex "equality" logically.

ITT: basement-dwelling kissless virgins thinking they are experts on women.


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>They were socially conservative.
Right, that's why their social policies were always progressive.

its not reconcilable because communism inherently disregards natural laws. nature by definition is not equal and never will be

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Communism never claims equality

in communism women actually have to work
in capitalsism women have to pretend they work
in communism everyone is payed according to their needs
in capitalism everyone is payed as little as possible so women, who only pretend to work, get payed for shit and become golddiggers

communist regime produced more babies than this failed shithole ever will

lets not forget ethnic fertility either, under communism, hungarians were multiplying gypsies werent, they were under strict rule
under capitalism gypsies are like a virus, doubling their numbers every 20years meanwhile hungarians are less and less

pretty easy to see which system is more solves problems and which system creates problems so you can spend money on the problem to make it go away

Haha, you have never been around women if you think they are equal to men in the workplace. Whiny and moaning and bitching over every little thing that offended them. This is why they were never allowed in the workplace before feminism

also how is this kind of sexual inequality immoral when people have freedom of choice. Either forcing or artificially changing the environment so serve the interests of the sexless men is infringing on the rights of the women. Surely they should just accept that they aren't attractive, either give up or make the improvements and if they're still unsuccessful give up.

not all men get to procreate and this is good, as long as the women are in tune with themselves enough to select properly.
this ensures the dumb, evil and (inside and out) unattractive get filtered from the genepool

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actually i don't agree with the natural selection argument completely. if only a few people procreate with however many women then you get inbreeding. also what if the women is 160 cm then your gonna have manlet child. we''re European so the average height for a man here is 6 feet . what if the woman passes on her ugly genes? she has more choice now even more than an attractive male.

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height of the father and many other father traits are more expressed in the child than those of the mother. it is partly because the placenta and umbilical cord consist of mostly the man's genes and those two are pretty resonsible for which genes will be activated and deactivated.

In our stories and myths this has been said for eternity. Only pretty recently has this been found to be true. By studying racehorses funnily enough