I signed up to be part of the trial for the COVID-19 vaccine here in australia...

I signed up to be part of the trial for the COVID-19 vaccine here in australia, they produced a protein that mimics the shape of the coronavirus so the body develops antibodies. not sure when i'll be given it. but i thought what the hell it's not as if they are using the actual virus in the vaccine.

My GF was pretty worried about it as shes a normie that uses facebook and has gone down the stupid Bill Gates conspiracy rabbit hole but i assured her it is safe since it's been developed here in Perth separate from Gates' vaccine labs.

Attached: countries-you-need-polio-vaccination.jpg (816x453, 40.43K)

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Enjoy your chip

Where's my proofs?

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Do you get guinnea pig bux for the effort?

>willingly getting antibodies for a disease that has been proven countless times to use antibody dependant enhacement as mean of infection and reinfection

Oh boy



You're volunteering to purposefully give yourself HIV.

Did he milk your prostate?

Uh huh...

Attached: Screenshot_20200428-064503.jpg (760x1296, 524.84K)

What does AIDS have to do with a respiratory virus?

They both lower your white blood cell count.

Good luck being a guinea pig, theres a reason we usually do animal trials for a lot longer than we've done for this vaccine. The risk in the human trials will be far greater than normal.

Good luck and I hope you don't get any complications. Your gf sounds cool tbqhfam. Maybe it's worth listening to her.

press f

He's a /cvg/ retard

In February, Indian scientists (inb4 "MUH POO LOO" shills) identified the HIV protein as the spike in use by the Coronavirus in question, making ut almost impossible to eradicate when contracted. It's why the AIDS drugs can treat it. TREAT, not cure, because they work on interfering with THAT protein key's mechanism.

This virus can hijack cells that pass the blood brain barrier, causing the effects on taste/smell and moving on to cause permanent liver and testicular damage.

Back out now, user, if you can. Because EVERY attempt at vaccination of the novel coronavirus from 2002 (SARS) has resulted in hyper-immune death once contact with wild strains are established.
The last try was in 2012.

This one will be worse. It's a fucking chimera of the SARS coronavirus with the HIV protein key. It's not going away lads. Any more than fucking AIDS has gone away. I cannot fucking WAIT to see the immune reports of the "recovered"...
That'll tell you what this thing dose.
The reports are going to show immune compromisation, meaning you WILL be killed either by this virus again, or the myriad of illnesses that usually get beaten off by your immune systems.

Do you have down syndrom?

your gf is smarter than you m'nigga




Let me know when your funeral is. I'll show up with a stinky tuna sandwich and a Vuvuzela :)

>having a gf smarter than you

big yikes there buddy

I trust the professionals more than some redneck on youtube.

Is this where you are all getting your information form?? fuck no wonder you have people drinking bleach over there.

>a protein that mimics the shape of the coronavirus so the body develops antibodies

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Nah, it’s the original SARS spike that targets human respiratory ACE2. There are two HIV gene insertions correctly identified by our favorite street shitters but nobody knows why or anything about it. So you might be right in the end but I don’t think what you are saying in this post is accurate desu famalam.


It's probably 100% Bill Gates semen injected directly into your vein. Let us k iw how that works out for you

The vaccines will all fail just like the SARS vaccines failed

Even getting and defeating the virus you can still get reinfected because the antibodies dont seem to hang around long for some reason

Bill's vaccine is made from recombinant rat parts, which is a special genetically engineered human-rat chimera. the recombinant mouse has human blood, human organs and a human immune system, including the glands, and these chimera mice grow all the medicine inside their bodies.
>year of the rat
you wanted to be part rat, right? it's mouse model number 28B11.
>you are now aware that one of the biolab samples that we caught the chinese spies trying to smuggle out of the united states was an (((antibody mouse)))
recombinant mouse. here is the thing, if you value your humanity at all then you don't want mouse DNA inside you just to make you immune to viruses which aren't real because viruses don't exist. The other half of the vaccine is made from fetal stem cells taken from abortions which are cultured out in huge biovats.

Does your religion forbid killing people?

Does your religion forbid killing babies?

Does your religion forbid drinking blood?

Does your religion forbid human sacrifice?

Then you can't have Bill's vaccine without even getting into the recombinant mouse problem. The vaccine is easily the most satanic and evil thing they have every done. once the rest of you have taken it, you will no longer be human and will pose no spiritual, intellectual nor evolutionary threat to their species whatsoever.
In order to make sure you understand the threat to humanity, to your entire specie, the Global Consciousness Project dot is now pink. Do not waste my agency. You are not being warned about this for no reason.

ADE essentially means that those with antibodies for it will have a worse outcome the second time they are infected

Which hospital are they doing the trials? Sorry you fell for their propaganda user, but you should have been paying more attention. Who knows though? Maybe you will end up ok. Also you should check your testosterone levels before and after and get a copy of your blood test results before and after, while maintaining the same diet.

Attached: EXPLICIT Conclusion of Gender Dysphoria.webm (304x540, 2.85M)

You are the facebook one, faggot

Also you should have a way for the public to prove you are alive before and after. e.g. creating a video of you alive about to get the human experiment done, then creating one of you alive afterwards. If this wasn't an obvious precaution to you then you probably shouldn't be so confident in letting them do this to you. You might just get the placebo though.

>separate from Gates' vaccine labs.
Thats not how it works