I need to leave america

i fucking hate this country, i hate the niggers, i hate the idiots, i hate the propaganda, i hate the bullshit, i hate the corruption, i hate the jews, i hate the retarded children, i hate the immigrants, i hate the roasties
is there anywhere that is white with good gun laws and freedom of speech laws? i just want to fucking move away i hate this damned country as fast as possible. thanks in advance, just thinking about

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You sound very angry. Why do you need guns?

yeah my backyard, only when the wife gets home we have to keep it down while she takes her midday lunch nap. jeez, women.



its a human right

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swisstzerland, gun/money/rare unintegrated black/ direkt demokracy

Go to Schweiz, I think

If you've got lots of money, we'll have you. Very homogenous, no crime, everyones wealthy and happy. Corona's not really hit us hard either. You can get guns, you just need a loicense.

Well once your wife's son stops putting the CNN on the TV, Boomer, we can all get back to life

You are still allowed to defend yourself over there and the country is majority white as far as I know. Imagine living in Africa.

Because more and more people in govt are saying you shouldn't have them.

swiss although they do have a lot of immigrants in the big cities

CZ has pretty sweet gun laws last time I checked.

How old were you when your WHITE, TIGHT B*HOLE first puckered?

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>unintegrated black
what? no. Very integrated. so much so that a lot of them actually behave.

dont listen to the others Switzerland is dead, i want to come to the USA because of this.

because of people like you we need guns, nigger

>is there anywhere that is white with good gun laws and freedom of speech laws?

Unironically Israel, but u no kike r u? goy


>human right

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americans, please stay in america.
It's over for you. you think freedom is good, then have what it produce.


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good times create weak men
weak men create bad times

>the country is majority white as far as I know
Then it's clear you don't know

Yes: access to firearms is a human right. Which part of this argument requires further clarification?

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But not to healthcare

Cope pussy.

America belongs to all American citizens. We could care less where you go but if you try anything stupid while in the USA we will either neutralize you or cage you like the rabid beast you are. This goes for the rest of you racist losers on here as well.

>faggots believing in human rights

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Every country has problems man. I mean none moreso than America don't get me wrong. But like other corporations are just as disgusting. I had a friend who I still gotta punch in the throat btw as Wargaming runs like a virus rather than a gaming software. All while sperm jacking for money, for a terrible game, and these Slavic mutts have the audacity to ban but would crybaby with the best of Americans if you posted child porn and held them liable

Is access to nuclear weaponry also a “muh human right”.

Cut the crap retard. No individual should be allowed to amass a literal arsenal. Self defense quantities and weapons are fine, but anything other than that which can “muh keep tyranny in check” we will (and do) regulate/restrict.

Your choices are
Easy gun laws, reduced freedom of speech, not too many niggers. Expect to pay lots of taxes and have to learn French and German. Everything is expensive.

The countryside is basically nigger-free. As long as you avoid Paris and Lyon you won't find a single shitskin. Gun laws are tight but somewhat fair. In six months and a lot of paperwork, you can get a B-type licence which allows you to basically buy anything that's not a full-auto weapon. Taxes are either zero or extremely high, depending on how much you make. Life is cheaper than Switzerland. Women are rather pretty.
Freedom of speech is not too harsh, but not as free as the US (duh).
Free healthcare and education if you pay taxes.

These are the closest things to the US you'll find in Europe. Don't come to the UK, our "free speech" is even harsher than in China and don't even bother trying to buy a gun.

kek, you're no better than the refugees flooding into europe. How about you stay here and try to change things for the better instead of running?

>is there anywhere that is white with good gun laws and freedom of speech laws?
Czech Republic, but you better be conversationally fluent in Czech and have a job lined up before you go or your just as bad as the immigrants you've gotten fed up with.

Hope you get raped by niggers lol

He thinks there’s another place with a bill of rights constitution and freedom of speech LMAO

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Imagine living in the middle ages and telling the peasant "Why do you need a sword?" Like how dickless of a human being do you have to be to believe that position makes you VIRTUOUS. Christians who lost their Christianity and think SJW PC life is different.

> fucking syrian refugee won't stay and fix his own country