Slavniggers of Yas Forums

What the FUCK is your problem?

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Well, we have to dump our enlightened, west-oriented brethren somewhere. You don't expect us to actually live with those fuckers, do you?

Eastern europe emigration is the only reason why germany isnt muslim caliphate yet

Rather have some gypsy or slav work the shit jobs than some african nigger or muslim

Slavnigger COPE
Your mom's clunge is a muslim caliphate.

Abdul, calm down.



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That picture is 3 years old now, dear.
Use zis superior germanic brain of yours and find something more recent, show some effort, c'mon.


Abdul, please.

Why don’t they go to France

correction, it's actually from 2013

Want to earn a little more than 800 euros per month for programing. Germany has too many muslims and the weather is shit, so Spain or Usa it is!

Your country is half Slavic, buddy, and it has nothing to do with the recent influx.

>Want to earn a little more than 800 euros per month

Your sister earns twice of that per day spreading her legs for western dick.

>Your mom
you got me there ahmed bin roach

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Cringefags get the rope.

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None anymore. :^)

thank you for handling our traitorous immigrationary human waste who are too lazy to fix their own country so they run from the problem and denounce their heritage

i blame communism, communism made us poor as fuck and you cant recover that easily from communism

but you should fucking know, look at your eastern part of germany, still poor as fuck, not even the "refugees" dont want to go there

Bad communication, bad infrastructure, lack of capital in the form of well-known brands and companies. In 1990, the west was disproportionately stronger than our area. In addition, there is a bad mentality and cultural background (I don't have to write that Catholicism and Orthodoxy have a worse economic impact than Protestantism or atheism)...

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>this pic

>this pic

What do you think the eastern block needs to do to retain and develop its society?
also is there anything filling in the gaps?
will eastern block be the new colorado for celebrities to escape to and gentrify?

>What do you think the eastern block needs to do to retain and develop its society?

> tax reduction
> income tax elimination and set VAT at 0%
> privatize (((state))) health care
> privatize education
> privatize every branch of the economy except energy, ecology, the judiciary, the army police and administration
if we did that, we would leave the leading European Union countries behind, but Jewish politicians ruling Poland who pretend to have Poles have different plans

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>Catholicism and Orthodoxy have a worse economic impact than Protestantism or atheism

Uhm, Bavaria, Austria, Italy, France are Catholic.

>What do you think the eastern block needs to do to retain and develop its society?
>also is there anything filling in the gaps?
>will eastern block be the new colorado for celebrities to escape to and gentrify?

We must have better work ethics, education and strengthen infrastructure. In addition, have more free market than the West, because this is how strong companies are built. There are other problems that can be solved. There is no denying that literally everything related to the economy is associated with three parameters: history, current people living here and geography. For example, when trains developed, Russia could use its potential much more.

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fucking autocorrection .. sorry for typos.

>who pretend to have Poles have different plans
who pretend they are Poles*

Can't develope society when you are poor. and the best way to get rich in eastern part of europe is A steal(option for singular people) or B move west and don't come back.

Western eco fashists love coming to us and tell us to not build roads around cities, protect some bug breeding ground over life of humans. They would love for us to be like cuba or some XIX century europe. A place to see how the good old days looked like with good air, but you never stay there longer then 2 weeks.

Can’t speak for all of Eastern Europe but maybe if you had minded your own business back in the nineties...

Just cut the social welfare. Let trash starve to fucking death. White Nigger filth should be exterminated from Polish society.

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>maybe if you had minded your own business back in the nineties...

Slavniggers of Yas Forums, what the FUCK did he mean by this?

>Western eco fashists love coming to us and tell us to not build roads around cities
haha this. they already built all the infrastructure, so this is their way of keeping the east euro countries on a low development level

Our problem is being subhuman race.

And neither place had front move through their territory more then 30 times within the last 200 years. there is a too big difference in accumulation of wealth. When was bawaria destroyed last time? like wrecked totaly? If we are generous we can say durning napoleonic wars, and before that you have to more or less go back to XXX year war. We had total infrastrucutre destruction in 1905-11, then1914, then in 1916-17, then 1920, then in 1939-45, and then 50 years of communism. And that just last century

There is often this argument with Austria and Bavaria. Bavaria was under strong pressure from the north of Germany, but they were poorer in history than the north. Now that has changed a bit, although we know that since the nineteenth century God had died and it has not been so important since then.
History favored Austria and had some chances.

If I am talking about Catholicism, then for example my country, when in the 18th century the country was going down, then the nobility, instead of building productive factories or war factories, built playing card factories. Catholicism means full submission to a better world and renunciation of wealth. This creates a wide indifference to the problems of the state and widespread ignorance - a lack of interest in the activities of this world.

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if you are poor and has a rich neighbor with pathetic immigration laws you would move too, would you?
hate the game not the player. you can't blame the people because they take the opportunities. you have to blame the politicians because they let that happen

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Kick them out from Germany, you fucking pussy.

>Our problem is being subhuman race.
r1a is THE aryan race

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I still refuse to go to Germany, even if I speak the language quite well

You're right. If only Germans gassed Poles away, you'd have your lands back and European gene pool would significantly improve. What are you waiting for though??

Same retarded work 3 times the pay.

Sorry to hear you prefer niggers and pajeets to slavs.

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90% of female immigrants from east Europe work as prostitutes.

Muh Aryan and yet Poo-land

if germans could sit on a plane for 1 hour and then land in a european country and make 3-4 times as much with the same job there would be a mass emigration from germany too. we must end the free movement of workers inside europe, its a disaster. then again its by design, mostly by germans ironically, just as your financial elites undermined yugoslavia for financial benefits, they also wouldnt allow free trade without free movement of workers or any similar changes to eu laws, because they benefit from it.

iam kinda in the same situation. i avoid big cities at any cost

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Indians carry r1a too.

>I still refuse to go to Germany

If you're cute, I'll let you be my natsoc bf.

bad economy becouse of communism

>Muh Aryan and yet Poo-land
Poles are the best people in the world (no irony). Look how many times the invading country has smashed us but we have always rebuilt.
See what Poland looks like at the moment. Despite the fact that the state and crypto Jews pretending to be Poles oppress us with taxes and oppresive laws, we somehow managed to make it a better place.

I believe we will succeed, all we have to do is overthrow democracy, restore monarchy and choose a king. We need an absolute ruler to manage this country. Poles are too divided, democracy always failed to work in our Nation

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