Biden is bad you guys

Biden is bad you guys

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We sure have it bad here because of the muslim terror.

How many attacks did you have last year?
How many of those attacks were done by conservertives?

>Bitch, not you, shut the fuck up, we HAVE to win this election
Funny how much more credible than Kavanaugh she is too, innit?

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>B-but not THIS one, though

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>"Any woman's public claims of assault should be presumed to be true"
I love how the hypocrite says this, yet denies these public allegations.

Trump has never been accused of something like that, never. Not even 26 times

Now I never said I was necessarily partisan, did I?
ONE particular side of this has been INCREDIBLY heavy on the "a woman's accusation is prosecutable evidence in itself that makes legal proceedings unnecessary" and has been using that shit for years to ruin people's careers & lives solely from fucking TWEETS accusing men of sexual assault.
Making this complete hypocrisy.

>Nice strawman
You're right, lets reelect the guy who was accused of it 26 times instead of the one who was accused of it 1 time.

You're honestly a moron if you think either of them are any better than the other.
One's a fucking wrestling level old jewish puppet, and the other's a senile, demented old jewish puppet.
I just love the fact that the guy who said this shit now flips his perspective because HE'S suddenly the one being accused, and has all the people who supported him & bullshit sexual assault allegations now flipping their stances as well.
But the sad thing is not fucking ONE of you can come right out and disavow that previous stance, you can only "but muh orange man must go, he's worse".
Fuck yourself you disingenuous, hypocritical faggot.

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Just like not one of you fucking faggots can ever apologize for demonizing more than half of US voters for the bullshit Smollett hoax, after THAT was exposed. Cant even outright call it the hoax it is, you have to tapdancingly justify the demonization instead.
Call him the fucking lying faggot he is.
Apologize to all the people who had nothing to do with anything you painted as fucking monsters over some shit that did not even fucking happen.

Use your words and refute my points and admit that bullshit sexual assault allegations are a problem.

Are you legally blind or do you just pretend to be retarded when you are in your safespace?

holy shit I could actually hear your neckbeard rustling as you copypasta'd your awesome comeback.

Should we believe women's sexual assault allegations or not?
This is a yes or no question.

Stop hurting me, this is supposed to be a safe space for retards.

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Also, do you get paid by thread, or by post?
If it's by thread, how many posts per tread must it be for you to get paid for it?
You certainly aren't getting paid for "effectiveness".

>can not answer the simple question
Case in point.

Im one of those paid crisis actors by bezos, like in all those protests against killing kids in school.

At least you can bant a little. Assuming you're not just copypastaing them.
But can you answer whether or not women's sexual assault allegations should be believed as fact? In a "yes" or "no" format?

Sure, anyone should be taken seriously, if they hold any merrit.
Im just saying that Biden has had one sexual assault allegation against him, while trump has had 25.

>"And I then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that."

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>1 time


>one sexual assault allegation
They need to start talking to all those kids he's on video groping.
It's funny how Joe Biden has more footage of him groping kids in the public record than even Jimmy Savile.

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>This guy was accused of killing 25 people.
>Guy B was accused of punching at least 10 people. He might have killed one, but that is unkown.

>They are equally bad

>they're not both murderers
Imagine shilling for one murderer over another & yet still feeling like you have the high ground.

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>it's bad if Biden does it once, but it's ok of Trump does it twenty times
The right wing mindset.

The right doesn't give a shit about buillshit sexual assault allegations & NEVER has, it's the left (of which the accused, Joe Biden is the current presidential representative) that's been using it as a weapon against men of their choosing for years, yet now are screaming about it not mattering, when it suits them.

My first choice would have been Bernie if i was in America, but since that ain't happening it's gonna be between Biden and Trump. Then the question becomes which of these do you prefer?
Guy A has killed 1 person
Guy B has killed 25 people.

I like how the murder thing has become the focus now, because it sounds a lot more "weighty" than bullshit sexual assault.

When murder isn't actually even involved here.
Or do you want to bring the Obama/Biden "massive wrong target kill rate" drone strike program into this?

Im sorry, i'll try to put the other words in place since you are too retarded to understand an analogy.

Guy A has assaulted 1 person.
Guy B has assaulted 25 people.

Which one do you prefer? if you choose none of them Guy B wins.

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Imagine being a dane. A pathetic dane. And caring about american politics. Or u could be tranny shill. Which one is it europoor?

America, get your shit straight before we have to come down and burn your whitehouse again

Peroxide is a disinfectant.

>if you choose none of them Guy B wins.
Must be fate then.
A bullshit choice is no choice at all.
Or do you actually believe Hillary was "trying" to win, or even ever had a chance?
You DO realize US presidents pretty steadily flip R-D-R-D-R-D, with the exception of the US Putin equivalent, GW Bush, yes?

>Imagine being a dane. A pathetic dane. And caring about american politics.

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>rumors are ok to believe if they're against anyone the news puts up there and says they bad,
>verified facts arent ok to believe when its your cherished leftist asshole
leftwing mindset

You're right, if things used to be a certain way it must be fate, therefore they should stay that way, and never change even if it is wrong.

>BRB gotta go sacrifice a goat for a bountiful harvest.