Umm wtf is going on here? Guys I'm scared o.o

Attached: 0ac4df39e39d364c48b2f0df4e2864f9.png (776x653, 249.95K)

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Aliens replaced his calcified brain with nanotechnology.

It said in the article. He’s missing the inside of his brain. What’s the big deal?

All the important parts were there

So let me get this straight...
He had no brain mass? Yet he was functional?

>what is a soul?

More like the ventricles were so huge it presented itself as having nothing in the head from a CT scan.

Normally getting your brain crushed like that is dangerous for obvious reasons but apparently that patient is fine.

/x/ is that way -->

Imagine what he would be able to do then if his brain was bigger

if you were a gremlin you could live inside his head

What’s the big deal? It said in the article. He’s missing the inside of his brain.

Read the image. He is missing his entire brain yet he has an 126 IQ. This PROVES that NPC's are among us. He probably barely has a consciousness. He is literally a machine-like automata input-output system. This is cryptic.

Sure it wasn't equipment failure.

Explain to a brainlet, you rolley polley, you're saying his entire functioning brain was the outside layer and that's fine? Or his brain was there and the CT fucked up?

Duhh people on use 20% of their brains anyway so hes not missing anything durrr.

The NPC's can infiltrate the high IQ. We have no way of determining who is an NPC now. Maybe the aphantasia or inner monologue test is all we have.

>imagine what he would do if he had more brain
no retard, thats one example that brain is not the place that give us the understanding, its one proof for existance of a soul

I dont put much credit to an article written in that style. It reads like a creepypasta, like it's trying to sway my emotions rather than impart information. Stuff like that almost always turns out to be bullshit or at least embellished in some way.
Not that I'm one to immediately believe something but the story is very interesting.

Scoop your brain out to demonstrate.

>This PROVES that NPC's are among us
no it doesn't
>He probably barely has a consciousness.
Or it proves that consciousness can exist near independent of brains. People with zero brain activity during surgery or after crashing into a freezing lake have vivid out of body experiences.

If this man reported zero internal monologue, zero inner eye, zero mindfulness maybe you'd have a point. Otherwise it's just more evidence we don't understand the mind's relationship with matter.

>hahaha stopping an organ from functioning wont kill you
not having a brain is like not having a transmitter for soul to funtion through. having just abit of it will be sufficent
you can live and function perfectly with just a potion of your liver
tell me again retard, you probably think that cell DNA is literally the brain of cell


The other parts of his brain is still there. Just look at the first images on the left.

So scoop a little bit out to demonstrate.

This image is entirely bullshit you gullible retards. He only had an IQ of 75, and it was a degenerative condition which as he got older the fluid internally compressed his brain outward to the point it was in the CT scan, when he was 44.
You gullible, gullible fucking tards.

Attached: 1588040402447.jpg (366x360, 24.75K)

The way our brains work is extremely flexible, you can lose a large part of your brain mass and resume normal function within maybe 6 months to a year if that as the other areas of your brain simply optimize themselves to handle multiple tasks.

>Isn't that Biden's skull x-ray
top fucking kek

>The student had a condition called hydrocephalus in which the cerebrospinal fluid (clear colourless fluid in the spaces in and around the spinal cord and the brain) becomes dammed up in the brain instead of circulating around the brain and spinal cord.

Oh fuck, anons...

>Trepanation works by restoring the full pulse pressure of the heartbeat. Then the capillaries slightly blow up and squeeze out an equal amount of the cerebral spinal-fluid. When the circulation becomes sluggish [when not enough cerebral spinal-fluid is being pumped into the brain], stagnant pools can build up and this can contribute to the onset of diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's.

... Should we practice self-trepanation..? Seems like the exact procedure that could have helped this Lorber fellow.

baste konger


Its the other way around.
Only a NPC needs a brain.
why not read to the end of the article

Attached: gay.png (1139x438, 57.65K)

>Yeah, it was effective. After I'd performed the procedure, I wrapped up my head with a scarf, had a steak to replace iron from the lost blood and went to a party. It doesn't set you back at all – it doesn't incapacitate you. It's just a half-hour operation. But in no way am I advocating the idea of self-trepanation; it should always be carried out by members of the medical profession.

>For decades now, i have been haunted by the grainy, black and white xray of a human skull.

I'd figure if you'd spent decades thinking about it you would come across the fact that this is a MRI, not an Xray

What if the just made a mistake with the x-ray?