Okay, I got memed so fucking hard
Me, 16yo
> You don't have black friend, are you racist ?
Me, 18 yo, 2 black friends
> Did you ever considered having sex with a black girl, no, are you racist ?
Me, still 18, had sex with a black girl
> So black are not gf material user ? Are you racist ?
Me, 19, got a black gf, nothing much to say there
Me, 23, dump gf because she cheated on me with one of my black friend
> Wow are you going to blame her user, are you racist ?
Me, 23, blame my black friend
> Dude, white privilege, don't talk to me like this, are you racist ?
Both black friend don't talk to me.
Ex gf got dumped after 2 months kek.
Me, 24, white gf
Me, 26, white gf
> Does it mean that you got tired of black people user ??? It's like racism, are you racist user ?
Me 27, leave white gf, got black gf
> Time to have child user.
> But I don't want children
> Are you saying that you don' t want mixed children, are you racist user ?
Me, 32, 2 kids, black gf cheat on me with a black dude, divorce take half of my money (she had no job), thanks god she took the kids, I don't wanted them.
Wtf is this world become ? So many people made me anxious as shit my whole life. I studied psychology, full of left-tard, the kind I used to be. Left is becoming a sect, it has too stop. I wanted to be the good guy, I ended up mocked and ruined.
Fuck you left