Okay, I got memed so fucking hard

Okay, I got memed so fucking hard

Me, 16yo
> You don't have black friend, are you racist ?

Me, 18 yo, 2 black friends
> Did you ever considered having sex with a black girl, no, are you racist ?

Me, still 18, had sex with a black girl
> So black are not gf material user ? Are you racist ?

Me, 19, got a black gf, nothing much to say there

Me, 23, dump gf because she cheated on me with one of my black friend
> Wow are you going to blame her user, are you racist ?

Me, 23, blame my black friend
> Dude, white privilege, don't talk to me like this, are you racist ?

Both black friend don't talk to me.
Ex gf got dumped after 2 months kek.

Me, 24, white gf
Me, 26, white gf
> Does it mean that you got tired of black people user ??? It's like racism, are you racist user ?

Me 27, leave white gf, got black gf
> Time to have child user.
> But I don't want children
> Are you saying that you don' t want mixed children, are you racist user ?

Me, 32, 2 kids, black gf cheat on me with a black dude, divorce take half of my money (she had no job), thanks god she took the kids, I don't wanted them.

Wtf is this world become ? So many people made me anxious as shit my whole life. I studied psychology, full of left-tard, the kind I used to be. Left is becoming a sect, it has too stop. I wanted to be the good guy, I ended up mocked and ruined.

Fuck you left

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This is SICK!

It's all bullshit but if the fake user said yes at the start they wouldn't be in this hypothetical mess

Ok this is epic

Never go outside your own. Hope you can get things going again user.

drink bleach, maybe it will turn you white
LARPing burgers are annoying

>she took the kids, I don't wanted them.

Welcome to Yas Forums. Jews and feminism did this to you.
Now tell me about your single mother.

While it is sad this happened to you, I think you can still move on, user.

Treat your kids well. Havenone more with a woman you love. Be good.

God loves you, user.
We're all in this thing to lose.
It's a long con.
ACT happy and be grateful for what you do have, despite it all.

I am a mom. Not posting my tits today.

Have one or two more, with a woman you love, this was my original idea.

Your children will be ok with it. Be honest and genuine, they know they're half black.

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Big fat derp but I hope you don't fall for retardation again. Stop racemixing you filthy nigger.

What's it like being this weak?

but anons tell me that black women were made for white cock and that wmbw marriages are the most successful

Check, kek.
Also, (you're) being kind of a jerk to this OP who is obviously


pruned for growth.

Fake story, gay meme flag

Nice larp

I don't think 42 is *that* good an answer, tbqh.

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cool pastarino , letting anyone dictate who to be with is toptier toiletpaperhoarding.

The feminists were right about one thing. Namely:

Sorry for screaming.

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You fucked up, homie. Sucks when you cant go back eh?

I married a grill that doesnt want kids. I didnt either. Didnt.

Now I'm fucked. I'll have more money but I fear hanging myself in my shed in anfew years when all my friends dont talk to me because they have kids and my wife doesnt want to do anything but watch anime and play 10 year old video games. It was cute at first but now ita ruined everything

I can tell by how you talk you’re an Israeli
All of this is a lie

Show flag.
Or I will be forced to leave.



>muh flag

go back to /r/thedonald

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that part, to me, is believable.
have you ever broken up with a long-term gf?

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Is this real? I have never heard anyone talk about interracial relationships either way in real life

On the bright side you got to spread your seed with low effort
On the downside you created more mental mutts

Age b4 beauty, so... after (You)

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wrong pic, sorry

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>What have I become, my sweetest fren? Everyone one I know, goes away, in the end.
And you could have it all, my empire of dirt, it will only let you down, it will only make you hurt.

You are most likely correct.
But, those lies that OP always fucking tells?
Because OP is a fucking faggot sometimes?
They're always true, too.


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somewhere there is a jew and a chink who both owe you a refund.

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Literally a chuckle.
Thank (you), user!

why does any white person truly care what niggers or random white liberals say or think to the point of radically living their life to please them?

>Memeflag OP

Thank God I'm A Country Boy.

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Such is the life of a real world NPC

Kek. (You)

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I take it you're a nigger as well.
Why else would you associate with "black" people?

Imagine being this afraid of being labeled racist

so youve been an easily led faggot your entire life. good goy.

i dicked down a islander girl in my mid 20's

she was hot and really nice,

>had a kid with her
>turned into a beached whale within a year
>turned into a absolute psycho
>her family turned on me
>her brother stabbed me because i wouldnt let him live in my house and eat all my food
>left the fat cunt and my son

haven't seen them since. neither has my family. best of all she doesnt want child support.

dad said "good riddance"


Me too, user, me too. Gullible and extremely self-centered.