Biden is in big trouble

>In March, when a former aide to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden accused the candidate of sexually assaulting her in 1993, two people came forward to say that the woman, Tara Reade, had told them of the incident shortly after it allegedly occurred — her brother, Collin Moulton, and a friend who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retribution.

>Now two more sources have come forward to corroborate certain details about Reade's claims. One of them — a former neighbor of Reade's — has told Insider for the first time, on the record, that Reade disclosed details about the alleged assault to her in the mid-1990s.

Looks like the accusations against biden are now 100x more credible than the accusatins against Kavanaugh ever were. Spread this everywhere on social media.

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>"This happened, and I know it did because I remember talking about it," Lynda LaCasse, who lived next door to Reade in the mid-1990s, told Insider.

>In interviews with Insider, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and politics podcaster Katie Halper (who broke the story of the assault allegations), Reade has said that in the spring or summer of 1993, she was told to meet Biden in a semi-private corridor to deliver a duffel bag. There, she said, Biden pushed her up against a wall, reached under her skirt, and penetrated her with his fingers. When she resisted his advances, Reade said, Biden expressed annoyance and said, "Aw man, I heard you liked me." Then, she said, he pointed a finger at her and said, "You're nothing to me." After that, she said, he shook her by the shoulders and said, "You're OK, you're fine," before walking away.

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Kek, at this point they gonna have to run Hillary.

Biden is leading Trump by +10 in latest Suffolk poll so no he's not in trouble he's winning. Bigly

Wasn’t Hillary also leading by a similar amount?

all women are liars
if it was trump, you'd be on board with that sentiment
being partisan in every single choice is the epitome of a brainlet

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What makes you the brainlet is thinking it's "all women are liars" or "all women are telling the truth"

How about-- SOME women are liars, SOME women are telling the truth and evidence is how we separate them.

Fucking nitwit.

Kek, do you think I care about the accusation itself? Let Biden receive the Kavanaugh treatment. It's only fair.
>being partisan in every single choice is the epitome of a brainlet
Not using your enemy's playbook against him is the epitome of brainlet.

Yes, stop complaining, plaster this shit everywhere. Larp as Bernouts on Twitter. Be creative.

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You sure are pushing this hard.

>and it just always happens be be OUR women that tell the truth and THEIR women that lie
Are you even capable of learning?

>SOME women are liars, SOME women are telling the truth and evidence is how we separate them
Do you consider
>It happened because I said it did and I told somebody so they know I said it happened
>then I said it happened again but I didn't name the perpetrator
as "evidence"?

Why shouldn‘t he?

>Not using your enemy's playbook against him is the epitome of brainlet.
This is so scummy
>hurr durr because my enemy is a scum bag that shits out jewish tricks, that means im allowed to
half the time, when someone Yas Forums says this, they're just GUESSING what their enemy does, in reality most of the time they're wrong, but it doesn't matter because it's just an excuse to use lies and evil to try to beat the other side all while screaming
>n-n-no they do all this stuff too, at least i assume they do, so it's okay
just fuck off the board

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So this isn't shilling, it's redpilling. Got it.

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Oh, look. A very PRINCIPLED(TM) user. Are you Bill Kristol?
>>because my enemy is a scum bag that shits out jewish tricks, that means im allowed to
This but unironically. Let them ive up to their own playbook. (Spoiler: It's already working.)

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>Larp as Bernouts on Twitter. Be creative.
You realize on the mythical DOTR, you go in the over immediately after the jews, yes?
Because you have made yourself no different at all in mindset. Won't be long before you're so desperate to keep the upper hand & be "winning" that all objectiveness or care about the "moral right" you were once in will be a secondary priority.

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ya but Trump raped too and he also sleeps with hookers and other shit so you're saying that the president needs to be perfect when your guy is a low down dirty rotten scoundrel so you can't use anything against Joe because Trump is worse in all counts

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Trump is a known rapist, still people voted him to the White House.
People don't care
they will remember this president who adviced his People to drink bleach and shove UV into their anus

he won't get his kopecks if he doesn't do it

*to the tune of another one bites the dust

>..and another shill exposes himself...

>muh bleach
Your damage control is obvious. Looks like OP struck a nerve.

>Trump raped too
He obviously didn't or else he would've been outed for it by now.

just a drop in the bleach bucket

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You can't make this shit up.

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E. Jean Carroll is still trying to get a DNA sample from Trump. Why won't Trump just give up the DNA?

>implying this is not a DNC plot to bait and switch this old cuck with Andrew Cuomo on the last second.

>implying op is not a Hillary shill faggot trying to weaponize us against this demented faggot.

We don't give a single fuck if he shoved his fist up to his gold watch in her ass, Biden is a fucking slam dunk against trump we want him running and he'll never quit so fuck that bitch too, we riding with Biden

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How fucking new are you?

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when it comes to sexual cases like this, all women are liars
it's too tempting for them, their conscious or subconscious will always add to the story or flat out lie
to tear a man down
because they feel slighted
>n-no im going to be pedantic and make fun of your absolute even though i know personally you implied a very limited scope
>a-also women lie to get trump, b-b-but when they go after a dem, th-they tell the truth
you can't even see it can you?
you're a left-right brainlet
>ooga booga, me team all GOOD
>ooga booga, other team all BAD
go ahead, say its not ALL in your mind, even when it is
go back to /ptg/, reddit spacing peasant

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no amount of bleach will help.

>E. Jean Carroll
You know damn well nobody in general touched her let alone Trump. Why pretend? Even Anderson Cooper didn't believe her shit.

give up the dna then and put it to bed....
oh so if Anderson says something you like he suddenly becomes credible?


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Biden is only in trouble if journos actually do their job and we know that won't happen. Her claims will consistently be derided by CNN, MSNBC, and the NYT as a "conspiracy theory" to smear Biden by "Alt-Right Trolls." This is significant because Lefties are who would have to be convinced in order for Biden to be in any serious trouble as Republicans/Conservatives are basically all-in for Trump anyway.

I'm far from principled
I just hate when people like you make excuses to be evil, or promote evil
>wow the elites are having kids raped in order to generate blackmail by which to control someone fully
>Hmmm, that gives me an idea, I just need to find a kid

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