Dear anons, it's time to be smart > STOP RELITIGATING WHETHER ORANGE MAN IS BAD OR NOT BAD IT'S ATTACK TIME. Amplify the message that Biden campaign is in toruble (and it is) because of accusations 100x more credible than any levvied against any other candidate.
Stop going back and forth with "orange man bad / orange man not bad" as that's how they lock you in place.
> and they say there's no republican shills in this thread. user, plz. In a thread carried on mostly by people that support Trump do you really think it is far fetched to imagine their collective goal would be to make Trump's reelection easier?
> I just enjoy mentioning it when it becomes obvious. You are missing my point, I think. How come it "becomes obvious" if it is obvious from the start. The goal of most political movements is to become the sole power and vanquish those in their paths. I expect fully the progressives, the neolibs, even the "neverTrump neocons" to use all weapons at their disposal trying to destroy Trump and Trump's movement and I expect them to be aware that it is also the goal of the movement they oppose.
What you are saying is akin to > well, I know that country A and country B are at war, I just enjoy mentioning that soldiers from country A are shooting to kill at sight any soldiers from country B they happen to see.
Hudson Ramirez
so where exactly are the patients dying?
Camden Hernandez
> this does not make Trump good I fully understand that user, but it categorically contradictcs your statement at that said > patients are not getting ventilators and are dying as a result.
You can admit to be wrong once in a while user, it doesn't make you any lesser man
James Morris
if tara reade's story is true then why didn't she go to the press with it back when he was running for vice president?
I believe Trump's problem is his overdose on diet coke. Too much aspartame fucked up his brain.
Caleb Phillips
> At least trump supporters respect the constitutional right f- That's no solace and an unforced error. The goal for any strive should be to win at all costs.
Luke Murphy
> if tara reade's story is true then why didn't she go to the press with it back when he was running for vice president? JEJ, I wonder when will the left run with this argument
>Changberg literally can't read >and he wants everyone ITT to know Kek, watching you publicly humiliate yourself is never going to get old. Also, friendly reminder that Creepy Joe Biden has been 100% confirmed to be rapist now, complete with video evidence and everything, Bernie Bros are rightfully fucking livid and on the warpath, and therefore Donald Trump's reelection is 100% guaranteed, which means you have another 57 months (200+ weeks) of President Donald J. Trump to look forward to. >we both know that you're never gonna make it >and that you couldn't even read this post anyway
>Trump complains that women beg him to grab their vaginas >REEE THIS IS LITERALLY RAPE >Biden grabs women's vaginas against their will then fires them when they complain >*silence*
>Hospitals in several states have sought the machines from federal and state stockpiles. Some in New York City have said they plan to use one ventilator to help two COVID-19 patients at a time, which can be risky. Now, it is quite obvious that patients are dying as a result.
John Gray
Dirty little secret is... there was no shortage of ventillators. Inb4 “this guys not from NY.”. Obviously but there was supposed to be a shortage EVERYWHERE.
Aiden Cook
>and that you couldn't even read this post anyway kek i don't think they're allowed to read english because, you know.