> Press D to Dab on his campaign

Attached: Screenshot - 2020-04-28 , 09_54_43.png (1015x620, 122.5K)

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Joe Biden literally celebrates white genocide:


The left is such a fucking disaster.

That's because she has been getting called out for weeks now.


Fuck that backpedaling, smarmy cunt in her nostril.

's the Boss, that's right.

She's a real witch

Hillary is running again, I feel it coming.

It sucks because physically she's a perfect milf mommy but mentally she's a massive fucking cunt.

Joe Biden is the right man for the job. #Biden2020

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Some virtue signalling wannabe feminist witch, using every opportunity she has to get attention

Also one of the "founders" of #MeToo

You are witnessing the removal of Biden by the DNC. A random Larry King caller from the early 90s is discovered. I bet you believe they found all of the 9/11 hijackers passports 2 blocks from the WTC.

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Shut up, slut

Just saw a commercial of sleepy Joe and his wife.
She did all the talking while he stood there with a droopy eye. He looked like he's had a stroke within the last week.
I can't wait to see what happens with the DNC when he dies a month from the election.

Good plan to wait until he is the nominee to acknowledge that he is a child molester and rapist-quality vetting. Next they will say Hillary is the only choice left.

>want to level accusations without it becoming a total shit show
>wait until your rapist has clinched the nomination for president

u do know if you fags really kock off idiotic Joe, Dems will and might have a chance now.

If she does, and that's if, it'll be 100% to shield her from indictment, so she'll pick up where Biden left off, and will end the same way.

Dems are some sorry motherfuckers

She used to have great tits.


Who do they have? Bernie is too commie for the Amerifats.

If they put in a moderate, the Bernouts will go nuclear and Dems will lose anyway. I can't believe they've managed to lose to the third or fourth worst president in US history but it seems inevitable at this point.

It's simple, if you vote for Biden you are a race traitor or an actual shitskin

lol she's still gonna vote or Biden
so what if she hears and sees the bitch? She'll look at her, hear what she has to say, then ignore it and continue endorsing a rapist, because her rapist is supposedly less awful than the other people's rapist.

>i hear and see you, tara
imagine having THAT much of an ego... I regret jerking off to her when I was a teenager.

>worst president in US history
get off my country Chink Chong



This is what 4D chess looks like, Blumpfkins. People have gotten so fed up with the #metoo movement that they'll vote him just to spite these wenches.

Your move, Drumpf.

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So this is what aesthetic feminism looks like.

Except women will eat this up and believe everything these retards say

incoming hilldrone at 9 oclock

>lol she's still gonna vote or Biden
This. Chapos and radical dems will vote along party lines no matter what.

tara reade called her out as a hack today

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Is this liberal mouthpiece allowed to walk off the plantation just like this?

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Biden is a [spoiler]traitor[/spoiler]

They are going to chip him and then control him as the perfect Manchurian candidate. It is ALL in the novel.

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