What is to be done with it? Its degenerative properties are beyond all reasonable measure, it ought to be stopped.
tiktok is much worse at this point
I consider trying it out because I want a gf but don't really have opportunities to meet people
Tinder whores are not gf material. Try going to church, unironically.
anyone using it to hook up during this lockdown bullshit? normally I meet them at a coffee shop or bar but everything is closed. Tinder went to shit anyway i hadn't used it in over a year. I think people are getting over all the online/mobile dating BS and going back to dating people in their extended social circle.
Welcome in Islam, that's the only thing to stop it, and you're well on the way to it over there anyway.
You're a degenerate mate.
Maybe stop being a social degeneracy warrior and let degenerates do what they want?
The problem with degeneracy is that it spreads in the absence of strictures to the contrary by virtue of corresponding to natural drives present in all.
Let's make troll accs
Girls are not tinder to actually meet you unless you are giga chad. They use dm on insta and draw from their orbiters first.
Tinder is just an ego boost for them. Text with Girls there who text you first exclusively. The rest is self centered garbage thots.
Alsonfinding a gf on tinder hahahahaa
>21y virgin
>download tinder
>like 200 girls in 1 week
>only 1 liked back
>ghosted me 4h later
>22y virgin
Am not even that ugly.
But your not top tier. That is the o ly thing women care about and we've enabled it.
A girl called me cute 3 months ago tho. In real life.
Maybe I still have a chance.
I have top tier twunk body.
Been using bumble, same thing as tinder really. Takes me about 3 months of daily use to find a chick worth meeting that also text me back.
My social circles are dudes and women too old or young to date.
My last two gf’s were off tinder. 3 years each one. I broke up with both of them. It just got tiresome
Swiping is stupid. Grindr is click and suck. Much better.
I met my wife through it. Just swipe everything and pick through who you match with.
>see a shitload of chicks 10,000+km.
>what's the fucking point of giving me a distance slider if you're gonna ignore it.
>match with a load of "girls" from Thailand
>they message first
>have a range of responses exceeding the magic 8-ball that is local woman.
>despite speaking little to no English
i for one welcome our bug wives
I quit drinking halfway through the second one. That changed things dramatically. Good for myself but had for the relationship. I’m 27 and have to start from scratch on how to date. I relied on alcohol heavily to work my charm.
I just had my first tinder hook up date with a thic 8/10 5ft2 qt3.14 ama
Pro tip: just do the same thing that you would do when you’re drunk.
It’s the behaviour, not the alcohol that works
You contributed to the terminal decline of western social mores and the dissolution of the family, congratulations.
broke up with ex of 4 years, I'm 30 now, feels like so much time wasted, can't believe I have to start over
Have sex
>ITT beta cucks complain and circle jerk over an app that literally couriers pussy to your front door..
You fags really need to stop worrying about the "degenerates" and start working on yourselves. Complaining on pol won't get you laid, but lifting weight regularly and adhering to a diet.. This shit works.
I'd rather get married.
Stay fit and you’ll be so much better off in 3 years.
Planning to use the time to build up savings, life is cheap without women.