Why just mentioning this man names enrages the migatard?

He's Trump's son in law, you guys should love him! Why does he makes Trump supporters so mad?

Attached: Jared_Kushner_2017.jpg (685x1047, 567.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Youre both synagogue of satan cannibal niggers

Because he's lying about his sexuality.

Attached: 20200402_195431.jpg (923x1262, 342.57K)

Tranny gets BTFO
Tranny cries
Tranny makes new thread to slide old thread
Many such cases
Sad :_(

Attached: jews admin.png (2904x2084, 1.18M)

Jews are just 1.4% of the US population and 0.0025% of the world population

>Bernie Sanders on jew loyalty:
>Chuck Schumer on jew loyalty:
>Joe Biden encouraging white genocide:

Senate (9% jewish, 650% US over-representation)

Michael Bennet (D-CO)
Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Jacky Rosen (D-NV)
Brian Schatz (D-HI)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)

House (8% jewish, 600% US over-representation)

David Cicilline (D-RI)
Stephen Cohen (D-TN)
Susan Davis (D-CA)
Ted Deutch (D-FL)
Eliot Engel (D-NY)
Lois Frankel (D-FL)
Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ)
David Kutsoff (R-TN)
Andy Levin (D-MI)
Mike Levin (D-CA)
Alan Lowenthal (D-CA)
Nita Lowey (D-NY)
Elaine Luria (D-VA)
Jerry Nadler (D-NY)
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)
Dean Phillips (D-MN)
Jamie Raskin (D-MD)
Max Rose (D-NY)
Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
Adam Schiff (D-CA)
Kim Schrier (D-WA)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
Brad Sherman (D-CA)
Brad Schneider (D-IL)
Elissa Slotkin (D-MI)
Susan Wild (D-PA)
John Yarmuth (D-KY)
Lee Zeldin (R-NY)

Supreme Court (33.3% jewish, 2,400% US over-representation):

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (D)
Stephen Breyer (D)
Elena Kagan (D)




Attached: jews funding and voting.jpg (1667x1346, 591.36K)

Joe Biden literally celebrates white genocide:


Attached: jewish vote.jpg (541x492, 70.23K)

what a creepy sob
Bond villains are more warm and fuzzy

Attached: bernie says trump threat to jews.jpg (1812x1426, 554.52K)

>expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources: chuckmaultsby.net/id154.html

Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country


>The truth about the jews, the holocaust and the world wars:
>The truth about jews and slavery:

Attached: antisemitic rant.jpg (981x927, 172.82K)

nice cope dumbass, also capitalism and communism are both invented by jews. fucking magashit.

Attached: miga amerimutt gets his eyes jabbed for zion don.png (583x640, 284.39K)

yes. and so does trump.
Moral of this story: fuck democracy and capitalism/communism

Attached: zion don does it again with white genocide.jpg (1125x1032, 394.42K)

Good thing Trump won't be the one expelling them, he's giving them America on a silverstein platter.

Weird. Do the jews know? They don't seem too... ... maybe you should tell them?

Attached: jew protest.jpg (764x653, 75.58K)

“Thank you to Wayne Allyn Root for the very nice words. “President Trump is the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America, he is the best President for Israel in the history of the world...and the Jewish people in Israel love him
....like he’s the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God...But American Jews don’t know him or like him. They don’t even know what they’re doing or saying anymore. It makes no sense! But that’s OK, if he keeps doing what he’s doing, he’s good for....." -Trump on twitter

Attached: anyone who is for aipac is the enemy of the people.jpg (3160x2882, 1.71M)

see here

Attached: zion don 2020 real maga capitalism has never been tried like communism.jpg (672x371, 74.81K)

>N-Noooo Jews don't control trump at all. NOT MUH HECKING TRUMPERINOOO

Attached: 220px-Sheldon_Adelson_crop.jpg (220x308, 12.18K)

>noooo you're just a shlomo wignat nigger kike tranny shill DXXXXXX

Attached: migapede fag zion don trump 2020 supporter.jpg (678x616, 73.25K)


Let the honorable Lewis Farrakhan talk to the trump supporters and teach them about the synagogue of satan

he's the ambassador of the children of satan, convinced trump to throw away his election platform in favour being even more of israel's bitch. that thing is a cancer in the white house.

I want him to live long enough to see the return of Jesus

Attached: jesusi-jews-are-children-of-satan-john-8-44-oh-so-41272971.png (500x544, 117.71K)

The truth hurts

Great video

Because it reminds them of what they know deep, deep down. The entire Trump family are a bunch of liberals and have been for years. They're literally only in this to further their own ends by exploiting whoever they can.

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Look at those soulless Jewish eyes...

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lmao, newsweek secretly based

Becuase he constantly stabs trump in the back.

why don't Trump removes him then?