How do we stop men from becoming incels?
How do we stop men from becoming incels?
Have sex
Niggers tonguing anus in all the fields
Well shit you just solved it
By a cuck and whore mass genocide. If we kill them all, monogamy will be the only non-degenerate option left. As it should be.
Now this will solve many issues along with the incel issue.
I don't see a reason why should we tolerate poison. Also everyone who is not straight deserves a bullet in the back of their heads. If too many white people die by this way, then we need to kill 5 niggers for one white guy. Also every single jew must be dead for this to work in the most non-bloodbath way possible.
Thinking to much instead of sometimes just going with the flow girls like guys that can make them feel good and as males we overthink and scare girls away when getting pussy is just as easy as being yourself.
>just be yourself bro lol
Take women's rights away. Kick them out of the voting booth, education, and the workforce.
Boom. Now at least every man is economically attractive and higher socioeconomic status to all women.
Incels gtfo Yas Forums and go to /r9k
Make Yas Forums great again
Isn't that the guy who does cock and ball torture with a sponge
Thats step 1, Step 2 is how will you get them sex? Do you just hire a bunch of goverment funded hookers going into incel houses?
women have too much freedom in the modern world. an alpha male such as i in the past would have slaughtered all the competition and kept dozens of females around for myself. it is only natural. then my sons would fuck the women and the cycle would continue. this is literally how the animal kingdom works.
Yeah I bet you would have flourished in the stone age.
war oughta shake things up a bit
No internet or computers as children.
This. Or at the very least keep a strong Male figure in their lives.
Don't have the gumption for that anymore. The new age of conflict is upon us and there will never be a true war again.
Wrong quote.
Stop going for only the hottest girls. Understand that girls have too many options and date up to down. Find a girl who is maybe overweight or has something about her that makes her less attractive. Work on your game, talk to girls about things they're actually interested in, and take better care of both your body and your mind.
Just wait and see how bad it gets. You think these men will ever find anyone? NOPE. You think post wall roasties will ever find love? NOPE. We are headed for a literal epidemic of loneliness. In many ways, we are already there, it's just a matter of letting it sink in. Give it 10 years, and shit will start flying.
What is an incel?
well played
I'm right, though. If incels have sex they stop being incels
Everyone with an IQ lower than 110 will be gassed in the future.
Shit already started flying.
We just spent 5 years, billions of dollars, and millions of lives on a multinational effort to put down the incel rebellion known as ISIS that took over a sizeable portion of Iraq and Syria and managed to export terrorism to the west with impunity.
Offer free whores. That'll turn them into either degenerates or volcels instead.
I actually read an article that analyzed the incel idea that 80% of men are sexless and only Chads get laid anymore and the study found that incels are right, men are having way less sex than ever before, but it was because of two things: 1. Men living with their parents for longer periods of time than ever before and 2. Women staying in college for longer periods of time than ever before
It seemed like a very long, complicated way of saying "Men are too busy laying around mom's house and women are too busy earning stupid degrees"
Make weightlifting a core class in elementary, middle, and high school. Replace social studies.
Make the transition from incel to volcel. Practice freedom from desire.
Impossible if you are on the spectrum
the return of the nuclear family, and removal of der jude
Other way around
It's the other way around.
Men are dropping out of society because they are the 80% and there is nothing for them there.
Women are getting degrees in worthless shit because their lives are subsidized by men as a whole via taxation to the tune of 220K over their lives.
Women making as much or nearly as much as men is a curse because women always want men who make more.
Women going to college is a curse because they want a more educated man than themselves while college is a scam to debt slavery and not worth the cost for the majority of people.
Darwin says we can't.
Don't be OP.
Teach them to socialize.
We have self esteem issue, that's the end product of the campaign ongoing to sap our morale.
We have to find ourselves outside the entertainment industry, outside mass media. We'll manage, we always did.
I don’t understand it. I’m not that great looking, not rich, a little autistic, I’ve always got pussy.
Guess I didn’t overthink it? Rejected by one move on to another?
Post chin.
Why my chin?