Somalis are killing each other in Seattle
Somalis are killing each other in Seattle
that's fine
First of all
May as well call federal way and fife seattle too by that standard. Second of all good. The bermuda triangle of shitskins that is bound by desmoines, kent and tukwila can't depopulate soon enough. I've had just about enough of these shitheads wandering out of their little mogadishu and shitting up my streets.
I hope they keep going
Yeah no shit, most people know that Seattle is perpetually having small scale drug wars.
>illegal invaders killing each other
Good. They need to go back though.
State department is still funding the Apefrican "refugee" invasion of America via the U.N.
the entirety of Western Washington is Seattle, new fag. Go back to California.
Somalis are a fucking plague. That piece of shit Kasich ruined Columbus in 10 short years by flooding Ohio with a huge fucking wave of Somali niggers. One of them chimped out and went on a stabbing spree at The Ohio State University 4-5 years ago but of course it was memoryholed.
How do we get more gund to Seattle?
>Take shelter in a 1st world country
>Does the same thing that he did in his 3rd world country
How about we stop giving a fuck and start sinking their "refugees" boats and expels them?
Grew up in Seattle and was close friends with gang members (went to majority black schools). South Seattle crips are basically 100% african and beef with central Seattle bloods and GDs. My two best friends since kindergarten are both serving 10+ years for drive-bys. Bunch of the african kids I knew in high school are dead or in prison. They are savage animals.
Seattle starts up by Blane and ends at Squim.
My friends is a firefighter in Columbus, they gave to take cops to do inspections in the Somali invested apartments because they're so violent and have ISIS flags everywhere. They also cause a huge amount of automobile accidents
Finally some good news!
fuck those niggers
I visit Ohio every several years and am more and more disgusted every time. The number of people wearing burqas is absolutely insane.
I demand inaction.
Yeah thats what they do and will continue doing, why are these people suprised about this? To me its like being suprised that a woodpecked made a hole to a tree
>They also cause a huge amount of automobile accidents
Based and demolitionderbypilled.
white people are like control rods in a nuclear reactor
start removing them and see what happens
Can confirm, Somalis are fucking everywhere. The Hilliard area is fucked. School buses look like they're unloading from a refugee camp, not the school.
I have a black friend that works at the airport and he fucking hates Somalis because he has to explain things to them over and over and they still don't get it and make his job more difficult. So, I am not surprised and I am also not surprised that the PD in the area don't give a fuck.
Thanks, diversity
Dublin and New Albany are the last bastions keeping Central Ohio from being 3rd world. People bitch about the property prices in these communities but it’s the only thing keeping them from being flooded with shitskins.
Somalis are literally the niggers of niggers.
How could this possibly be happening? All the other majority-black neighbourhoods, cities, countries, and continents on earth are extremely peaceful bastions of art and science.
What's going wrong in Seattle???
What else would be expected?
go back you redditnigger
>My two best friends since kindergarten are both serving 10+ years for drive-bys.
So, they'd be niggers then? Are you a nigger?