Why does one simple sentence make migatards Seethe so hard?

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he actually has a sense of humour, i get it that your kike dictator only knows how to try and contain its population from lynching him

Nothing makes them angrier than repeating things trump actually said.

Why do my invites to take a 57 state tour make you seethe so hard?

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He's gonna lock up Hillary.

Ohhhh so it was humour? Why are migatards in such damage control mode that they need to explain that what he said is true and believable then?

>B-but obamer!

Attached: tuckobsessed.jpg (270x412, 29.88K)

>2016: He's gonna lock up Hillary
>2017: He's gonna lock up Hillary
>2018: He's gonna lock up Hillary
>2019: He's gonna lock up Hillary
>2020: He's gonna lock up Hillary

Why is disinfectant automatically correlated to fucking bleach?

Jesus Christ he's doing it right in front of you and you dumbajits are too dumb to realize

He's setting up liberals to look like antivaxxers right before the election

I dunno, why does it, migatard?

That sentence is fine, because that's literally what he said.

The problem is the media who lied and tried to make it seem like he gave people advice about anything at all, like drinking bleach for example. He didn't give anyone advice to do anything, he was talking about theoretical ideas that doctors could use.

Your picture is also a good example of the lies, because he didn't say anything about bleach.

Also, kill yourself you disgusting incel freak.

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It's funny, studies show that conservatives understand liberals very well, but liberals have no understasnding of conservatives at all.

You have no clue what is even going on, you create strawmans of people because you are completely clueless who Trump supporters really are.

It's just astounding how dumb you people are.

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Do you think I fucking care about liberal zogbot kike loving trump anymore? Every fucking speech "muh roasties, muh niggers, muh spics, muh kikes" what the fuck was he even elected for?

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Based and truthpilled

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Lowest black unemployment

OK incel.

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nice study, shame if someone were to actually look it at though


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1: What did troops in vietnam put in their water to disinfect it?
2: What is a nebulizer?
3: What deal did Aytu BioScience & Cedars-Sinai Medical Center come up with 4 days before your pic?
4: Have you dilated today?

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You do realize you are an incredibly stupid person.

Like actual retard tier.

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>here's actual facts

Good job. Maybe you need to calm down and do some self-reflection. You are displaying all the biases you claim to hate so much.

Because the retards that keeps spamming it don't understand grammar.
>Is there
>Doesn't end in a question mark

>trump talking to several doctors, which will consult him on anything he say, and if he make a error, they will tell him his error
why left always forget to mention this?

And this is where you can look at actual data on the point you raised, understanding from each side of the other's position. Doesn't exactly support what you are saying does it? In fact it shows that the worse strawmanning exists at political extremes, and I would bet you belong to one.

Top kek. It's so funny how you suhuman incel freaks can't handle getting called out for what you are. Genetic waste. You're brain damaged.

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its alriight, did you remember to clpa for NHS tonight though?
you know, you dont deserve their help if you dont clap for them..just a reminder.

seethe, cope, etc.

>A way you can do something like that
Fucking retards, learn to read, fucking niggers

A lot of things make them angry.

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You are so fucking stupid it's hilarious.

It's no wonder your whole life is a disaster and everything you do fails. Do you ever think about how your life is completely worthless? Because it is and you know it deep down.

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Because the people dumb enough to think that way are also dumb enough to not ask for the context of the quote.

Nobody believes this. If right wingers genuinely got more sex Yas Forums would be a happier and healthier place. With less traps and feet pics.

1. Disinfectants get metabolized into compounds that dont do anything against the virus, or they burn anything tissue come in contact with (bleach)

2. See above

3. Ok now deploy it

4. Nigger