I don't understand. It's okay if you wanna be a meat eater, but why is veganism seen as 'fragile'?
>its moral and morality is 'fragile'
You'd seem like the type of person to believe that child molestation, murder is okay. Fuck off
It's also annoying as most of veganism is credited towards (((them))) but not us. Where are my fellow vegan nazi anons at?
Why is Veganism So Hated?
But supposedly they also lead veganism in Israel. Funny how that happens...
Veganism is only ok if you count protein and can manage to eat 6 meals a day or take supplements, otherwise youre hurting yourself
>why is veganism seen as 'fragile'?
many of you look physically fragile
Vegetarian nazbol here but I agree.
People should only be able to eat meat if they raised livestock themselves and also slaughtered (or at least killed) it.
I bet veganism wouldn't be so hated if the majority of you weren't such insufferable faggots about it.
The problem is the retards trying so hard to force veganism are also preaching a vile atheistic message with it, this is why they are hated as much as muslims.
Because meat is essential to our diet
That's the one thing still remaining from my lefty childhood habits...
I would say the preachy vegetarians have their heart in the right place, but are misguided by (((commie))) tactics.
>Refusing animal products from shithole countries that were made with extreme torture is very based and hwhyte.
>Refusing all animal related produce is just retarded.
Also going on a fishing or hunting trip (population control) is a opportunity to eat some 100% fairly contained meat.
Vegans are offputting to everyone and its fact that the vegan diet is unhealthy
Nazis were vegans because they liked animals more than humans, because their entire belief system was founded on butthurt and victim mentality. This is still a common thing today, a lot of people say they like animals more than humans because they see animals as innocent and humans as guilty.
Well there's truth in the whole animals have a degree of innocence. Like fur babies, just do whats instinctual and there are only a select few that exhibit malicious tendencies. (Chimpanzees torture rival tribes babies to ward them off, cats play with food just like killer whales.) That being said I'll still eat an animal, and it's proven that the extra protein/fat is essential for higher end brain functions. Like said before, If vegans were just like "Hey man I just don't think it's right to eat another living being who was brought up in torturous environments but that's just me." I'd agree and fuck, I'd probably fall in line a bit and remember more often to buy open field raised farm animals, but since the majority are just morally grandstanding faggots they can fuck off and die of protein deficiencies.
Cognitive dissonance. Veganism is the final redpill
>... and its fact that the vegan diet is unhealthy
Adolf was a vegetarian later in life, not a vegan. Vegetarianism is okay. You can eat eggs, milk, cheese, cake, just not meat. A few even include fish. And they mostly don't annoy you anymore, because all the vegetarians who did it to be a pest moved on to veganism.
I have an interesting side question... Why does every last woman in America go through a vegetarian phase when she is in her late teens early 20's?
This is a good point, I don't think I've ever heard a vegan or vegetarian advocating for eating less meat or treating animals better - it's always "you are bad if you eat meat" or "eating any amount of meat is unhealthy"
Just because a group of people are groups of people you dislike and they're vegan doesn't mean you shouldn't be nice to animals, it's alright if you're a meat eater.
This. As a vegan, I think that if you do such acts, you are a good person. I know that the majority of vegans are shit, but what could I do? They're lefties who pander to the media instead of actually being mindful about the world. It's unfortunate as vegetarians and vegans were more tolerable back then, hell, Nazi Germany wws a really good place for animal rights. Nowadays Israel is credited for animal rights even though they have the worst animal rights record, they're like "HEY LOOK AT US, WERE NOT WEARING CLOTHES ARE YOU GOYS CONVINCED THAT WERE NICE AND TRUSTWORTHY?". Nazi Germany helped all of its citizens, it's enemies, and animals. It's such unfortunate.
I agree but I don't think anyone would accept lecturing. No matter how much you believe that this is fucked up... It's better to guide them, and let them choose their own path when fully guided.
It's because people know that it's right. I'm not a vegan, but I know that when I eat meat animals have to die, often horribly, it troubles me. I feel guilt. I embrace the guilt and try to use it as a form of appreciation/payment for the animals that have died because of me. I know that I could become a vegan, I know that I could stop eating meat. But I don't. Essentially, because I am lazy, selfish and not necessarily a perfect person
Some people, however, can't accept the fact that they may not be such wonderful people, free of all sin. They can't accept that their choosing to eat meat is their choosing to have an animal suffer; so they get pissed and try to turn it back on vegans.
>vegans are fags/assholes
>they need to shut the fuck up
>annoying preachy fags
What people should say is: yes I kill animals for food. The world is a horrible place and I'm a horrible part of it. Life is shit and then you die.
So the fact there's clear ties to veganism and huge ag corporations, environmentally damaging monoculture and corrupt government agencies is a coincidence? And the fact they all push a certain type of bean that is dangerous to humans in large amounts is all a big coincidence as usual.
veganism will be obsolete once lab grown meat is perfected
just try veganism for a few years and see how depressed and unhealthy you get. veganism is for idiots and only the most brainwashable retards will continue with it for longer than a year. it will make you sick. Orthodox Christians eat no meat for fasting.
i don't want your stupid lab grown slob leaf jew, now fuck off
meat = protein = strength
veganism is only pushed on whites (aside from a few cult religions)
anything that weakens whites is bad. we need more white chads to bully and terrorize progressives and shitskins. some dead farm animals is an acceptable price.
Vegans and vegetarians like to judge others, so they get judged in turn. Don't pester me about eating meat and I'll stop calling you a faggot.
Because I don't want to wither away. My personal health comes first before any moral arguments
And they should only wear shirts if they grow the fibers and fabricate it themselves. Fucking retard
The one on the right?
1) vegans are mostly powerless with no money and the meat industry is an enormous business with great influence, so they can push their propaganda
2) people love eating meat and giving it up would require a personal sacrifice unlike most "activism" and when theres no social benefit from it either because being vegan is seen as cringe they have no (selfish) reason to do it
(i guess you could also a 3rd reason specific to mainstream right wingers and pol, these people are usually retards with no coherent world view who only react to what the left does, so if leftists like veganism they hate it)