Facebook has admitted to banning swathes of users for posting messages saying they were “Proud to be English” on St George’s Day.
As England’s patron saint, St George’s Day has long been celebrated as the English national day — if with less official enthusiasm than St Patrick’s Day in neighbouring Ireland, given the embarrassment of much of the academic, media, and political establishment at expressions of “Englishness”, which they have associated with racism and imperialism.
Someone, some group, or some algorithm moderating also appears to have bought into this mentality, with people who marked St George’s Day with messages expressing pride in the country and their heritage reporting that they were banned from the social media platform.
An image bearing the legend “Proud to Be English” and two crossed flagpoles carrying the English St George’s Cross and the white lion on a red field — a banner associated with Anglo-Saxons — appears to have proved particularly offensive to the so-called “Masters of the Universe“.
Users who shared the image reported receiving messages informing them they had been subject to various bans and suspensions because they had posted content which “goes against our Community Standards on dangerous individuals and organisations”.
That is truly discrimination. I hope the English can return to what they once were. They have such a rich history, so many contributions they have made to this world.
'Proud to be French' wouldn't be treated this way, what do we have that is filling them with envy?
Samuel Reyes
they fear the awakened saxon
Aaron Ortiz
These days, you say you're english, you get arrested and thrown in jail.
Hunter Scott
>“goes against our Community Standards on dangerous individuals and organisations”. The English, apparently.
Leo Cook
To be fair: Facebook uses 3rd party companies to control their complaints. It's likely that there are a lot of leftists among these people who just go rouge. On the other hand they are responsible here. Once the dependency ratio shifts we have civil war here anyways, no matter if the Germans want it or not.
Hunter Green
It shows how quickly basic rights like free speech and no censorship disappears when you become complacent.
Anthony Baker
Almost everyone hates the English pretty much. Sad, even your Scottish, Welsh and N.I brothers do sometimes.
Austin Gutierrez
>they fear the awakened saxon
i just finished watching Vikings, they potrayed the anglos as seriously religeous, to the point every choice they make is if it co-ensides with the bible. very creepy
Jaxson Bailey
>Almost everyone hates the English pretty much.
only the chinese do. Morning chang.
Dominic Howard
Of course it would be treated this way. Welcome to reality, Smith.
Adam Wilson
>they potrayed the anglos as seriously religeous, to the point every choice they make is if it co-ensides with the bible. very creepy
welll they were. Everyone was during that time. Especially when your country is invaded by foreign hordes and it seems like the end times.
Kayden Scott
What if an algerian french would post it?
Noah Scott
I really like Muhammad bin Ahmed Clockmaker's early style.
Benjamin Torres
>welll they were. Everyone was during that time. >Especially when your country is invaded by foreign hordes and it seems like the end times
was it just the vikings / scandanavians attacking paris, sussexx & (cant remember the other place that got rekked) ?
Thomas Sanders
This is disgusting. Fuck kikebook. t. Angry Englishman
Carson Rogers
My Dad is from England and all of my Grandparents are. I notice in the world cup and what not, the English will support other British teams when they're playing non-british teams. But, when it's the English vs. A non British team, the non English british countries will root against the team playing against the English.
Brayden Parker
>Why do Facebook hate the English? .
Facebook is run by silicon valley fascists. They hate all white people who aren't part of their far left cult.
Jeremiah Peterson
Because British is the civic nationalist identity, other than the England football team, English is still for whiteys
Cooper Sanders
Northumbria, Paris & Susexx were getting their shit pushed in by the vikings
Blake Watson
This is correct
Joseph Ramirez
Eternal Anglo btfo
Tyler Stewart
>Facebook who cares boomer
Asher Sanders
Beautiful use of my language. Well done leaf
Connor Moore
>These days, you say you're english, you get arrested and thrown in jail. I had tickets to see him and it has been pushed back to Feb 2021 due to this shitty lockdown.
Bentley Powell
are you guys taught about the 9th century invasions at school?
Hudson Watson
Yes, but this refers specifically to us.
I was around in the days of the NF and co. They rarely to never used the St George cross flag, but they did use the union flag.
So to marry the George flag with racism shows their lack of knowledge more than anything.
Dylan Kelly
anyád üzeni az ebéd elmarad
Hunter Lewis
They basically rekt the whole northern coast of Europe (farthest was Paris), all of England and then basically William took the throne and made a norman the english king. I don't know where Vikings is on the timeline though.
Ryder Harris
How the fuck should i know. I haven't been near a school since the mid 80's