Genetic studies show 1 in 2 French Canadians have at least one Native American ancestor

>Genetic studies show 1 in 2 French Canadians have at least one Native American ancestor

Are French Canadians still white?

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Forgot to post article

native Americans are white, so yes. they're descended from Europeans.

>at least one native american ancestor
This could be incredibly low. Based on your article, it's like 1-2% or less. They're fine. Now niggers, spics, and arabs on the other hand. OUT OUT OUT.

What about 1 drop rule?


Have you ever moved to Québec ? Québec, outside of Montréal (Sherbrooke or in the "North" ) is a white paradise, The United Nigga State, Francistan and United Kalifate can not compare. And even Montréal is 90% white and beautiful.

I'm not given to purity spiralling. I'll take quebecers on my side. We can tell by sight who is white, which is most of the time correct. This divide and conquer bullshit bores me.

I've been, and unironically didn't see a nonwhite outside the city for several days at a time. Very pleasant desu. And relatively few nonwhites even in montreal

Obviously they look white and are almost entirely white genetically but they still have distant non white ancestry, would you let your child marry one of them?

you're getting nowhere with this. This does not seem like the hill to die on

I'm cajun, same situation here, most of us have some blood from "les sauvages" in us. It gives the girls nice black hair. Salut a toute monde quebecois, cousins de nousautres les cajuns.

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Doubtful. French Canadians are 80% R1b.

So in your view there’s nothing wrong with racemixing as long as it’s in small numbers and gets diluted by white blood?

Salut à tout cher cousin,vous avez un tres belle accent.Protegeons notre culture!

Don't put words in my mouth. There's a difference between people who are, in aggregate, 1% nonwhite and those who are like spics 40% nonwhite or american blacks who are 75% nonwhite

yeah, breeding the locals was a local policy of new france.

This. Native Americans are related to early Scandinavians.

Don’t you mean Siberians?

ben sûr pk pas les osti de Québécois sont basé sauf les osti de fifs en Mardetréal

Pretty much this.

t. Queb.

Early Scandinavians were not white. They WHG hobbit-like cannibals afflicted with insular dwarfism.
Native Americans are white because of their ANE admixture. Which is 40% of natives and 40% of Scandinavians TODAY

this is similar all over canada if you stay out of big cities, i think same with USA, and very much same for europe

americans meme here that europe and all these countries are flooded with shitskins, but a large amount of them are still massively white, thank god, it means they can still be visited

rather be 1-5% Huron then 15-40% nigger like most white american mutts outside of Minnesota and Maine

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Also, if we're part Hurons, that makes us métisses, which means imposing diversity on us is racist AND a hatecrime.

Checkmate, anglos.

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Im one of them and i’m white as fuck

now were talking buddy

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No. You must embrace your heritage and renounce the white man's multiculturalism.

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An Indian in the cupboard is nothing to fear. You mutts take pride in this from what I've seen.

This was well known in Canada

That is literally only in the US

Could you use that to benefit affirmative action in Canada?

I'm, memes aside, a quarter huron and I don't think I can get that myself. Never tried, though. Not interested in doing so.

back from like 1800’s supposedly someone in senpai was with an indian, it was always super hush hush in the family tho, this was in upstate maine

Haha! On est les freres inseparable de l'amerique du nord, vive la langue francais, vive jeanne d'arc, vive la foi catholique, maudit les anglais!

Toi t'as la plus belle accent dans toute la monde, j'aime les jurages quebecois tellement beaucoup

Tabarnak osti de calice! Sacrement!

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family* dont know how senpai was written out... lmao

I don't get why you silenced that. Here in Quebec it's axiomatic that every ''pure laine'' has frog, irish and injun ancestry.

That stupid filter is still there. Smh

>reading the Canadian election threads last year out of curiosity
>Quebec votes start coming in
>Quebecanons start getting rowdy and posting all sorts of French Canadian music like this
>it's fucking amazing
Holy shit you all have incredible music. Post more please

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Whiter than you for sure

Applies only to USA and nigger blood as you have

Salut cousin

No they're not. They can't even speak French right.

Ferme ta gueule fucking soushumain, Québec > All

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