Son of a bitch I thought I was at least a national populist

son of a bitch I thought I was at least a national populist.

Where do you lie Yas Forums? political compass thread

Attached: revised ausf1.png (1599x1544, 2.19M)

Other urls found in this thread:

im sorry I failed you

Attached: 2020.png (627x589, 26.31K)

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im a flip flopper

Theocratic distributism on 8 values

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17.22K)

Well, I used to be the Patriot but I guess now I'm a Flip Flopper

I'm a Libertarian at heart but I've become more authoritarian because of all these communists running around

Forgot image

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17.26K)

The Libertarian
Pretty accurate.

Attached: the libertarian.png (895x730, 77.35K)

judge my personality

Attached: FB_IMG_1497392801849.jpg (478x540, 56K)

Oh god oh fuck I'm the boomer what is happening with my life

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17.3K)

Attached: 95F49A31-DFC1-467A-867B-AB76AC45AAE6.png (480x400, 17.2K)

>reach 30s
>ideology moves left to boomer quadrant

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17.23K)

My federal banker brother

I know for a fact that this is BS

Attached: chart (1).png (480x400, 17.28K)

We in here social democrat bros

Attached: polichart.png (480x400, 17.21K)

gay thread

Attached: Anarch-pilled.png (1721x1254, 2.23M)

Based centrists

Anarchy is the only moral system

Attached: 1587991308097.png (2800x1200, 330.82K)

alright, which one am i guys?

Attached: chart (1).png (480x400, 17.24K)

Forgot link

Deus Vult

Attached: political compass .png (480x400, 17.28K)

Have been moving to the right since I found Yas Forums in 2016.

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17.25K)

Let me pose a theory boys and gals, gather 'round. Shilling on this board is at maximum, obvious to any legitimate poster here. It's been proven there is some organization but it's hard for me to believe the countless threads that follow the same topics posted daily at similar times isn't also. About 2 months ago these threads started showing up with "Le Yas Forums wojack xDDD" to make it "congruent with board culture". I'll bet my left nut that this is just for these lowlife commie fucks to gauge if their raiding has changed the average political view of the board. The way OP even worded this dumb shit seems odd as shit. Of course, no evidence here so take what I say as you will. Anyone genuine still left on this God forsaken board, I wish you the best and stay safe from fag marxist tricks like this. There IS better options (no not fucking kikecord, you glowfags) but you just have to look for them.

Attached: Coin.png (1169x6371, 868.21K)

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17.27K)

Guess I'm a progressive

Attached: fuck.png (480x400, 17.26K)

Attached: i-want-an-armed-proletariat-everyone-has-a-right-to-34064875.png (500x801, 246.37K)

The test is complete shit because many questions can be interpreted in lots of ways. Try the Sapply version or just use 8values.

>Feudalist/federal banker

>"Haha, money printer go brrrr"

Nah, something is fucky here. I'm a monarchist at heart. This chart is not accurate as to my beliefs.

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17.26K)

Finally, an honest AnCap meme.
>B-b-But they're breaking the rules. They're supposed to leave me alone.

Attached: 1467960254958.gif (375x375, 160.13K)

Between nationalist populist and alt-right troll.

Get on my level faggot.