Bernie Supporters are getting their yellow vests ready. The democrats will pay for canceling the primarys!

Bernie Supporters are getting their yellow vests ready. The democrats will pay for canceling the primarys!

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At best theyre maybe neverbiden voters until they vote... or not.

They aren't going to pay for shit as long as people keep buying their sophistry and giving them money.

How can Democrats vote for Biden after he was outed as a rapist?

didnt bernie already concede?

They will pay with intentional defeat, like in 2016. The corporate donors will get what they want with either outcome in the general.

Occupy Wall Street part 2. Fuck these motherfuckers

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Only suspending the campaign. He was still collecting delegates

>Occupy Wall Street part 2
Part of the reason nothing gets done in this country is because the masses have been educated to believe that holding signs and chanting slogans is always an effective means of protest. It didn't work during Occupy because (among other reasons) the bankers had no obligation to listen to the protestors and it's not going to work for the DNC because enough people will still vote for them just to be rid of Orange Man.

Well can they bring the AR15s like Trump voters?

SJW shit has always been hypocritical.

>not working
>working so good they hired insurgences to polarize the protests and remove them.

We have documents proving #2.

Biden deserves jail before the November election

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people who tweet about voting don't actually vote

ok coomer

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Or maybe they're going to #DemExit #GreenEnter

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Lol. Don't let reality get in the way of more Berniebro butthurt. Historically, they're not really into reality anyway.

They wont do shit, every Bernie supporter I've met has been a faggy numale, and most of them have been faggy numale gingers. Just shine UV lights on them.

Berniebro here. I nope Trump cancels the November election since the dems are canceling primary elections

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You're a faggy ginger numale arent you?

We will vest with AR15s just like the coronavirus protesters

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can you berniebros do a violence this time?

>Bernie supporters are going to TeaParty-style protest, further exacerbating the CoronaChan epidemic in NYC, nailing people into their houses for significantly longer than would have been necessary if they had just stayed home.


Because Blonald Grumpf is an even bigger rapist and they're convinced they can't vote for anybody else.

They can bring whatever they want, but if their entire plan amounts to standing around and hoping that the same corrupt politicians who never listened to them before will suddenly start, the result will be the same.

They were broken up because they were one step away from creating mass awareness of the jewishness of our financial system. The signs and chanting were otherwise useless.

I agree. We should just cancel all protests and elections henceforth.

Reminder that the Democratic Party is going to disband and go into a civil war because they cannot even agree on a single person.

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Uh try black nationalist. Nina Turner and Briahna Joy Gray are the most impressive black woman in the country

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Hello! Somebody!

You're worth the $9hr ShareBlue is paying you, for sarcasm THAT deep. Your mind is vast and truly profound.

They won't do shit. They're too scared to even leave their homes due to the virus.

Why thank you Hawkfish employee. If I send you my resume will you get me a job there? My Bernie bucks have dried up and all that money is going to Biden now.

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This will be the map, and I have lots of data if anyone wants to see it.

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The greens about to win a state this year