How has this epidemic and how Americans reacted to it affect your view of them?

How has this epidemic and how Americans reacted to it affect your view of them?

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Wtf is a peepaw

Now simping is accepted vocab.
These subhuman whores, cuckservatives and libshits are all responsible for the world and the policies they implemented.
They can die together desu.

Her mistake was thinking anyone cared about their parents or the handicap

That stupid (((white))) woman who talks like a nigger in your OP is correct

Why's she talking like a nigger?

Confirmed my belief that humanity isn't worth saving. Every motherfucker is literally BEGGING to return to their garbage jobs at Macy's selling makeup. BUT MUH JOB. MUH PASSION.

If you're not making the world a better place you are literally a useless cog and should be happy for your time off.

Instead of just like

Ugly jewess, I would love to brutally rape her to death

they are as retarded as expected

you tell me

Tell her to stop talking like "one of the guys" She's humiliating herself.

fuck this bitch, its not about returning to my job i want to play rugby and do shit

she talks like a retarded nigger.
but she's right. even here, this whole fucking place has been doing the same. I can't understand it.
maybe it's time for a change in tempo.

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It's puts everything into perspective about how a general populations complete inability to judge economic impact and human impact can turn into a literal nationwide suicide.

Smug retards convinced for a moment that their mindset "saves" people will stick to the mindset even when it is demonstrably wrong and the negative impacts are destroying the communities they live in.

In 2016 we got to see this effect with Trump and we overly emphasized that it was about Trump. It was not. These people are incompetent. They are being led by the same people who unfortunately were correct about their inability to make sound decisions for themselves. They behave the way the Jews think the goyim behave. The Jews are not wrong. This is the worst part. It's a fucking war between people who make rational observations and the goyim cattle. God fucking help us.

Eternal war between the Overmen and the Subhumans.
Just as Himmler said, kek.

where does natalya think her food and services come from

It's not time off. Ppl lives are destroyed if the don't have an income. The govt can just print money endlessly and hand it out to ppl. Are you a fucking child?

Things will open back up, and then they'll be closed back down. We'll see who is smart enough to survive, and who isn't.
grasshoppers and the ants, user. it's time for a reset.
grasshoppers and ants.

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Do you think she sounds like a nigger in real life or just on Twitter?

Who? Literally who?

The majority of United States citizens begging for their freedom to be taken away over a nothingburger boomer remover disgusts me.

Case in point.

Regardless of what you think about wageys begging for the freedom to work, how can you want to deny them that freedom?


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Guarantee she was bitching about boomers 6 months ago, and now she wants them to live

Pay my rent then dipshit
Are you 14?

The only people dying are old ass farts who were just going to die regardless of what happened.

who the fuck cares where she thinks it comes from? can you provide for yourself? if not, why judge her, for what you realize but choose to do nothing about? you know what's coming. make sure you survive it.
if people weren't trained to think nigger thoughts, this wouldn't be the case. it's like everyone forgot you can grow your own food, have your own water supply, and off grid power. you don't have to be a slave. but that realization requires taking responsibility for yourself. so it's easier to just go back to your master.
do you understand now why slaves running away wasn't more common?
>what if I can't feed myself?
>what if I don't know how to do something?
>what if I can't defend myself?
analysis paralysis. this is what it looks like on a societal scale.

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Neet here

You surely realize that, most people are
Poorfags and live in debt pay check to
Pay check, they're quiet literally
Wage slaves whom have given up their life
To not pay your debts is social and economic suicide.

>Completely ignores the deaths that will result from a massive economic downturn

I hate these boot licking cunts so fucking much. Interesting how she says 'protesting to let'. Not force. She's almost there but freedom is a strange concept to her. If my friends and family want to ignore medical advice and not self-isolate that's on them.

Arbeit macht frei.

don't give me nonsequiturs just because you don't understand how monetary policy works

Do u expect everyone in this country of 300 million to live in a cave and hunt carabu? Kill yourself

It's your gumpa

ooh this is good. I bet that will fucking blue screen the normies.
also checked.

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>Imagine working and not having money saved up
>imagine wanting to pay rent
You stupid niggers have a right to have your payments frozen in this current situation since the lockdown isn't the people's fault or decision.
Go be a kike somewhere else.

I know her, have partied with her a few times. The whole click on FB went far left SJW. The rational left leaning people in our circle won’t even go out to most bars anymore it’s gotten so bad here. She moved away and is a stripper. Midtown RIP. It’s sad, anons. Watched a lot of fun, open, spirited people become possessed by the radical left ideology. Tide is turning though.

This disgusting creature should be strangled.

she's retarded because she doesn't understand that the food that she needs to sustain her "thicc" coalburner ass comes from wageslaves working. BUT. I approve of the blackpilled "fuck the system" mentality.

Death to Israel!

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you didn't answer the question. You understand how fragile the system is. are you ready? or do you live in an apartment, and are in the same situation as she is, only living with the awareness?
the fact that you can't conceptualize anything between those two is extremely telling. you're a citynigger. there's still time to get out. or you can continue to be a slave.

The vast majority of Americans have become fully domesticated.
Cowards hide behind the "community" the same way water buffalo hide in the middle of the herd to save their own skin when the lions attack.
The global Holodomor is coming, and no, the farmers will not grow food for you out of the kindness of their hearts.

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I learned people are ok with being lazy, not having to work, and letting their livelihoods destroyed and majorly set back as long as they can blame it on something that isnt them.

Honestly, Iv been getting sick and tired of the narcissism ,entitlement, and political high school mentality that most people have developed over the past decade, and I thought for sure that a serious world event such as a pandemic would cut through the bullshit and sober everyone the fuck up.

Instead they play the same games, even in the face what they think is a global life or death event.

I do have saving but I’m not gonna deplete them for a stupid fucking reason

This isn’t about me, so because millions of Americans dont have saving which they don’t, they should just be fucked?
Dumbass, this is real life

would rather die protecting what America stands for than fight for my own country.

its fucking embarrassing

I would love to know the system that allows millions of people to not work ever and allow them to live in a modern world without having to go back to hauling wood and picking up gardening just to live

How do we wait we're in the clear? a cure? an inoculation?

The spouse of your meemoo

if this keeps spreading among everyone especially the young who will 99% survive but keep spreading it, Trump's main base will be dying but ma jobs

Fuck off, we're full

White female never fail to give themselves away with their universal shitlib vocabulary

But yes im all for trying to stop an economic crash that will harm 99% of the population rather than save a few boomers and AIDs patients that were going to die a month from now regardless

very nice of you to not read
>You stupid niggers have a right to have your payments frozen in this current situation since the lockdown isn't the people's fault or decision.
You could fucking sue the government for this.
If you're retarded, yes, you should gtfo my plane of existence so i don't have to deal with you

Fuck that's tryhard

The "pandemic" isn't real.

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>Trump's main base will be dying but ma jobs


She reads a lot of Yas Forums.

>implying I would ever be friends with an immunocompromised individual
I don't have time for worthless people, all my friends in excellent shape, both physically and mentally. Broken people will be spared the rope but not the gas when the time comes. How can we ever improve as a species if we keep allowing genetic trash to interbreed with us?

As for how the bullshit lockdown has affected me, I've decided that I no longer believe this country to be salvageable. Big daddy government ramming his authoritarian dick down their throats and all they can do is ask for more. Disgusting people who would sooner be a slave in the barn than a free man holding a hammer. I hope it gets worse, I hope to see starvation and poverty run rampant. I've got my bases covered, let the world burn.

