NY Hospital Head Nurse: MASS KILLING of Patients Underway... "They're Being Left to ROT AND DIE!!!"

They can't handle it anymore. Doctors in New York City have commenced a mass murder operation to free up bedspace in hospitals that have been over capacity for weeks now. There's no way out. It's happening right under our noses. It's already begun.


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this needs to go viral. SPREAD THIS EVERYWHERE. Post it on facebook. Email it to friends. DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY.

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kek good, fuck jew york.

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Omg doctors are evil I had no idea
Every doctor I have met has preformed an abortion

Also we already know bed space isn’t an issue.
This is like low iq Chinashill




Bump for hospitals killing patients for gibs.


how can we stop this?


By spreading this far and wide

O-Oy Vey....

Are there a lot of coronavirus patients in NYC? Are hospitals overcrowded?

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Gee, I wonder what would happen if you put someone suffering from pneumonia into a drug induced coma for a week or two?

Riddle me this

What would you do if your mom's lungs turned to literal mush within 24-72Hrs of showing a fever and her SpO2 saturation is 59%?

What do you do?

Answer: Put her on oxygen machine pray to God and flip a coin.

This retarded fucking nurse should be fired

God damn she is cute as fuck. Got those big horse lips for dick too

Imagine believing a woman.

Why is OP constantly bumping his own thread and changing his flag? Oh right, he's a faggot

This. Once you're to the point you need to be intubated there's a 99% chance you're dead anyway. If you're in that position demand a mega vitamin C drip and hydroxychloroquine with zinc because we have zero other therapeutics.

And yet...that giant floating hospital remains empty...

hydroxychloroquine would likely kill you at that stage.

>literally the first words of your whistleblowing video are "this is gonna go viral"
You fucking wish sweaty. I literally care more about denying this attention whore cunt her limelight than saving lives of city bugmen.

It's almost like this is the exact thing that happened a month ago in Italy, that everyone was saying was going to happen to America

This really is the dumbest fucking country in the world

let them all die

If this is true, fuck going to a hospital if I get carona, I'll take my damn chances


I don't give a shit
only thing I wanna know
are we going to be open come May or not


get thsi to go viral!

and this is such old news. god damn it. we knew TWO months ago that the triage means: olds and evident preexisting conditions are going to be left out to die.

I doubt they're actively killing them. They're just left without help. We knew this.

Cold because CNA niggers.

Fuck. This is scary actually.
I'm in NYC but all of my relatives who DID get it got healed on their own. Which is good. They were old. We knew they'd die if they were permitted to go to any something like non-Lenox-Hill hospital.

But isn't Lenox Hill only using hydroxychloroquine?

Life is never going to be the same. Get used to our new normal.

Hmmm maybe they are heroes after all.

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