Give your country to niggers

Give your country to niggers

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>Jesus Christ with long hair
pick up a KJV Bible please

>be a decent human being
Wow, so hard.

My bad

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He never said that. You are blaspheming our God by spreading lies about Him. You are most likely a hellbound jew who rejects Christ the Messiah, so there is no surprise that you are spreading lies about God.

Christians aren't of any country; they are of the Kingdom of God. They don't idolize countries. Nor should you.

The KJV or any decent bible doesn't talk about his hair length. Though Paul says it's a shame for man to have long hair, he's referring to vanity. There is also a vow called the nazarite vow, where one doesn't cut their hair or beard at all. It can be speculated that Jesus was a nazarite. Paul was.

Not a christian but not tolerating d/c shit like this.
anyone who wants to give our country to niggers gets the bullet.
if you can be christian and natsoc wgaf?


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XAthlTarrent 4k: Upscaled with AI, mossad endtech work:

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>killing your nation for some feelgood abstraction

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You didn't seem to process what I said. Christians don't consider themselves of any nation, just the Kingdom of God. They are ambassadors to the world from that Kingdom. Patriotism is idolatry.

Now you're just repeating yourself.

Where does Jesus say to let foreign invaders brutalize your family?

Yes, that's what's called for when one doesn't process what was said the first time.

No one should brutalize anyone, foreign or not foreign.

Makes me laugh that people like you call pagans LARPers while you talk like this

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No I got it the first time. Christians are globohomo because mommy, daddy and me is gonna be hugging Jesus for an eternity after we die. I for one can't wait until my body of shit, piss, skin and hair is resurrected and I can ride lions in the remade world where there is no sorrow.

And I'd be damned(literally) before I let some fucking cringe nationalism get in the way of that!

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Yes nationalism is cringe

God is not your god. It's the God hoax again, over and over. They change the name of the Jew god Yahweh to God.

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globohomo... uhh I mean Christianity is the best way for me to show how much I love Jesus Christ. There is only one life but billions of feet!

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That would be Yahweh, not God.

Because he actually believes unlike larpagans you faggot, Christianity didn't go extinct nordic gayganism did

America was founded on Christianity with Christian founders and each state's preamble references God of the Bible. Schools in America were founded to teach kids to read the KJV Bible. This was around the same time that America had an immigration policy of free white men only.

I'm not going to waste my time posting quotes from founders exposing their faith in Christ/God or that the nation was meant to be a white nation.


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>God of the Bible
it's god of the Bible, not with a capital letter. There is no God of the Bible. The name of the god of the Judeo-Christians is Yahweh. Jews and Christians believe that their god's name is Yahweh. Jews and Christians worship Yahweh. Yahweh is the name of the god of the Bible.

no lol

jesus, you have souls to save
leave the world maintenance to the people who have to live in it

>larping as a desert tribe isn't larping when my skydaddy is real!!!

There is no solution for humanity's unwillingness to listen short of revoking humanity's freewill - which isn't God's will. Every empire falls, every ideology fails, every human succumbs to old age. Reality is temporary.

Jesus is forever though.

Positive-nihilism: nothing matters, except God. Jesus said as much when he said they'll persecute you if they were willing to persecute Him. You're not greater than God. You can't fix them - get over yourself. Humanity's flaws are inherent to humanity's very being. They come with the package. Where there is light, there is also darkness.

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note that you misappropriate the name of God and give it to the Jew-god Yahweh.

Thanks for the bump, brother.

kys memeflag nigger, you've been spamming your idiocy all over Yas Forums and I'm sick of it