Too many theories out there. Most just scratch the surface. Others are whacko. Where do I look for truth?
Which conspiracy is real?
flat earth is fake, and im pretty sure the moon landing happened. but besides those idk
xMTWtTarrent 4k: Upscaled with AI, mossad endtech work:
None of them half the time, all of them some of the time, a few of them once in a while, and one of them never.
They’re all just glimmers of the truth
That goes for what you call reality as well
I liked the one where we are communicating with ourselves through a wormhole, but the alternative reality is slightly ahead.
Opening your eyes to all the encounters of non-human entities by your fellow man and understanding that it's all related.
First, remember that the term "conspiracy theory" was invented by the CIA to discredit alternative explanations for the JFK assassination. The term has been emotionally hijacked, so please don't use it. In fact, everyone here should be adamantly be opposed to even calling something a conspiracy theory. It creates automatic bias and a lack of reception.
The key to understanding what's real is trusting your sources.
What's more trustable to you: 1) a crazy blog post by some random person proposing something you've never heard of before, or 2) a declassified government document hosted on a .gov domain? By objective measures, number 2 is more trusted.
For example, let's say the blog poster made wild claims about something called the "Gateway Process" and US Army research into altered states of consciousness for out-of-body experiences. He's heard it from sources too sensitive to out, so we just have to trust him. But, what if a document describing exactly these things exist on the CIA's website?
My point is, you have to figure it out for yourself. This information is not intended for public knowledge, until it is. Sources can be compromised to include misinformation, even well-meaning ones.
Gather lots of information from many sources. Consider the independence (and dependence) of each source. The true ideas will emerge from the many painted strokes. It's difficult, but it's possible.
I agree with on both accounts.
if your conspiracy only started after a big global event started its probably fake. Bill Gates and WHO is evil theories for example, which didnt exist before corona. This is just people seeing something change and their fucked up minds are seeing things. This happened with many other things too.
The theories that actually predict something have a basis at least. And no "something big will happen" isn't a prediction.
Also you need to differentiate between conspiracy theory (which is based on evidence and science) and a conspiracy myth, which is based on feelings. Most "theories" are actually the latter.
Friendly reminder
300 hundred thousand jews died during WWII. Not 6 gorillion.
Obama's birth certificate is a fake. HRC first raised the issue about Obama's foreign birth during the 2008 Dem Primary. The deep state told her drop the issue because Obama was their guy and that it would be "her turn" after. "It's my turn!" Trump literally was not suppose to win.
Trump actually won the popular vote, in fact he probably won by 60 to 75 percent of the vote imo. The "polls", and popular vote numbers are just made up. Trump = huge rallies, HRC = high school gym.
Scalia was whacked. That open seat was supposed to be a gift to HRC from the deep state.
"Michelle" Obama is Mike Obama. Those aren't their kids. They're borrowed from their lifelong friends.
China released COVID-19 on purpose to take attention away from the HK protesters, have the perfect reason to ban said protesters from assembling and to fuck over the US economy as America continues to divest in China.
Yes there are secret societies working together for a one world government, currency, and religion. They're occultists and satanists.
This one
>Bill Gates and WHO is evil theories for example
Both of these conspiracies have existed long before Corona. WHO going back to the 70s. Gates to the early 90s.
>Yes there are secret societies working together for a one world government, currency, and religion. They're occultists and satanists.
everything except this is bullshit pulled out of someones ass mixed with anecdotal evidence
I'm not much of a skeptic because I was raised wealthy, so most of the theories would be about me, but:
Many theories about the CIA are essentially true, but they've put out false theories to make them sound crazy.
Bigfoot probably did exist, just not humanoid, he was most likely an emaciated bear.
Roswell wasn't about aliens, but it was a cover up.
Oswald didn't kill JFK, a secret service agent accidentally did and the government hid the brain for fear of reprisal against him.
MK Ultra type things were quite common a few decades ago. It was easy to discredit people as drugged up hippies, now it's easier for the common person to gather evidence.
We landed on the moon, but some of the footage is fake because we fucked up and put the flag too close to the lander. It fell over when they launched back to the Apollo.
I know reality is often less sensational, but that's just how things are.
I respectfully disagree! Cheers!
the moon landing did actually happen
okay, have a good day
Got any evidence for JFK and Apollo? I'd be interested to see it.
Mortal Error is a book about the secret service agent killing JFK. Buzz Aldrin said they knocked over the flag and others independently confirmed it. The flags are also bleached white because there's no atmosphere, something they didn't expect.
9/11 was an Outside Job. Other than that all conspiracies are real including Bubble Yum has spider eggs in the recipe.
White people created AIDS and Ebola
>Bill Gates and WHO is evil theories for example, which didnt exist before corona
So you didn't exist before corona eh?
The JFK book sounds interesting. Have to look into it more.
Wow, didn't know that about the flag. Seems quite plausible, and I wish we had some high-res pics to confirm all that.
You know, my view on most things is that the truth is usually a mixture of narratives. People claim the landings were faked...well, what if they actually went to the moon but the USG was just covering its ass on part of the recordings?
Same, the truth is usually in the middle and the older I get, the more true that becomes
You are both correct, other mes.
Not here.
Hint: deep web
Anthony Weiner’s Laptop had so much dirt on the political elite that it was considered to be Pandora’s Box.
Now it’s already been confiscated and wiped, along with the media already have forgotten about the whole ordeal.
all conspiracies are real
Truth has nothing to do with beliefs or ideology. It's what remains in the absence of any ideas.
Discard all paradigms and abide in yourself. The rest is false.
Thats a cool poster. How much?
Flat earth is the real instrument to uncover freemason cultists.
They never done any experiments to confirm if earth is curved.
i.e. the ultimate dumbass test is not "not doing a couple of easy test and see for yourself.
The Ultimate Dumbass Test is not believing what your anglo-written curriculum says.
Curriculum is the Newest Testament you have to believe in. And this is outright enforced by authorities.
They even made the bogus puppet opposition to curriculim. Of niggers, who bleat some bullshit about science being too white.