BBC Mind control

I just watched 13 minutes of multiple handjob cumshots in a single video.
>average face of a woman pulling white penis is on the left
>average face of a woman pulling on a black penis is on the right
As you may well have gathered and pre-assumed in your minds, the woman on the right is experiencing much more enjoyment and pleasure, as well as facing the penis front on. What may you conclude from this?

Attached: 81845446-421B-4ABE-AE2B-6E769996824C.jpg (2048x1472, 241.24K)

Attached: 26576A4F-F016-45B9-9FD3-D0209571807B.jpg (1337x1289, 62.71K)

A thread died for this

I conclude you're a faggot.

all women on the planet is made for BBC. Maybe the universe is for BBC.

This whole board is just a single long race-play cuck porn experience

Abbo's are gross

Attached: abo.jpg (474x314, 30.36K)

>As you may well have gathered and pre-assumed in your minds, the woman on the right is experiencing much more enjoyment and pleasure, as well as facing the penis front on. What may you conclude from this?
Both look pretty disgusted desu. You autists really have trouble with face-reading huh.

I just a few hours repairing two cylinders head of this bad boy

Attached: unnamed (1).jpg (512x456, 63K)

ill pray for you

Only OP is made for BBC


I can imagine that if an advanced alien race invaded Earth and discovered BLACKED they would soon surrender to us and fantasize about their alien wives getting destroyed by BBC.



OP is projecting

Last board on the internet devoted to free political speech.

>Gets taken over by faggots obsessed with nig on white cuck porn.

source fag

The Jew is made for the bbc. Male and female. All must get a bbc in all their holes, only then will their messiah come.

you dont have paint?

u mad white boi?


girls act sexy when jerking off a horse as long as they are getting paid they dont give a fuck what they fap are you some sort of weird jobless faggot or what

Yes I hope you die a painful death :)


>I just watched 13 minutes of multiple handjob cumshots in a single video.

Attached: sobotka.jpg (1440x1080, 84.78K)

I conclude you're a cuck and that you should kys

Attached: téléchargement.jpg (299x168, 9.89K)

yeah u mad :)

Come on man, only leafs do this shit

Reported for chimp posting

>handjob cumshot compilation
Once more, op is a massive faggot.

That you are a typical anglo.