Why do you racists always have to infiltrate my comfy board and try to tell lies about race?? Look at this shit, this is your fault! There is ZERO scientifically accepted proof that races exist within humans and you fuckers insist on destroying every normal conversation! Nuke this board immediately and hang yourselves!
Fuck Off
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck Off, Nigger.
I hate niggers.
Op is a fag.
Stay on your own goddamn cesspool of a board! We cannot have any normal conversations without you fucking it all up! You have no idea how tiresome this is fucking racist pieces of shit I hope you catch corona
>There is ONE race, the HUMAN race
>catch corona
Let's stop and look at why you are really here OP
If humans were truly considered animals whites would be the main species. All others are subs.
Why can we acknowledge the genetic diversity of different dog breeds but apparently all types of humans are the same with the same physical and intellectual and health characteristics you fucking nigger
Shut it nigger beaner cracker jew
For the lulzzz
lol @ thinking 5-10 reddit communists could ever dominate the discussion on any thread here. these people never learn
Better view of reply
Heckin savedddd
>there's not a lot of evidence backing this up though
what a retard, the correlation is pretty much fucking one to one, even across racial groups.
>mainland chinese, pointy noses
>south island asians (philipinos etc) flat noses
>arid desert arabs, pointy noses
>sub-saharans, flat noses
northern europeans, pointy noses
>meds, rounder noses, except in the east where again, it is more dry desert
>northern native americans, pointed noses
>central and southern "amerindians", rounder and wider noses
also I read like two words of your OP before writing you off as a retard, go back to resetera or wherever the fuck you came from
Science doesn't care about facts. Aryans are different, they in fact value more or less the exact opposite of what other races values. They are biologically still the viking, who arrived, raped and stole what he could and disappeared before the army arrived. He hated the king who sent the army, thought he is evil and his friends were those who helped him with raping and pillaging and the biggest bully was the strongest leader. Non aryans are worthless spineless don't know where they stand. (See Monty Python mocking Jesus praising the meek) Nothong has changed.
Also why does everything on the left got to be about race? Whatever happened to MLK Jr. Saying judge people by the contents of their character and not the colour of their skin, ethnic background, or religious beliefs.
nigger during the height of the viking raids there was neither such thing, they had free reign and they in fact took advantage to the extent they didn't run away, they just stayed and subjugated and made themselves the kings.
look at them. they're the racists now
They were entirely incapable of that, they were exactly as you say just vicious bastards who preyed on the defensekess.
Dude the left always was, Burgess Owen's exposed them for it
You guys missed a perfect opportunity to drop a red pill near the top.
We know we are right.
Little by little, by dropping these red pills, they will slowly understand the truth
>everyone I disagree with is Yas Forums
>everywhere I post needs to be a safe space for my opinions to be freely posted
>I cry when someone disagrees with me
There's no way people actually believe abos are human.
OP probably abandoned the thread due to being butthurt.
Might be from the reddit raid that was posted about earlier today. Coming out guns blazing, boys, tell your head AI he’s a champ for me.
and obviously, the faggot in the pic is posting that on a blueboard, to avoid any possible discussion
At least the lebanese have the balls to actually confront a black market dealer and get a gun. Abos just raid servos with frying pans. Pathetic.
He did it boys, we stopped basedism
I still don't understand how the abos arrived in aus with boats then became retarded, something doesn't add up.