Looks like Egyptian kino is on the menu, boys

Looks like Egyptian kino is on the menu, boys

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>Nuke kikes
>Nuke muzzies
Why not both?

Weird how muzzies think kikes arent semites and dont belong in the middle east. I get the palestinians wanting kiked deported so they can get some land but do other arabs actually care?

most israelis are european they look european

>Returned to their country of origin
Where? Hell?

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Egypt is suddenly going to be attacked by ISIS for 4 years.

Isn't it funny how literally everyone has "persecuted" the Jews at some point? It's like the guy who says all of his exes are crazy ha ha

The jew it is scared.

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great archive OP.

Is this coming to Netflix?

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For real tho it actually looks better than half the shit on Netflix right now lol hope they come out with an English sub

Uuuuuuuuuhh that's gonna be a big Uuuuuuuuuhh from me bro! Uuuuuuuuuhh

> do the other Arabs actually care
The whole world cares except your kike loving country, bongs, and frogs. The usual kike loving suspects. Everyone else in the world wants the kikes to just fuck of f back to Ukraine or wherever they came from

>most israelis are european they look european
>they look european
Comment redundant.

isnt that screenshot of Elysium?

Also egyptians cant make their own cyberpunk shows cause of hall of costs?

ashkenazis are europeans who've had their souls replaced with the spiritual essence of greed and corruption

yea I would smoke a doob and watch that


do you think someone made some subs for it?

Israeli Jews, Jews that have lived there since before Israel was a nation, make up %2 of the population. About 50% of Jews in Israel came from other middle eastern countries and the rest came from Russia, Europe, the UK and America

Semites arent white or european.

How can you be on Yas Forums and pay money to watch poZzed garbage? Are you antifa paying a visit?

Most of us can watch it when it comes out on torrents.

Nothing is on the menu.

ok, (((user)))

>'El-Nehaya’ scriptwriter: we present entertainment through science fiction

oh god i can see how theyre gonna run with that one already

>t. Never been to israel

Where can I watch this?

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looks kino

Yeah? You're desperate for kikes to go to Europe and leave their natural homeland with their arab cousins. That doesn't sound right. White nationalists should be demanding all kikes go to Israel. Like Hitler did.

I don't steal like a degenerate would.

You can't polish a turd

>most israelis are european they look european
are you blind

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>Comment section

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Based and redpilled. They're also heavily inbred.

Actually thats a prophecy. The destruction of Iran, China and Israel.

If united states can get rid of Israel that would be amazing!!

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>Returned to their country of origin
ok now im angry

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Yeah but paintball masks are never a good sign.

fucking based imagine. jollibee is the best.

this is actually a cool trailer?!
do they have a translation (cuz im the last swede who doesnt speak arabic)

>Jews returned to their countries of origin

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