But knowing this you may "reverse the tide"
Jizz on
Singular reminder...Pussy dominion
that’s kind of hot
eddie murphy pussy control
The Shit TEST
I think i have excess copulins
c'mon over, I just got quads ;)
What's their action on dopamine receptors? Since those are what drive male sexuality.
What do I do with this information? What does this information even mean?
Is pussy good for us? That's a shame because I can't get pussy to save my life. Oh well.
read harder
scientific paper
>asks a Yas Forums user whut...
I'm low tes anyway, wheres my benefits. But thanks anyway.
If you knew what it meant you would just say it.
It simply means that men are coomers in all ways of life
I ctrl+f "dopa" and got nothing from OP's article.
>men are coomers
Not me. I don't have sex and don't watch porn.
says inna picture to stick your dick inna prostitutes puzzy for a 150% megaChad testosterone upgrade...
But what about condoms? Surely we should wear condoms if we fuck prostitutes. But do we get the T boost if we wear a condom?
Also, what about the transfer of psychic energy during sex? Do you really want to transfer psychic energy with a prostitute? Think about all the negative energy she carries in her soul. Do you want to invite that filth into your mind, body, and spirit?
here let me crack this fucking code for you.
fuck chicks, get 150% more testosterone, get "working", she get more dicks while you work, gets them working
aka lillith needs an army of unconscious pussy zealots
what she DON'T need is an army of carosel pussy bandits that are conscious and creampie every womb on the planet...
key words; conscious pussy slaying
you got that??? now gimme Nobel Peace Prize
I tried to coom this morning upon waking up but after 45 minutes of asphyxiating the head of my penis I was unable to reach coom, so I decided to begin no fap today.
Beware the Thot Jew
look semi conscious being. since you are semi conscious I am not worried about taking away your freewill or even bending your will.
get conscious, read article this may help and slay prostitute pussy ASAP and make them cum buckets.
lillith will seethe in a warm bath of cum
>you got that???
I am stating to follow you. Could you elaborate a bit more?
Are you saying that we should be fucking as many girls as possible? Because you don't need to tell that to any man. I would be fucking every pussy in sight if that was an option for me. Obviously, fucking even one pussy is not an option for me.
So I just don't fully understand where you are going with this. Every man wants to fuck tons of pussy, but very few can actually do it. (btw, I think the guys who get a lot of pussy are actually gay but that's another discussion entirely)
Why would I waste my hard-earned money on a prostitute when I can spend that money on my car, house, investments, etc?
>But do we get the T boost if we wear a condom?
what part of wetting your dick with pussy juice did you not understand?
>transfer of psychic energy
prove it, get through the shit test, learn how to make chicks cum. practice practice on prostitutes from amsterdam if you want a clean one IDK
this idea of filth is a Puritan one
anything that limits you is wrong.
negative energy requires balance, think you are positive? then its YOUR FUCKING DUTY to equalize the energies for
>muh spirit body and soul hurr durr
this is not for you, just walk away.
*it's OK to give up*
>learn how to make chicks cum. practice practice on prostitutes
I am pretty sure that prostitutes are faking it. Even if they are having real orgasms I doubt that a normal woman would cum from the things that make a prostitute cum.
>from amsterdam if you want a clean one
I'm going to waste tons of money and blow off work to fly all the way to a pot-smoking retard country to have sex with a prostitute? All for a, presumably temporary, increase in T?
I would sooner just buy some T and shoot it into my arm.
>on my car, house, investments, etc?
are you living in April 28th, 2020?
I'm throwing pearls to swine aren't I???
I would hope that you would be a little nicer to me. After all I am basically the only person participating in your thread.
Tell me what you do, day-to-day, to adhere to the advice that you are giving us.
umm cart b4 the horse. I have no problemo at all, (You) on the other hand DO.
"Sounds like you have a real problem there"
this is no guarantee that I care. The ball is on your side of the tennis court.
here ya go
Do affirmations work psychology?
The reason positive affirmations don't work is that they target the conscious level of your mind, but not the unconscious. If what you are trying to affirm is incongruent with a deeply held negative belief, then all that results is an inner struggle.