When and why did it become okay for women to be whores?

When and why did it become okay for women to be whores?

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When we stopped stoning them for it

When Eve ate the forbidden fruit.

It's just a new fad it will pass, don't worry about it.

Just don't pretend that you care about me, don't try to make me love you before the big reveal, and we are gravy, otherwise you are not a good person, you are a piece of shit, and most women are pieces of shit.

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Killing the supply is pointless as it only drives up prices and eventually increases the supply. Killing the demand is key. This is econ101 yet you reject it because facing the truth would put the onus to fix the problem on yourself and you prefer blaming someone else.

When men became weak enough to actually care about what they have to say
That never happened, stop believing Jewish fairytales.

>How I became a whore?

You were born with a vagina.

When men started trafficking and prostituting them for money. So since the beginning of time.


2008, freedom

Something something Jewish nigger globalists

It has become a direct consequence of the cynicism in people/hook up culture. Basically men portray themself as wanting one thing, to fuck and dump, they end up damaging themselves in the process and damaging the women they meet. Women are affected as well, they end up building resentment for men and result to prostitution (escorting, onlyfans, porn, sugar dating) because of all men want is to fuck, might as well make some money out of it. This is wrong on so many level for both genders, it wraps their perception of the world, of humane relationships.

Tl;dr : this is the result of the liberated sexuality meme, prostitutes are damaged people, or/and women who fell into the meme of having a "male sexuality" and fuck as much as possible. Their clients are as damaged.

it happeneds when we dont follow the Bible

nTPmWTarrent 4k: Upscaled with AI, mossad endtech work: mega.nz/file/FpMURajI#MJaFMYRnXVOqHQdq6i_6wZFMVSmIajasrstu4C7LjlI

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yeah around 2007ish

this is the most coherent reply I've ever seen in one of these threads.
agree with you baguettebro

>can't cook
>cant clean
>don't want children
>can't be good mothers
>only reason men would want their company is to plough their furrow
>they seize upon this and use it as some sort of empowerment statement that they have over men

Basically modern women are vapid cunts with no redeeming qualities apart from their vaginas

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>it happeneds when we dont follow the Bible
>When we stopped stoning them for it
>Long fucking explanation for humans
Above is reality. Gods Word is ETERNAL. It does not let us stray if we follow.
Women don't run shit
Men need to work so we don't do evil
Men love their women
Women honor and help men
Gays get the kill
Pedos get the kill
Don't usury your brothers
Don't jack off - make a bunch of kids, and semen retention gives you energy
Don't gossip like bitches against your brothers
Nations and race is important
Stray away from Gods word, and be punished
We are being PUNISHED

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>White woman ate the forbidden fruit

White Anglo simp "men" voted for women to be emancipated. Never let anyone tell you a Jew was the cause of the female being freed. It's always a fucking Anglo. Im so glad Anglos are ending as a race.

All women are innately whores.
They are innately inferior egocentric irresponsible lying amoral manipulative parasites and their pussy is the only thing of value they have.

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Get laid l00zer

was that real Putin quote?

posts her lewds faggot

They're on her twitter

VXZQjTarrent 4k: Upscaled with AI, mossad endtech work: mega.nz/file/FpMURajI#MJaFMYRnXVOqHQdq6i_6wZFMVSmIajasrstu4C7LjlI

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Yes, he follows what happens in Western Europe and the USA. He knows the west is a rotting joke and is about to collapse.

That's a perfect bait cover, also perfect for wasting a thread. I bet the book is not even half as interesting.

Women are trash writers Agatha Christie may be good but most female authors are like Anne Frank, blind deaf jewish and retarded

>When and why did it become okay for women to be whores?
It's the worlds oldest profession so probably around 10,00 B.C

When rap became popular.

Because men wanted them to become whores.

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