What was the purpose?
Why are we so yearnful for change? What links us, and why?

What were the reasons behind Project Stargate? MKultra? Projects regarding secrecy jn general...surely they didn't do anything nefarious to us Kids...hmm?

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We edge more and more toward an unknowable future. Hope or demise?

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We carry on simply to carry on

But surely there is a reason behind it, our lives, this moment

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I was in a gifted program. It was bullshit and I didn't try at all. I got out of class for 2 hours a day to do sudoku puzzles and learn about ancient Roman mythology. They eventually got fed up with my lack of trying and just booted me.
Big fucking whooop

I dont know why you fuckers larp about it being special and then ask why?

Booted you and that was that?
They git frustrated with me, too.. That's why I was put on an experimental beta test for an online independent studies class(es) from 7th to 9th grade (graduated early through a GED equivapent in 10th)

Because certain synchronicities are too blatant to ignore.

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That we were all smart and put into a uniform system? If anything its just been a curse

I just don't think about it anymore.

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To find potential members of the real master race, ITALIAN-AMERICANS. Look at those shapes; they look just like PASTA. Capeesh?

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You shall be useful very soon. Those who tried have lost their original sense beyond the stars. We shall see who will be culled with the orb of 6. All deep astral fags have failed.

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If it means powering the golden throne im out.

Heavy is the crown...
Dissociative memories. Lies fed and conditioned.
Regardless if you mean such things or are being facetious I will find my Destiny, soon... I am on the cusp of it... It is as if I have traversed for years in the Deserts and am almost at my Destination of refuge..

I feel comforted I will soon find the 'why' of things

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You sound very culled and weak. You are all lost. It seems like it truly is inside out.

You don't mean that. You're just trying to antagonize me.. Seems that's the theme this week.. Is the lesson to keep calm or get angry? I'm at a standstill yet that is an understatement.. I'm more like a bottle pressurizing moment by moment with the cap on

Of course the World is upside down - Entropy is a formidable Foe...but..Death need not be the end of Hope. And until my last breath and my next first one I will never give in to a lacking of such notion.

Im going to skip all metaphor, which i rarely do around here: why pick out the brightest kids, give them more education, a more complicated schedule and workload and tell them they are definitive future of the world complete with 99.9% stats on a piece of paper and then the moment we get out in the world

>blah blah participation trophies
>blah blah lets put stupid people in charge and shit on smart people

If thats what you want to know then thats what i want to know. Did they want to prove that brains mean nothing?

>a few similarities
Check all but the israeli gf (BTFO shills who call "trolling", I have one already). What's the theory on WHY it's these specific 'similarities' tho? Were (((they))) looking for a specific match or all matches potential candidates for whatever the fuck they were doing?

... I tend to think their purpose was rather malevolent.. I want to believe otherwise.. But..

Some of us could have been the next Generals. Political Leaders. Scientists even.. Some were... But...

I think their was a type if conditioning applied to us. Multifaceted. Terrifyingly succesful and efficient..

Threadly reminder that GATE started in the 70s once the federal government approved funding for any school district that provided special education programs (backed by Tavistock). Some school districts realized they could create multiple programs for additional funding - one for mentally disabled, one for speech/ESL, one for gifted and talented. The federal grants do not specify the districts have to spend the money on the programs, so most of the funding went towards the mentally disabled who legitimately need special equipment and instructors. The government had tons of old psychological, IQ and ESP research tests (like Zener cards) laying around, so the school districts used those to determine gifted kids, then repackaged them daily, put a glorified babysitter in charge of the GATE classes, and pocketed the money.

This social isolation coupled with a sense of perfectionism, elitism and stress (after all, once called gifted you are pressured to use your gifts) leads to adults with severe depression, a bend towards perfectionism, identity issues, social awkwardness, addiction issues, and severe anxiety. GATE kids were abused by a system which was only seeking some extra cash - they didn't care at all about what happens when you isolate and reinforce awful habits in kids twenty years down the line. This abuse pre-disposes us to wishing we were something better than the broken children a lot of us are, and reinforced pattern recognition in childhood leads us to be conspiratorial in adulthood (even if some of them are true).

Beyond that, who knows if further testing was done. Some of us are sterile, usually those of us who remember the injections in our hands.

We were taken from our parents by MSS and given Adderall and Modefinil. Classes started at 6am and ended at 10pm. We all have advanced degrees in math, physics and biochemistry.

We learnt English, cultural details, and we were smuggled in cargo containers. We are stealing your secrets and undermining your confidence. You can't defeat us, for we are legion and we will win.

If they wanted to create a royal pain in the ass i guess im doing my job. Hope somebody got what they wanted.

The purpose was to find people that were not susceptible to being easily programmed or indoctrinated into the beliefs that the mainstream push, if you ever wonder why you feel alone in a sea of NPCs that's the effect they were trying to conquer.
First they started by trying to understand how we thought, if our brains were working in any specific way differently than our peers.
The long retired MKultra experts then decided that they wanted to come up with a plan with the hopes of stifling these kinds of minds if they could not control them.
They came up with a simple answer, distraction. Many of the GATE kids showed promise and almost normalcy when they were introduced to new and interesting things. Things that their minds could decipher and were naturally attracted to. So what do you do?
You create and endless stream of distractions, one cannot latch on but just enough of a dopamine hit and you get hooked on something, games, porn, hobbies. It distracts you from being a producer rather than a consumer, it keeps the status quo of people who think like them getting into powerful positions while logical and observational young kids get bullied or side tracked by things that they find interesting.
That's just my opinion. Either that or a secretive organization was trying to see if they could build and army of spergs to save the world, and someone just happened to create a website that would turn them into one of the largest and most effective intelligence gathering networks on the planet.

Those classes were for midwits. The smart kids were able to blend in with the average.

Sign me up, I live in commiefornia and desu would rather be spent as fuel to maintain the Emperor's Warp-Beacon

>have all but three of those cases.
I'm sure it's just coincidence.....

This slide thread again with the same scripted responses

This seems like a depressingly accurate assessment of the program. Mostly a case of schools seeing sweet sweet federal dollars dangled in front of them and doing as little as possible to get that green.

Goal was to sabotage the disciplined mind of the GATE kid

>can't even spell
Classic GATE behavior

Timestamp left nipple or gtfo

Oh.. I'm just a bot.
No! I'm a Shill!
A bot-Shill.
Oh.. Too many complex coincidences anyhow. What would it matter?

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On surface it was most likely the case. But... A few classes. A few Teachers..

Were different.

Strange how a few Teachers "died" a few years after we left their

It might be a slide thread since tinfoil niggers love things they dont understand, but im definitely not scripted and asking wtf it was all for weighs on my mind more than is probably healthy.

Sure but why are the kids mostly ones with these specific 'similarities'

Depressingly accurate is par for the course of this grey world. Always assume stupidity before complex malice - it doesn't bring me an ounce of comfort to realize our lives were thrown away for pennies, but what lives aren't nowadays? The best we can do is fight against that, at least we have our suffering in common.

NYou all that went in those white vans Iwere lost the moment you couldn't Gcontrol your sperg. Diversity is the least Gof you all especially your biomass. It Edoes not matter now everything is set in Rperfect alignment.
Zodiac astrological anomalies.

The Time has come for us to create a new & perfect world.

We shall become as one.

Alright let's do it. I'm ready now, tonight.