/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3495

► Detected: 3,064,894 (+2,380) ► Died: 211,609 (+160) ► Day: 110 (-21:24:00)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,622 strains have been sequenced —


Over 122,000 deaths went unreported in 14 countries

Hispanics and blacks account for most deaths in California

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals

Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

8 patients in Hong Kong test positive after "recovery"

Virus can live in the air for several hours

No therapies have been shown effective to date

Fully airborne, Italy claims virus found in dust clouds

Antibody levels detected by tests don't guarantee immunity

Biggest slums in Brazil see first coronavirus deaths

H1N1 only had 18,500 confirmed deaths, rest is estimated

Engineered SARS-related bat coronavirus caused polemic over risks

Sweden doesn't test or count suspected deaths

▶ 25 new cases in Kazakhstan
▶ 9 new cases and 4 new deaths in Liberia
▶ 151 new cases and 6 new deaths in the United States
▶ 2 new cases in Paraguay
▶ 945 new cases and 60 new deaths in Brazil
▶ 30 new cases in Guatemala
▶ 64 new cases and 3 new deaths in Bolivia
▶ 14 new cases and 1 new death in South Korea
▶ 2 new cases in Haiti


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Other urls found in this thread:


first for defecting to North Korea

>webm bodies
where is that?

all hail the Supreme Leader of North Korea
the uninfected goddess

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Virus uses up your magnesium:

Low magnesium associated with clotting:

Know what else seems to increase clotting? High calcium. Somehow leads to calcification.

Know what else seems associated with calcification? Kawasaki syndrome, which this virus seems to be causing in kids.

Kawasaki syndrome is thought to be related CD8 T cells being infected, and it looks like SARS CoV 2 infects those.

Is SARS CoV 2 causing calcification? How do we fight calcification? My thinking is a magnesium supplement, but if the virus needs magnesium to replicate then I worry that a magnesium supplement would just make the virus replicate uncontrollably and kill us faster.

All statements here googleable, sorry no source, I think I have covid because I have had a hard time breathing for two months since leaving NYC. Need to get some sleep, hoping if I get enough rest that my breathing won't keep worsening as fast.

What if covid19 has been here since 2017?


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>t. iherb shill

I dont even have to read that article to know that doesnt make any sense at all

i honestly wouldnt hit that. teeth are probably fucked due to lack of fluoride much less the rest of shit because no healthcare

She gained a new symptom, rashes.


I used to be like you.
RACIST towards god's lesser races and guess what? a VIRGIN.

Now I'm knee deep in hot gash since I embraced a respectful lifestyle.

Corona chan 3 mil update , post it

ever single thing in that image looks shooped

She will be the cutest dictator ever.

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that was a nerve agent the sand niggers and rooskies were dicking around with. if it was covid it would of spread at the same rate the last 2 months have been happening. those cave dwelling goat fuckers wouldnt of been able to contain it

Bat Coronavirus outbreak found in pork that the Chinese ate then traveled out of China.

Meanwhile, the real news is happening elsewhere.

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stop bragging about how many dogs you fuck, leaf


she's so productive

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The REAL virus is racism. A mind virus. And guess what? it's spreading. :(

>Jew doctor
>compeltely misrepresents the data like a retard
checks out

Do you wake up every morning saying hail victory nothingburgers?
Or bless Israel?

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shill be GONE

And this too (it seems)

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Does Erickson sound like a Jewish name?

Daily reminder
>there's a CO2 shortage happening, CO2 is essential for regulating ph levels for water purification procedures
>Meat packing and processing workers, plus inspectors are getting sick with the WuFlu, deaths are now being recorded
>Nuclear power plant workers are starting to test positive for the WuFlu
>Key military top brass have been evacuated to nuclear fallout bunkers such as the Cheyenne Mountains
>Secret service military forces have been activated in case whitehouse personnel have to be evacuated from DC
>This virus has mild affinity to the ACE 2 receptor of vital cattle herd animals such as cows

Don't focus so much on the numbers, but rather the actions of our Kike politicians and the science behind this disease, as well as self improvement in general.

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shame none of that fat went to her tits

>there's a CO2 shortage happening
Huh, al gore told me there's too much CO2.

>what does the article mean

HKU2 isn't even in the same genus of coronaviruses as Sarbecoviruses. It's an alphacoronavirus. That's like pointing at a fox and saying it means there are wolves in the area.

95% of us probably had the virus without even noticing.

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officially best picture Ive seen of her but low def,

>pigs from china
>pork imports in US come from china
>meat packaging plants just NOW having massive outbreaks with dead people

Lol. No one believes this shit. Keeping trucking good buddy.

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all doctors are jews user


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SHUT THE FUCK UP. We're so fucking fed up with you /cvg/ retard virgin faggots, this virus has fucking DESTROYED my life and the trajectory I was on to build my career. ALL FOR THE FUCKING FLU. I haven't fucked my girlfriend in more than a month now, I shower every time I take a shit, I'm dead fucking broke, my work industry is in shambles for god knows how long, my parents are unemployed, I'm soon going to be evicted, and I was JUST beginning to see light beyond the horizon only for A FUCKING FLU to ruin EVERYTHING I'VE WORKED FOR. And you motherfuckers are STILL insisting that muh revelations is right around the corner. You happeningfags come out like the insectoid NPCs that you are and then scurry back in the corners when you're BTFO every goddamn time, refusing to apologize for your desperate fearmongering derived from your meaningless apathetic miserable existences. BURN IN FUCKING HELL YOU HAPPENINGFAGS!!!!!

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This one is new to me fren, if I had to guess I would say Ecuador.

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Enlightenment is not a virus

>being this fucking retarded

Here's your last (((you))) from me, appreciate it.

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refined proooooover OC

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Hear these powerful words of healing:

"We are all one race, the Human Race".

- Prof. Moshe Goldenstern-Jafari, President of the African International Discrimination Society

al gore is a kike like his cousin bush and his great great... uncle teddy rosenfeld

Wow, nothingburgers are really hitting the mainstream. This will be a fun couple of weeks.

>he's not essential

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you misread. those bats had a coinfection of HKU2 along with sars-cov. that
>Interestingly, several bats sampled were coinfected with HKU2, an alphacoronavirus, providing direct evidence that individual bats can host divergent coronaviruses, even across groups.

they also had another infection after years
>Further, tagging and clinical assessment of infected bats over a four-year period showed only minor weight loss associated with Rp3 infection, with viral clearance occurring between two weeks and four months. Analysis of the ten novel genomes gathered in this study combined with previously published sequences demonstrated evidence of frequent recombination between the strains.

sars-cov was found in 2017. if it get here, we don't know.

quoting my first reply in case people make the same msitake.

>be doctor
>call virus fake
>never worked with a single infected patient
>never even TEST anybody for the virus
> talk for 20 minutes straight about how its a fake virus
Yeah I wonder why it was taken down, awful crazy how easy it is to take shit out of context when its a video you didnt even watch

Yeah I keep on forgetting that one.

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Whatcha going to bake ya Knothing Burger bun with ?


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>tfw pair of shills filtered and they still bump the thread

Entropy is part of life, user.

>liver damage
>kidney damage
>brain damage
>heart damage
>testicular damage
>lung damage
>2nd kind of lung damage
>low 02 aspyhxiation
>ctyokine cascade
>permanently immuni-compromised
>no cured, no recovery
>keeps coming back until it kills you
>lays dormant like HIV
>asymptomatic transmission ('heathy' people spread it)
>inter-species transmission (live stock can get it)
>blood transmission (mosquitos can spread it)
>SARS-like mutations make vaccine a pipe dream

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feel better soon fren

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breddy gud

Argi has been doing /cvg/ threads for fucking ever now.

Either get over it or fuck off. You only have 2 options.

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They shouldn't be censored, but it's not just the flu, bro.

Right now, it's killing 21.4 times more than influenza in NYC in the same time. Unless just a flu means Spanish Flu to you, then ok, cool.

Nothingburger is the most mainstream position now all because of Tiktok videos

>if I had to guess I would say Ecuador.
same here

>how can 2017 corona virus infect people when the meat isn't shipped to us.
not the meat, the chinese that still buy it, still ate the tainted coronavirus infested meat. those infected chinese people will fly and remain infected.

coronavirus takes a week or two to clear up. give it thought

quoting my post so no one makes the same mistake.

You got your thinking cap on, thanks

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Jeez, first the meat
>SIGNIFICANT RAMIFICATIONS’: Meat Shortage Fears Deepen As Tyson Foods Closes Its Largest Pork Plant Indefinitely


Now the bread too? This is truly a nothingburger

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>interracial porn
>dog involved
>checks flag
Yup some things not even the pandemic can change

Embrace the end.

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this is why avoid these threads they fucking scare the shit out of me, I want to drive into the wilderness

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>sars-cov was found in 2017
It was found in 2002, and in 2016 the WHO said it was one of the likeliest viruses to cause an epidemic. Which it did (kinda, both SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 are considered subspecies of SARSr-CoV). None of this is particularly new, only that it finally managed human-to-human transmission in 2019.

Funny enough, a japan user said the same a few threads ago:



I have been speculating that macrophage infection has caused granuloma disease with this virus. These are little clots of immune system matter that act as little time release capsules causing recurrent and wavy symptoms.
I learned about this by studying cat coronaviruses because human coronaviruses don’t infect macrophages.

When this granuloma disease occurs in cats it’s called FIP. This disease takes 6 months to progress and is 95% lethal. It affects kittens the worst.

This article up top sound a fucking lot like FIP. Watch out for kids getting fluid filling up cavities inside them. Fuck! 95% kidderinos NOOO!!!

>virus reemerges every flu season with a newer, more deadly strain
>adults have permanent balls damage even if they survive for 5+ years
>children massively drop dead around November
haha wew lad this is a n-nothingburger I swear this will not depopulate any part of the world

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feels good man

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>I haven't left the White House in months

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It's a combination of factors really

>kike media downplaying the fact this is fucking SARS2
>retarded fucking nurses who're probably 60% minorities making shitty tiktok videos like the attention whores they are
>kike media and government itself fed false information from January to February and the majority of March
>there are still kike elements in the media that constantly seed nothingburger memetic warfare

I mean they're literally latching on to that Stanford study like rats on a sinking ship, despite all of the flaws (e.g. unapproved test, poor sample recruiting, etc).

>None of this is particularly new, only that it finally managed human-to-human transmission in 2019.
10% to 40% of the common cold is caused by coronavirus so it isn't new in 2019 either.


what you missed was that multiple coronaviruses can infect a single host.

if covid19 can mutate enough to create groups of unique coronavirus, its trouble

quoting because people don't know anything for some reason

She's the gift that keeps on giving.

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Shouldn't be censored is an understatement. The main outlet, usually to give a voice to less popular opinions (on political matters at least), is saying it's wrongthink.

You'd think they'd have controlled the food supply a lot better, but then you get world leaders and whatnot getting it, so yeah.

I guess most of them will at least get over it, with a small chance [for now] of reactivation.



So it’s true, this is the start of the second great meme war


▶ 164 new cases and 9 new deaths in Pakistan
▶ 7 new cases and 2 new deaths in Thailand

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Somehow most people don't know what's really happening with our food supply.

Swine flu is killing pigs in an absolute horrible rate even before corona. 50% of all pig population is down and some of the biggest exporters are China and the US so likely no more meat for everyone. Swine flu is also everywhere so even if you have local poultry production, it is affected by it.

There are literally 2 bird flu strains fucking up our chicken supply. This is mostly in Europe and China(again) but it is being seen everywhere else too so an outbreak will likely happen.


Red tide. With our temperature heating up, red tide is more likely. You know the effects of us not polluting? Higher temps! Quite funny isn't it.

The only meat still good is beef.