Crashing poll numbers

>Crashing poll numbers
>Pandemic out of control
>Record unemployment
>Storming out of his own conferences
>Blaming everyone but himself
>Incoherent rage posting on twitter
>'Pretending' to be retarded as an excuse

Yeah, I'm thinking he's done.

>President Donald Trump’s behavior has grown even more erratic in recent days, highlighted by bizarre tweets about journalists who won “Noble” Prizes and angry attacks against Fox News.

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Never, ever trust CNN.

I’ll still never vote for pedo Joe or ANY democrat.


When he gets ousted, will he go quietly? Or will he nuke something?

It's no longer MAGA, it's 'KAG'.
Maga has been achieved, Murica is now great. :^)

Plandemic is over, son.


He is as popular as ever here (Florida). I know a number of people that didn’t vote for him last time but will this time.

And you know it. Dumbass faggot.

How can anyone be surprised by this behavior? We elected him because it'd be a funny meme

Fake news by the liberal establishment.

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He'll probably try to do something like that but people around him won't let him.
Kushner has poked fun at Trump's outlandish ideas like 'building a wall', he wouldn't allow it.

It's honestly kind of sad what happened to this man. Does he even want a second term anymore?

There is no liberal establishment. Fuck off you establishment shill faggot

Is this the best they have 6months out?

Says the Kike shill.


bait. obvious bait.
no ones this retarded

>Does he even want a second term anymore?
Tucker Carlson asked this a few months ago, said it's possible Trump is trying to lose on purpose.

You are the kike shill. Stop projecting faggot and stop acting like kikes and the right aren't in bed together.

Stopped reading at
>Crashing poll numbers

His approval rating has been going up, is going up, and will continue to go up.

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Trump's polls are falling because he's losing the alpha vote. The grab them by the pussy recording is nothing compared to alpha Joe fingerbanging his aide in a hallway like a fucking boss. Trump is all talk but Joe is a man of pure unrequited action.

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The right is efficacious politically. At the very least they aren't blatantly in bed with the niggers and kikes because no Straight white man with any sense would vote against his own interests.

Niggers and mentally deranged trannies don't have the mental capacity to choose whats best for themselves.

Except that his poll numbers are going up, not down.

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it's election season and the fake news is becoming more vicious

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It all depends on who they replace joepedo with

Biden 2020.

Trump may have won the rape and pedo vote in 2016, but he has no chance to get it in 2020. Face it. Drumpf is done.

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Hi Rabbi


Fuck you rape and pedo hater. You wont be laughing we when have one as president in November.

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Heh, Trump is the "underdog" again?

How did that work out the last 17 times he was called that?

He beat experienced politicians Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Jim Gilmore, Marco Rubio, Rick Perry, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, Lindsey Graham, George Pataki, Jim Gilmore, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, Carley Fiorina, Chris Christie and Hillary Clinton.

Almost all of the press and media were negative against Trump too.

I wonder how Biden will fare against Trump in the debates?

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>Less deaths in 2020 than 2019
Prove me wrong. Ill even give you the link