How can become a chad a fuck girls like pic related?

How can become a chad a fuck girls like pic related?

Is it genetics?

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If u have to ask, it’s already too late for u


You gotta be al dente

maybe learn your grammar first

Hiding unsightly feet. Many such cases.

Get fit and have a positive attitude. All women want is a confident guy. Just walk up to a hot co worker and smack her ass and hand her a piece of power with your address and what you want for dinner. Later that night you will have your favorite meal and pussy.


>1 post by this ID
>non political

Don't fall for it NewFags

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Not power paper

acquire $500 and then offer it to her in minecraft

7inch+ cock
in really good shape
like whatever music is popular atm
one nerdy quality, normie nerd stuff like star wars and you can't care about it very much
have your own house
a nice fast car
make 90k a year+
you're welcome

and a big cock, its a must

Looks like a man, gross

Is writing "you" really too much for you? Goddamn zoomer.


So this is how it feels to be a chad.

stfu boomer trash. Your time has past.

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just making 90k a year and 510 at least and not too fat nor too ugly and you get a one night stand

Actually knowing how to fuck and pleasure your lady > big cock

>that jaw
i have some bad news for ya lad

Be tall

That is it

>Nike Dunks.

In the trash she goes.

I'm tall

that's not it

i usually just throw them on their backs and jam it in like i own the puss, then fuck them until they pass out

you could trick a younger one, or slip them a mickey

Not giving a fuck about female pleasure >>> having a big dick >> being a skilled lover

>How can become a chad a fuck girls like pic related?
Just talk to cute girls, it works for me.

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But how would Mrs. Dente feel about that?

based feet enthusiast

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Be black, unironically

Usually you are 14 in your mom's add-on bedroom.

Yes it is you just have autism or something

Allow me to introduce you to my world, the world of manlets
I don’t even exist to females or people
At least you have a shot to ascend and get women if you fix whatever is wrong with you

For me it was over the second I was born

Gotta be black in modern Anglo nations.

How bad is it for you m8. Manlet checking in at 5'8" is it over?

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Go away yids

MGTOW. /thread.

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I am brown, does it count

You don't need to be a chad. Girls go for intelligence and humor 90% of the time. You'll run into a few that are stuck in asshole mate mode, but in the end you'll bag a hottie.