If Hispanics are 'naturally conservative'

...then why don't the vote conservative?

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because hispanics aren't naturally conservative

because coomservatives only care about rich kikes? hello?????

What evidence do you have that the are naturally conservative? Every spic country embraces communism when the masses are given the vote time and again.

Stop being racist towards us and stop sucking corporate semen and we will

Looks like importing labor from Africa, China, Ireland, Italy, (((Germany))), Eastern Europe, Russia, Mexico, and India turned out to be a mistake, huh?

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Spics only vote on spic-related issues. For example, they're hardcore anti-abortion, but if they were given the choice to vote for a candidate who endorsed abortion, but would give amnesty to all current illegals, they would vote for him in a heartbeat.

It's no different from blacks being conservative, Jesus loving, homophobic Republicans at heart, but still consistently vote Democrat.

Because they aren't. They want gibs and are usually ghetto trash.

Because wypipo bad
>Democrats hate wypipo
>Minorities hate wypipo
Match made in heaven

Mexican women are turbo commies.

because the candidates who support bringing their families and friends over without consequences are leftists and liberals. they are self centered

Are you lost? Nobody has ever implied anything different.

the feminist movement turned the entire generation of females into commies sadly

Of course they're conservative. They vote Democrat just like their husbands!

They arent conservative
They believe all good things come from the government
Some Hispanics have traditional cultural practices but those have zero to do with how they vote

>it's the non-WASPs fault the WASPs imported non-WASPs for cheap labor

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Because the conservatives of America want to conserve America not Hispanic countries

>WASPs imported
Jews arent wasps mohel.

Catholics are socialist by nature.

I see this question posted here at least once a week, but I've never heard anyone actually say Hispanics are naturally conservative..never once. Where did this concept come from?

They’re socially conservative but it doesn’t matter as long as you promise gibs and socialist policies. Just look at the shitholes they come from.

Hispanics, like blacks and muslims are socially conservative. They all hate LGBT faggotry, are pro-macho, anti-sjw, and staunchly racists.

Politically, they are democrats though, because the democrats' policies bring them together in various ways. Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims receive gibs from the democrats. Hispanics though just lean more into the democrats because they're closest to being communists, and from what I've seen, hispanics are weirdly the most susceptible to commie propaganda out of all groups.

because they're easily brainwashed

>Founding Fathers

>Not jews
You've got a lot of lurking to do.

because republicans are full on globohomo and carry water for jews

>WASPs aren't good at anything other than getting exploited by Jews
Gets the noggin joggin

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Make no mistake, hispanics aren't conaervative, at all. The misconception comes from the fact that latina women are standoffish as fuck (giving the impression of sexual conservatism qhen in reality you just need big balls) and latino men are either ultra religious or ultra violent. So this combo makes outsiders think "oh, look at the nice hispanics, they are a peace loving people who are just a civilized as us, but live in poorer countries".


Hispanics are just watered down blacks with slightly higher IQs.

hispanics aren't fiscally or politically conservative in anyway. they're just hyper-religious and hate gays and black people

>muricans forgetting how the cia funded right wing dictatoships in southamerica

>it's not fair! why can't illegals shit up our country! this is racism!

You forgot where their kid takes all their mail in ballots and fills it out for them.

Because they'd get less gibs

Since when Tulsi Gabbard is on tiktok?