Hey anons if you're Canadian you get get some of your money back from the govt if they ever stole some from you

Hey anons if you're Canadian you get get some of your money back from the govt if they ever stole some from you.


Just select "individual/business" and search your family names and collect any "missing property" owed to you or relatives. You do need to verify but better to remove some money from the ZOG now.

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can you explain what this is exactly and who would actually qualify and why?

I'm not Canadian, neither is anyone in my immediate or distant family. Do I still qualify for free stuff?

Canadians who were fined or whatever or overcharged by banks and whatnot can be owed money by the govt, or if it was not claimed during a funeral or whatever. It's not a program you qualify for but rather a giant lost and found type wallet you can check for your items..

No, unless they lived there and their name popped up in the search.


Search "goldberg"

Kek, no one tell them

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fuck off catfag

No u

why is the link all fucky ? seems suspicious

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imagine the smell

sounds like a trap eh


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It’s not really a wonder that black cats are considered “bad luck” in my opinion.

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That's the legitimate Canadian govt site, I know it looks shifty, but the Canadian bank site is just like that. Alternatively you can google "unclaimed property bank of canada" and the portal is the second link. Looks sketchy, isn't.

Actually can confirm, I followed it there from the main link

holy hell we've got a live one. Shill your credit rackets elsewhere jew

the canadian government are literally angloified Yids dude

If I were Jewish I wouldn't give you money.

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Thanks. Found possible $500+ from a deceased relative.


No problem, we're all gonna make it, take what you can

Gib food


It feels good to take from the bank jew. Even if its a dollar.

those poor jews...always getting hated on because they didn't want to lend money

If you have any Canadian friends, tell them about this, take some more money out.

Use the dollar to gib nip to thread cat

I'm not scamming bro

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Please gib, hunger

For the love of God shut up catfag

Ok, if it’s for the love of God.

I’m gonna try and get some free money from someone with my same last name. Last transaction on account was in 1998. Will report back if get the $6200

Not a trap, google "unclaimed balances bank of Canada" and you'll see it's the same link

I'm at a loss, what the hell is is an unclaimed balance

OP fishing for IPs lol. Fuck niggers