Jews control Yas Forums. CIA, NSA, Mossad, and Unit 8200 niggers FUCK OFF

Jews control Yas Forums. CIA, NSA, Mossad, and Unit 8200 niggers FUCK OFF.

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You killed a thread for this? I wasn't even an announcement, what are you a newnigger?

Fuck off kike

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Also thanks for the bump nigger

Sure thing rabbi

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>a kike calling a Christian rabbi
Sure thing rabbi

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Also thanks for the bump kike

A kike larping as a Christian calling a Christian a kike.
>okay rabbi

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I hope you know were both getting banned by the jannies after this right?

Look jew, I made a thread calling out jews and their agencies, and you call me a jew? Either you are a Jew or you are literally retarded.

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Forgot to change proxy retard

Bump jews

Who said it was an accident, rabbi nigger

>still calling me a jew
Fuck off kike. I called out jew agencies and you responded calling me a jew.

Nigger you made the thread? Have you forgotten whoms't you are jewing?

FUCK why does everyone in this threads No. start with 25536?

So you are an 8200 or Mossad kike with a proxy? Thanks for admitting kike

Still forgetting to change proxy dumb kike. Please keep bumping me

>muh proxy muh jew agent
I'll admit I can't read these fucking id's for shit, but I'm not so brain dead as to use a proxy, I've just come to terms with the fact I'm going to be banned in the morning.

Oy vey! Why do the goys keep spotting our proxies!

Thanks for the bumps kike

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Jews and the jew loving faggots both belong in the gas chambers.

I agree

Genuine question, why the fuck do you think that?

You are either a kike or a retard. I called out Jews and you are bitching. Keep going kike

can't argue with niggers I guess

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Thanks for the bump kike

we know for a fact they were on 8ch and that had a fraction of the traffic this site does. its obvious they're here

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They are in this thread. Look at the kike with an American proxy

You called nigger?

Thanks for the bump kike