Let's post based and redpilled video games. After The Last of Us 2 leak, I believe it's necessary

Let's post based and redpilled video games. After The Last of Us 2 leak, I believe it's necessary.

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Trials 2 second edition

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Postal 2
The most redpilled game ever.

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Why are black nerds literally always weebs?
can't you at least play mtg, or like star trek or something outside your lil weeb box?


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Holdfast Nations at War

any total war that isnt gay fantasy shit

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Total Annihilation
Supreme Commander
Supcom2 was aids though sorry

Qrd on the leak?

you must be really good at rts.
i love rts but sup com melted my brain.

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>The Last of Us 2 leak
quick rundown?

pools closed

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I knew a couple who were really into MtG

i think you mean, yu gi oh.

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All I could get was "muh revenge can make anyone a villain" don't know how that would make OP start a thread based on it.

Almost anything pre2000

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Any of the doom games

RE5 is fucking based.

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Final Fight, the original arcade game. You go around killing minorities, trannies and cripples.

This game:


Skip to 5:30

GTA San Andreas

the main character joel dies to a fucking tranny and then ellie goes on a revenge rampage becoming the villain herself, she's gay and stuff and other people die. Then you play as the fucking tranny herself and kill ellie. It's a god damn shit show. Also every other character is gay or something.

why there video game threads on Yas Forums ? go to Yas Forums

playing as a spic/black and robbing people/

literally fuck off back to worldstar you monkey.

I bet the angry dev browses Yas Forums.

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Don't you know every aspiring game developer in 2020 needs to make a political statement for their work to be published?

oh sorry, theres one less blacked thread and we are talking about something interesting for once, also go fuck a cactus, faggit.

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What I spent a majority of my childhood on. Core forever.

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Stop playing your stupid goy games you fucking nigger tier IQ fags. You might as well bend over and let yourself get fucked in the ass with a 13 inch nigger dick if you’re willing to slop up the dirty Jew slop that they feed you retards like pigs

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Einhander. The best side-scrolling spaceship-shooter ever made. Story:

ZOG has completely conquered earth in the future and is at war with a german moon colony (NOT SPACE NAZIS) and you fly an experimental fighter aircraft to clean up the mess the (not jewish) earth government has made. Good luck finding a copy without forking over a hundy.

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>Projecting his gay nigger anal sex fantasies onto the rest of us
Go sit on a black dick and kys

Yeah that’s the point you fucking idiot. Niggers being niggers, even your childhood friend niggers betray you, the nigger cop was the most corrupt there was, thug culture, gangs killing each other over nothing

Its written by a jew

make room for the best MMO that has ever graced this world. RIP McQuaid the GOAT.

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Makes sense. The game must take place after Armageddon. There is no reason why God would take faggots into heaven, so they're left behind on earth killing each other because they're godless heathens in the rawest form.

Good goy

We must make the pilgrimage to mars soon and leave the planet to feral niggers and trannies.

any oldfag remember a game called 'powermonger?' or 'speedball 2'? those games were fucking legit based as fuck.

Dragon quest. The older, the better.

Someone post that nazi pepe hanging a feminist saying we just want to be left alone

No what are those games for Amiga or Commodore?

Holy fuck someone else knows about this masterpiece. This should have continued instead of Killer Instinct.

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Shinobi 3 ftw. Best action side scroller. Picrel is Ring of Red. Best war tactic RPG.

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There is nothing on Mars. World Ships directly to the nearest habitat planet. I'll happily raise my children and be grandpa when it's time to settle down on a planet we know nothing about, and conquer it with another 40 year pilgrimage - training to wage war, set up a new society.

yea both for the amiga. powermonger was just legit chop wood/farm sheep/bloodbath for a laugh. and speedball 2 was top down version of the movie rollerball with (for the time) amazing graphics.


>Postal 2
was rather impressed that someone managed to beat the game without killing anyone - up to the final boss anyway

This is basically when the leftist faggotry in the gaming industry started. It was the first time, to my recollection that people complained about a game being "racist".

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Sounds interesting. I’ll def check it out.
Any planet that is hospitable is better than what’s left here.
God i remember them complaining about killing niggers in RE4. None of them complained about killing Spaniards in RE4.

*killing niggers in re5

This shit started with Metroid. Every little boy who played Metroid on NES was SHOCKED when he won the game, and the character (SAMUS) takes off the helmet and reveals its a girl! Sick how they've been trying to sissify boys and destroy masculinity by the most sinister means.

Well what game is it nigger?