Is this true?

Is this true?

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not at all, blacks will happily vote for the establishment and against white interests to get welfare that whites largely pay for

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Pretty much. Yeah.

Im confident the black nation is waking up. Globalism, degeneracy, feminism are wreaking our youth and community. We need a MALE ALLIANCE AGAINST THE NWO PEDOPHLIES. FUCK ALL THAT RACE SHIT

>aye, I go yo girls back

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based nig

>Is this true?
sure. but this scares them even more:

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remember God as God remembers the remembering

distributed biological quantum computing, you, oh humanity!

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When the race war kicks off Blacks and Whites will be on the same side vs the brown hordes and their (((masters))). Check 'em.

Reroll. I'm completely serious, spics are a much greater threat than the blacks could ever hope to be, and the niggers don't like Mexicans either. They're the ones spraying lysol on chinks and slashing kikes so there must be something right about them. Just don't want 'em in my neighborhood, simple as.


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yeah thats why the elites are constantly pushing race mixing propaganda

Based. Anyone against ZOG and the Synagogue of Satan is a friend of mine

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fuck all the trash, im a spic and want to ally with whites, my race is full of fat niggers who will easily adopt cartel like protocols

DESU I have nothing against jews. To me the elites arent inherently jewish. Is Bill gates a jew? Is Ted Turner a Jew? And NO I def do not support everything zionist israel does. AMERICA controls Israel, not the other way around.

To a degree. White and black people trying to force integration and have some cultural compromise isn't a threat to them at all, hence why they push it. That said, blacks and whites mutually deciding to go their separate ways and pursue their own sovereignty is a threat and would solve the wedge issues they are constantly using as a distraction.

That's exactly what the (((establishment))) wants. Whites melting with niggers.

no fuck off nigger lover

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Fight to make America white again and you'll be given honorary Saxon status. Your new name shall be... Bean Shapiro.

fuck off fucking civicuck nigger lovers

Yeah, nothing the establishment fears more than white men saddled with a bunch of kleptomaniac murdering monkey people.


I'm not a civcuck you dopey kike. I just think there could be an alliance to fight the kikes and beaners.

> i'm not a civicuck


How many niggers did you prep this week fucking faggot civicuck?

All shitskins and kikes are our enemies, fuck all of them

Getting really tired of this shit Facundo
>the Jews have been planning this all along
>(((they))) are always one step ahead in the 6D chess
>in any scenario we lose and (((they))) win
Stop trying to make everything fit your warped mental narrative

kek good one leaf

Great now stop committing all the crime.

You're putting words in my mouth.

Thanks burger

No, not even close it’s actually what they want. They know the only way to destroy the white race is to mix them with low IQ niggers.

No it isn’t. Anyone who has ever lived in the black part of town will tell you the same. They’re beyond stupid and extremely violent. I don’t know why the world tolerates the existence of these things.

>AMERICA controls Israel, not the other way around.
Made me laugh out loud

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I cant see ghetto niggers and white farmers ever ever ever living around eachother without one killing the other. Segregation would be a real solution.

stfu niggers
cooperating with other races against the jew =/= racemixing

it's like i'm talking to a literal jewish shill. only a very warped mind would ever think of racemixing

Nigga, shut up.

Especially considering they are closer to gorillas than humans. I don’t get why we treat them as humans they are a sub species. They deserve to be kept in zoos (prisons) so white people can laugh as they chimp around. If you left black people alone for 100 years I’m sure they would forget written language and go back to chimping just like they did in Africa before whites came.

They sure spend a lot of time trying to keep us at each other's throats.

no shit jewish power comes from division and is enforced when we fight among each other.

its the same as infighting amongst whites, we can settle the issues among ourselves at a time in the future but the jewish problem has to be answered first. in fact it's probably the only way we ever will.

segregation worked. whites did better and so did blacks. that's all gone now, and no, I doubt a white productive member of society wants to fist bump some nigger that's lived off gibs all his life and carries a stolen handgun. Do you go around fist bumping the chinks that turned your country into clown world? I doubt it.

you are so close to being right but so far away. niggers are fauna. no more, no less.

You and I both know that the confederate degenerate would have shot first. This should be more obvious than Greedo.

fuck off. That was CENTRAL Africans living in huts in loincloths. WEST AFRICA (where most New World 'blacks' were taken from) had kingdoms and empires - mostly Islamic.

I never understood how Islam got there. I get south east Asia, you just go by India.