Should open carry be legal in the united states? If so why? Who needs to openly show a weapon?

Should open carry be legal in the united states? If so why? Who needs to openly show a weapon?

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he's a big guy

I'm not scared at all when I see a person open carrying, even a black person.
I just make a note of where they are, because if there ever is a mass shooting I will need to ask him for his backup weapon so I can defend myself.

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Ummm...why not just carry one yourself?


The definition of overkill.
Boy is asking to be shot in the back with that revolver though.

Because I don't carry a backup weapon, must my main sidearm and I might run out of ammo because I only carry 5 magazines plus one in the gun.


If open carry is to be banned then concealed carry must be universal. No permit. No check. Freedom for all.

>all of those keys
>all of those guns
>probably about to get in a gigantic truck in his 30% white state


Because I said so
Anybody who damn well pleases

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>30% white state
Why do you think he's carrying?

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IS legal faggot
an armed society is a polite society
>Who needs to openly show a weapon?
People who want to let you know they will not tolerate you trying to use force on them. Normally you'll have to use reason with them.
Commies, collectivists and totalitarians in general HATE when individuals are armed, basically because you can't easily use force on them.

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It is legal in most places.


Open carry in my state is for people without a permit to carry concealed.
I am fine with people open carrying and you are too.
You ever told a uniformed cop to pull his shirt over his gun?
I didn't think so.

ahah ahahaha hahaahha
now the national anthem is foreign to you?
ahah ahah ahahahahahaha

let's sing boys! the dawn's early light...

it isn't about my needs, it's about my rights.

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Why conceal one if you dont want to? Concealing can be a hassle and take longer to draw when needed.

Both based

For you

>Who needs to openly show a weapon?
You can't walk around with your fly open and your dick hanging out.

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...what so proudly we hailed...

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It is in Arizona.

Once niggers see a .40 on your hip, they think twice before chimping out.

For you

>Should open carry be legal in the united states?
it is

>republicans: muh 2nd amendment is more important than other people lives hurr durr

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I'd beat the ever living fuck out of that faggot with little effort. He's got no legs, no neck, no back in general and wears a fucking cowboy hat

Yes absolutely. Crime is very low in open carry areas

more important than yours, leaf.

>Letting people see you at all

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Yes. Have you ever been to a range? Everybody is polite as shit when everybody knows everyone around you can end you.

>republicans: muh 2nd amendment is more important than other people lives
Now you're getting it, little buddy.

It should be fucking legal to shoot faggots like you and leave them screaming on the ground for their mothers for absolutely no reason other than they exist, nigger OP


open carry is far better than concealed carry, LEO wise.

A police officer can easily tell if you are open carry. They cant easily tell if you conceal.

try again
so ignorant
demographics is destiny whiteboy

>republicans: muh 2nd amendment is more important than other people lives hurr durr


I wish I could be that big

You are the crisis.
>Protesting is non-essential.
You are the crisis.
>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
You are the crisis.
>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
You are the crisis.

I wonder if the user writing the ATF about this being considered a forward grip ever got anywhere.

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>Should open carry be legal in the United States?
>If so why?
That's not how it works. Why should open carry be banned?
>Who needs to openly show a weapon?
Who needs to have a flower garden? Who needs to eat at a restaurant instead of cooking at home? Fuck it, who needs to walk funny like John Cleese? Should we ban everything that isn't essential?

wont be laughing when the authorities order you to hand over your guns

Because he's a boomer fuck that sold out his country for money and now lives in what is essentially Brazil :^)

You probably would run back to your mama's basement if you saw that guy coming at you. (You) fucking pussy.

Fucking BASED japaflag. You know what can't fire guns? Starving people. And that's a threat that's in the making right now.

We'll get bailed out with microchip money, but first you might have to surrender your gun if you want the chipster.

>wont be laughing when the authorities order you to hand over your guns
What authorities?
Why would they do that specifically?

I'm literally the biggest cock smoking queer who loves guns. That doesn't mean you should read my gay book and seize private property. Then you would just be a faggot.

Yes everyone should have the right to personally defend their own life, regardless of statistical consequences.

To me it's not even a question of "why". The only question here is how you could EVER justify denying somebody the opportunity to defend themselves.

>Who needs to openly show a weapon?
What's the benefit of concealing it?

so many crazies out there make you fear for your life. So no, weapons should be forbidden in public places.

You motherfuckers need to learn how to wear clothing again.

Fuck you guys dress so god damn stupid.

Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,...

>many crazies
>disarming non-crazies will protect you from crazies.
Yes, crazies are notoriously law abiding.

>demographics is destiny
you're in so much agreement with Yas Forums that if you really knew, you'll be shaking right now

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and if millions of armed people, gently decline to surrender their weapons, user?

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