>Where did the Podestas claim to get their big break into art and politics?
Racine, Wisconsin
Have you read Tony’s interview from Bates College yet?
>Where was the NXIVM doctor Danielle Roberts' family from?
Racine, Wisconsin
>Where was the historic parade for the Knights of Pythias held?
Racine, Wisconsin
>Where were the families and corporations who started Art in Embassies from?
Racine, Wisconsin
>Where was the World Core Curriculum established that became the global model for education reform?
Racine, Wisconsin
>What is the Bellwether of America that effectively predicts the national elections?
Racine, Wisconsin
>What is the global model for Smart Cities and Resilient Communities?
Racine, Wisconsin
>Where is the Clinton’s global model for Community Policing?
Racine, Wisconsin
>Where was The Deal made for the 8th Wonder of the World?
Racine, Wisconsin
>Where is the gateway to The Path of Souls?
Racine, Wisconsin
>What was the original Chicago founded by the Astors?
Racine, Wisconsin
>Where was Mitt Romney the quarterback for the NFL team called the “Normals”?
Racine, Wisconsin
>Where is the model for prison labor reform and second chance programs?
Racine, Wisconsin
>Where was That 70’s Show set featuring Red Fez and a case of Scientologists?
Racine, Wisconsin
>What team won the World Series in a movie quoted by Hanx in Madonna’s break into film fter the virus emerged?
Racine, Wisconsin
>Where did Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders make the ‘highly unusual move” to endorse a billion dollar referendum?
Racine, Wisconsin
Are you sure you practice “Message over Messenger”?
>Where did Jenny Moore announce she was heading into “the heart of darkness”?
Racine, Wisconsin
>What did Senate user say to “keep digging into” before Q suddenly appeared?
Racine, Wisconsin

Attached: last_post_WiC.png (1517x974, 218.75K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump for interest.

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>>Where did Jenny Moore aka Jem777 announce she was heading into “the heart of darkness”?

Attached: last_post_Jem777.png (1517x971, 178.9K)

>Where is my family vacation home way too fucking close to?
Holy shit OP!

>What do the letters CC represent?

CC = 33
CC = Climate Control
CC = Community Cares unitedwayracine.org/community-cares


This is schizophrenia

fun innit?

Good to know.

How about Appleton, any pedo elite rings there?

Attached: appleton.jpg (2000x1585, 699.67K)

>>Where was The Deal made for the 8th Wonder of the World?

At Wingspread, the SC Johnson residence in Racine. Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States and 45th descendant of the Prophet Muhammad was there with the 45th governor of Wisconsin and Paul Ryan the 54th Speaker of the US House of Representatives.


Eh, I'd know if Racine was shady. I've lived near there my whole life and my family has lived around here forever. It's just kind of a sleepy nothing of a town.


>>What is the Bellwether of America that effectively predicts the national elections?
The voters in Racine County, Wisconsin predict 86% of all US presidential elections "successfully".



Fuck bro, just re-read your post.

Attached: 1585873980725.gif (150x113, 189.91K)

The Johnsons live in Racine and the heir to the SC Johnson fortune Samuel Curtis Johnson III raped his daughter for repeatedly for many years and then plead guilty in a court of law but only served 3 months jail time


The SC Johnson residence in Racine has been the meeting place for countless of the worlds most influential conferences. NPR was created at a Wingspread conference, So was the National Endowment for the Arts, the International Criminal Court and global agreements on arms control.


The architect of the building is Frank Lloyd Wright who was also born in the area, and had a shady apprenticeship called "The Fellowship" that was used for slave labor and homosexual sex blackmail.



Take your meds schizo.

Racine is literally, nothing special.

t. Full blooded WI user with political information.

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>>Where is the gateway to The Path of Souls?

The galactic center of the Milky Way glides directly over Racine, Wisconsin. The Milky Way is known as the Path of Souls in Native American Mound Building cultures stretching from Wisconsin to Missouri to Arizona. The Milky Way is also known as the Underworld in greek mythology and has been referred to as the "River of Fire", or hell, in Jewish and Christian theology.



we dont talk about racine here

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Yeah im a governemnt agent and you finaly figured out our big Wisconsin secret. Dipshit

They are losing their shit
They chose unwisely
most don't even know that they had a choice

>The SC Johnson residence in Racine has been the meeting place for countless of the worlds most influential conferences. NPR was created at a Wingspread conference, So was the National Endowment for the Arts, the International Criminal Court and global agreements on arms control.

Op is most likely a schizo and most definitely a faggot, however much of what he's stating is true. With that in mind, you've piqued my curiosity OP. Go on....

hah i can see my house from this view

but nope appleton is absolutely based

>Take your meds schizo.
>Racine is literally, nothing special.
>t. Full blooded WI user with political information.

Attached: glowjak.jpg (650x800, 290.65K)

Good. I wanted it to be user.

missed SenateAnon, qrd?

Also a Wisconsin user. the closest thing to a heart of darkness in Wisconsin is Milwaukee aka Little Chicago.

Madison however... lots of leftists and communists there.

So Steve Vai is actually a pizzagate researcher? Honestly not surprised

I read ages ago something about that 70's show being filmed in Wisconsin but I cant remember why it mattered. Is it related to this?

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