Breaking on MSNBC...
Breaking on MSNBC
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good thing the media's never been wrong
did they ever explain why polls were so wrong in 2016?
As expected, the blue wave will crush trump
Republicans are nervous!
Did they not learn from last time?
Hillary has the other 10%
Why explain when you can quickly usher in the next lying narrative?
president ignored coronavirus briefings...
Wypipo raycis! Was their explanation.
same poll that said Hillary was going to win?
smae poll that said Biden beat Sanders? LOL, the exit polls were off by 20%, over 4% indicates fraud
If you believe corp media polls I've got some used Chinese Covid masks to sell you
Shouldn’t have wasted his time by impeaching him, then.
56,100 Americans have died so far...
I’m so ready. The trump shit is getting old. I can’t wait for the Biden faggotry.
The polls were wrong, but not as much as the interpretations of the polls were.
>90%+ of polls say Clinton wins by 3-4 points
>retards like Huffington Post see this
Ironically, Nate Plastic was one of the most accurate. He said Clinton was probably still going to win (he gave her a 65% chance of winning) but if the polls were all skewed for the same reason (people not wanting to admit to supporting Trump), then he had a better shot.
Case in point:
russia obviously meddled in our elections. russia made CNN lie and give hillary the debate questions in advance of every town hall and debate meeting. we cant let drumpf get the nuclear codes in 2020 though!
Even the most left wing co workers of mine know nothing about biden other thas n his perv and irrational tendencies who would actually vote for him?
covid-19 may increase blood clotting and neurological damage
which would be what?
Literally who? Never seen this youtube channel
Thanks MSNBC!
Cool to know that Dems will rest complacently this fall, rather than rushing to their polling places to vote!
The walls are definitely closing in
The remaining 10% was "fuck you for polling me".
What, raping little girls?
Well ever since Biden became a verified sex predator men on the right have been flocking to him.
This is the histogram Huff Po refers to in that article...
Never been a fan of trump. Also never liked Biden. In fact in 2012 i almost went Romney just because of Biden being the running mate and the effect he would have on the senate.
Actually the polls were correct and trump lost the popular vote. The secret trump
Voter is what gave trump the win and it was only by a few thousand votes. If enough blacks show up Biden wins
i love polls that show biden with big leads over trump, it means a bigger liberal freakout when trump wins.
Media weasel phrases, always watch out for them:
"People say..."
"New Poll says..."
"Experts say..."
"Studies show..."
"Scientists say..."
"New data indicates..."
This means they are just pulling info out their ass and they don't have any real information.
Trump wont win, whites won’t show up because of the MIGA meme and the POC will come out in droves for Biden. I really Believe that the anti trump is so strong that dahs/Harris could win in 2020
does anybody have that video explaining how Syria got its name? Some emperor got revenge on a metric fuckton of jews who fucked with him and his people
Why do you watch the "news" it makes you bitter and unhappy. Do you sit there seething and getting mad and sad and scared like they want you to. Try a day off , you will feel much better, i stooped in 2004 and never looked back.
50% of Blacks will vote Trump
republican believe covid briefings are damaging Trump politically
Ok sure man no primary biden wins
Why are their noses so big?
The media doesn't want Biden, they will loose billions if he wins.
Lel i have never, ever been polled.
I can’t remember any time when msnbc was factual news. Lol dems say dem is gonna win.
Still, you want them to be continually salty from now until Trump's second term. It does the mind harm and that's what you need to inflict upon foes. Hopelessness. Despair. Fear.
More fake news just like 2016, its her turn lmfao
Nate plastic feels like the kind of leftist thats see the numbers and know what they mean, but then try to convince himself otherwise. I have no doubt he knows that the polls are bullshit but they are $$$
Lol! Get a load of this guy. If you look at the low wins percentage per state in 2016 trump is fucked in 2020. Also democrats have gain hundreds of thousands of voters in Florida. Biden/Dash will be your next leaders
MSNBC the new organization that caused americans to drink bleach by misrepresenting the president's words. Yeah I'll believe any of this bullshit come November. Until then its 2016 all over again.
how many wars will he start?
Keep saying dumb shit, low IQ nigger. Lanfslide confirmed
A lot Obama could get away with it easily joe is just too stupid to topple entire governments with a smile on his face
damn velma is looking cute
Lmfao drink that koolaid tard breath