/NBG/ - NOTHINGBURGER GENERAL (updated OP edition)

Coronavirus has 0.1% death rate or even less.


--- RESEARCH ---

>Death rate 28-55 times LOWER than previously thought

>Infection rate 50x higher; making CFR much, much lower

>ALL Human coronaviruses are seasonal
>Common cold is a Coronavirus

>Iceland CFR between 0.01 and 0.19%; Smaller population = Ability to test everyone = Real CFR revealed

--- VIDEOS ---
>Doctor destroys Coronavirus narrative [REMOVED BY YOUTUBE]


>Corona BTFO by USC

>Illinois gov. confirms that ANYONE who dies while infected is considered a COVID death

--- REMINDER ---

Sweden: No lockdown, No collapse!

>208K Dead from Coronavirus after 5 months
>The world is ending!!! Society will collapse!!! We can't sustain this!!! Panic!!!

Friendly reminder:
• 151,600 people die every day
• 50,900,000 people die every year
• 360,000 people born every day
• 130,000,000 people born every year

>but muhh exponential broooo
Been growing linearly for what, 22 days now?

>noooooo but that's only because we locked ourselves inside!!!
We did nothing for months to stop the virus which spreads faster than the Flu, can spread undetected in its incubation and has a multitude of transmission vectors, yet it was only the recent lockdowns which saved us from those millions dead that was raved about? I highly doubt it.

Pastebin: pastebin.com/WDyxECJi

Attached: 1587892353474.png (341x400, 311.62K)

Other urls found in this thread:


BANNED CA Doctor video speaking the truth over the complete farce of the Wuhan Flu bullshit. Over 5million views before it was SHOAHED by the mediajew.

Up here for now. Full.

also here

Tldw? Any interesting points?

Sorry I just am about to go to bed and dont have an hour

Really feels like the media's handling of this situation caused far more harm than the virus ever could have on its own

Pic related is what cvg fags were saying just 1 short month ago.

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NO immunity
NO cure
NO vaccine

Don't get it.

Is this based on that study that used antibody testing with chinese test kits that most countries are finding are completely broken?

Any suspected WuhanFlu death is counted --- NOT confirmed. It's literally in the fucking CDC guidance for the death certificate pipeline.



>The purpose of this report is to provide guidance to death certifiers on proper cause-of-death certification for cases where confirmed or suspected COVID–19 infection resulted in death.

>In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.” In these instances, certifiers should use their best clinical judgement in determining if a COVID–19 infection was likely. However, please note that testing for COVID–19 should be conducted whenever possible.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-27 at 8.20.40 PM.png (551x703, 193.2K)

I just watched the entire thing. It's well worth a listen at least.

The main point is the infections are way higher than the authorities report. Hospitals are being shut down as they're way under capacity. The quarantine is potentially harmful since we aren't being exposed to a lot of other viruses that we normally are, plus when the quarantine is lifted, people will suddenly be exposed to many more "opportunistic" viruses. It's really interesting and not repetitive.

also, just a bad cold.


Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-27 at 8.22.53 PM.png (688x575, 136.79K)

Will you please stop spreading dangerous misinformation?

You're putting entire swaths of the population at risk because of your ego or convenience.

It's based on a multitude of sources.

Nobody's gonna come to Yas Forums and base their policy decisions on that.

>durr some moron once more just did an exponential fit and followed it like an idiot
>durr that's what the entirety of cvg believes
Fuck off, you either false flagged or you're a tard.

Is it? No one has a firm grasp on r0.
Are there? Or just shitty testing which has ~30% reliability rate?
>NO immunity
Isn't there? Or are we just looking at shitty testing and """"magical""" reinfections happening
>NO cure
The cold doesn't have a cure either
>NO vaccine

Lots of questions, lots of panic pushers, lots to be gained by big biz and big gov and a lot more to be lost by normal people. But don't worry, goyim. Just stay home and take our vaccination in a few years. Maybe.

>99.5% specificity
>"completely broken"

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>Here is the deadly burger we ordered for you, goy.

Attached: pan-hamburguesa-sesamo-125cm-x-89gr-x-48und.jpg (525x525, 43.07K)

>no u
kys retard.

Yes. That increases the denominator on mortality
You cannot know this, but coronaviruses have been around for a long time and we aren't all dead yet
>NO immunity
No proof
>NO cure
Why even send people to the hospital if there's no cure or treatment.
>NO vaccine

Day 14, post-exposure. No symptoms. Is it too much to ask to get Coronachan? I just want a week off of work.
>mfw no visit from the angel Coronachan

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I can’t catch it and I tried.


Attached: California Covid Countdown!.jpg (1374x1105, 487.17K)

Stop spreading such dangerous misinformation, you're gonna make people break the quarantine.

> Reinfected are still contagious
> Permanent lung and organ damage
> Virus lingers in system for life
> Can spread to other species
> Can live for many days in surfaces, in wastewater, can spread through air conditioning systems
> No immunity. Patients can catch it again or be simultaneously infected with two different strains
> No effective treatment
> No vaccine
> No cure

Y-yes, user, hooray! The nightmare is over. It was j-just a nothingburger all along. A big old n-nothingburg. . . *coof*

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Super contagious doesn't mean super deadly, and here with limited data it means the exact opposite. It might be 95% of people don't even notice they had it. Another 4% experience flu symptoms and recover at home. That last 1% goes to the hospital, gets tested (and added to the "positive cases") and some die. Just some ballpark numbers.

That's the point.

Attached: Good Job Tommy.png (1827x1873, 1.06M)

>3 months into biggest public health crisis in the US in 100 years
>i-it’s a nothingburger

So many dead celebrities ... like ... ummmm NBC News camera guy .... annnnnnnd ... fountains of wayne guy.

(jk covid is fake as fuck)

Attached: Covvy Fridge Fridge.jpg (644x720, 168.58K)


>Super contagious doesn't mean super deadly,
I get that. However, I was with my bf the day before he started having symptoms, and yet not one symptom from me. It’s been 14 days since he first displayed symptoms and he still can’t taste. He was hit with a relatively mild case of it too compared with others I’ve spoken to who’ve had it.

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Anyone else notice euromomo changed their site in the last few days? Not saying bad intentions necessarily but it's not the best time to be changing things.

pic related is a screencap from 4/21, now they switched to a web 2.0 thing

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