They don’t fucking work, they can cause you to be deprived of oxygen, especially in the heat, and most importantly, it’s not the fucking LAW.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I wear my gf pussy on my face

I don't care if it works or not, I just like wearing a mask.

I used to wear your girlfriend too. Smelled bad after a day.

Found the edgy 15 year old.

The point of wearing a mask in public is to reduce the distance your breath carries water droplets.(It reduces the velocity of your breath as it exits your mouth) That's been the whole point the entire time. It has nothing to do with "filtering" < 3um particles.

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OP just being a fag again.


You truly are a fucking retard if you don't know how to breath in one I wore that shit doing hard labor for 4-7 hours at a time

Almost like I've been saying this for weeks and everyone called me a chink or WHO shill (what's even the difference lol). But I'm here to tell you all I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO.

Also the amount of people I've seen touching their mask, shifting it up and down, wearing it under their nose, etc is APPALLING. People don't even know how to use them properly. Fucking idiots.

>masks don't filter 100% perfectly therefore are useless
found the retard.

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fucking brainlets

I would honestly you rather sneeze in your mask than in the air, thanks

tell me more user, why do you wear the mask

>deprived of oxygen
You need to breath a little harder to push through the valve.

Masks lower your transmission distance while also giving you a small shield. One masked person transmitting to another masked person that’s out of a 6 foot range is near impossible.

Found the goddamn stupid SHEEP. BAAAAA BAAAAAA


This. Why would you not want to hide your identity when you live in a survelance state.

Sheep? Heh, that's where you're wrong, kiddo. If my parents told me not to drink any more Coke, I'd flip them the bird and drink it anyway. Just think of what I'd do to the government.

Heh. People who accuse others of being sheep are just sheep. I'll bet you're the kind of person who steps aside for old ladies crossing the street. Word of advice, let people know who's boss every now and then.

Hear that?


That's you making sheep sounds when you think nobody is looking.

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Christ letting boomer migacultists on pole has been the worst decision ever
Insufferable faggots.

say that to Tokyo who 99% wear masks, larger than New York City, and 250 times less Corona deaths.

In my state you have to wear it or they put you in jail. They won't let you in any stores unless you wear the mask. We have no choice.


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> The researchers acknowledged that the study didn't examine actual transmission of COVID-19 illness nor whether the masks "shorten the travel distance of droplets during coughing."

Op is a fag

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Oh good, one less thing to burden the heroic hospital workers.

This guy gets it
It also makes it easier to commit crimes

I hate brainlet retards too user


fuck i love all this fake news you retards share here

To their credit, the folks in charge are taking full advantage of the panic of the unknown.

The virus is microscopic, invisible, its part of the 33.3%. So its actually 0% effective against covid-19. Will prevent a saliva splash, so u tards keep wearing them anyway

i like my mask, its cute

it is already known that CCP propagandists were spreading the lies that martial law would occur to stir civil unrest in the US. it would not be surprising if similar actors were behind efforts to not wear basic PPE. you aren't harmed by wearing a mask.

Masks can keep out molecules of oxygen, but not viruses???

So its just a pre vaccine, and it prevents spread by breath, but those grubby burger fingers are still contaminated the all

Fucking normie brainlets. WHY DOES JAPAN HAVE VIRTUALLY NO CASES THEN??????

No you are taking more CO2, the CO2 reenters your lungs, its like drinking your own pee instead of water. Why breathe O when u can breath CO2, am i rite?

Japs don't kiss cheeks when they greet. Lots of ethnics including pajeets and wops do.

Found the glow nigger, fuck you and your patriot act faggot, we're in the wild west now and you have to manually ID us without facial recognition.

Japan started the virus, so they probably have the vaccine.

Why would I drink my own pee to prevent Covid-19? Does it have antibodies?

Same reason they have low crime rates.
All unsolved murders are classified as 'found bodies'. They do the same with covid testing. The opposite of the US CDC, they avoid calling any death a covid death instead of calling all deaths covid deaths.

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Japs are smart, they wear masks when they're sick to prevent the flu from spreading. It's not to stop themselves from getting the flu

This the last time I come here

it's the law here dipshit

Dont new Yorkers always have piles of garbage everywhere? Like at night? Fucking gross.

That's probably the difference.

honestly its just to fuck with us at this point

Gross. Imagine sneezing in a mask and then still wearing it

I don't under stand how wearing a mask can suffocate you to death by keeping oxygen out, but it can't keep the viruses out. Isn't oxygen way smaller than a virus?

They don't wear masks, so idk

Plus they had a Chinese New year parade at the same time a Chinese virus was spreading those fucking idiots
Plus public urination is legal there, it's so dirty that's why theyre all dying

I did that. Got snot everywhere. So I left my mask on the table for the server at the Olive Garden to deal with.

How long can you wear a cloth mask before you have to wash it?


Did a grown up help you solve the captcha?

Wasnt that the one where Pelosi was screaming hysterically for people to stop being racist and come on down to Chinatiwn for some gingerbeef? That was fucked.

"You gotta come, or you're not woke!"

>Hey user, why do you have a mask on?
>Medically, it does nothing for its wearer, but...
>...Aren't you aware that you are culturally-appropriating something from people of East Asian descent?

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Watching the opportunists fight the retards truly is a chore


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