/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3494

► Detected: 3,064,814 (+2,345) ► Died: 211,603 (+156) ► Day: 110 (-23:02:54)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,622 strains have been sequenced —


Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

Over 122,000 deaths went unreported in 14 countries

Study claims genetics explain 50% of difference in symptoms

Archive of content deleted by China

New reports suggest virus might not be harmless in kids

Incubation period up to 24 days, longer than expected

Virus binds to GRP78, second route found

Evidence of ADE has surfaced, according to Nature article

There is now evidence for symptomatic recurrence

Coronavirus deaths in the US went unreported for weeks

Blacks are 32% in Louisiana but 70% of the deaths

"Red Dawn" emails show slow response from US despite warnings

Courts determine Spain undercounts deaths, actually 3-fold higher

▶ 151 new cases and 6 new deaths in the United States
▶ 2 new cases in Paraguay
▶ 945 new cases and 60 new deaths in Brazil
▶ 30 new cases in Guatemala
▶ 64 new cases and 3 new deaths in Bolivia
▶ 14 new cases and 1 new death in South Korea
▶ 2 new cases in Haiti
▶ 3 new cases in New Zealand
▶ 14 new cases in Jamaica


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Other urls found in this thread:




How this feminist pro globalist muslin won this battle, anons?


it is a nothingburguer all along?

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it's easy to lock down a nation who already lives in cuck sheds

>it is a nothingburguer all along?

No 25 million people in the US without a job and the biggest wealth redistribution you ever seen

We are now entering peak comfy hours. Please leave your shoes at the door and enter through the left. We currently have over 3 million burgers to serve. Take a seat.

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Why is Alberto so based?

>Did you think about boiling yourself and trying the broth? It is time you taste idiot soup.

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There's maybe 5 people total in NZ. Not spreading a virus is easy there.

We're all gonna die anyway, so it doesn't really matter

What a dumb cunt, does she think the country can stay locked down for the next year?

OC from last thread

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fake tweet is fake

Guise, Corona-chan is attacking kids now!

>The alerts say that, over the past three weeks, “there has been an apparent rise in the number of children of all ages presenting with a multisystem inflammatory state requiring intensive care across London and also in other regions of the UK.” They continue: “There is a growing concern that a [Covid-19] related inflammatory syndrome is emerging in children in the UK, or that there may be another, as yet unidentified, infectious pathogen associated with these cases.”

>This alert also states: “Please refer children presenting with these symptoms as a matter of urgency.”

>This mysterious syndrome bears similarities to severe Covid-19. According to the alerts, “The cases have in common overlapping features of toxic shock syndrome and atypical Kawasaki Disease with blood parameters consistent with severe Covid-19 in children.”Kawasaki Disease is a rare immune system disorder that usually affects children younger than five years old, causing severe fever and virus-like symptoms. Other symptoms of the new syndrome include abdominal pain, gastrointestinal symptoms and cardiac inflammation.
>Strangely though, while some of the children have tested positive for Covid-19, not all of them have, and others still are thought to have previously been infected.

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Yeah but now you are forced to die billionares took us for all we had left and fucked us forever

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Now that everyone's going back to work will we see a massive spike in cases?

Meanwhile on the Swiss mountains

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Shit, it was OC?
Not bad, saved

So what happens when shit really starts to fall apart?
What do you ameribros think will be the straw that breaks the camels back? Food shortages sure will make things ramp up faster.

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Depends how brash they are. Like Germany is apparantly opening all schools statewide on the 5th, America wants to go full scorched earth and come out of EVERY restriction. Germany would only see a small spike when schools re-open, America would see millions.

#1 United States 1,010,507 (56,803) #2 Spain 229,422 (23,521) #3 Italy 199,414 (26,977) #4 France 165,842 (23,293) #5 Germany 158,758 (6,126) #6 United Kingdom 157,149 (21,092) #7 Turkey 112,261 (2,900) #8 Iran 91,472 (5,806) #9 Russia 87,147 (794) #10 China 82,836 (4,633) #11 Brazil 67,446 (4,603) #12 Canada 48,500 (2,707) #13 Belgium 46,687 (7,207) #14 Netherlands 38,245 (4,518) #15 India 29,451 (939) #16 Switzerland 29,164 (1,665) #17 Peru 28,699 (782) #18 Portugal 24,027 (928) #19 Ecuador 23,240 (663) #20 Ireland 19,648 (1,102) #21 Sweden 18,926 (2,274) #22 Saudi Arabia 18,811 (144) #23 Israel 15,555 (204) #24 Mexico 15,529 (1,434) #25 Austria 15,274 (549) #26 Singapore 14,423 (14) #27 Pakistan 13,915 (292) #28 Chile 13,813 (198) #29 Japan 13,614 (385) #30 Poland 11,902 (562) #31 Romania 11,339 (641) #32 Belarus 11,289 (75) #33 Qatar 11,244 (10) #34 United Arab Emirates 10,839 (82) #35 South Korea 10,752 (244)…

#1 Brazil +945 (+60) #2 Mexico +852 (+83) #3 Panama +242 (+2) #4 United States +151 (+6) #5 Bolivia +64 (+3) #6 South Korea +14 (+1) #7 Australia +5 (+1) #8 Guatemala +30 #9 Uruguay +14 #10 Jamaica +14 #11 China +6 #12 New Zealand +3 #13 Paraguay +2 #14 Haiti +2 #15 Zimbabwe +1…

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lockdown is good, it forces normalfags to practice asceticism.

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Answer me this burger - how can depression be real if money isn't? Did this 1 to 6% mortality rate virus somehow kill all the hard working americans that keep your country running? Did the machines used for production suddenly disappear? Did the 4th largest nation in the world somehow lose control over all of its abundant natural resources?
And why are you feeding bankers exactly?

Look it up! He used to bring the bantz before he was president, there's plenty on 10/10 tweets.

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>the biggest wealth redistribution you ever seen

I think that the welfare in the new deal was slightly more, but yes the amount of money they've given out to the poors with the stupid stimulus, UI bonuses, etc etc. it's really quite sad. sad and foolish.

>UPDATED CHARTS @ 27 Apr 2020
UPDATED CHARTS @ 27 Apr 2020

Ok, this is my last update, I'm getting bored of posting my free work on these threads: too much shills and retarded, no more good discussions, there is no point in doing that, better going back to shitposting.

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Burgers still haven't figured out that money is a psyop. Sad!

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lol what's that from?

Just post every week or more bro

There was this.


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wait, are they actually trying to bait people's ignorance with something that has been a thing since the early 1900s?

Thanks for all the charts user and yeah the discussion has been shit recently but I think everyone is just waiting for things to open up and see how they progress.

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fiat currency isnt money, money is supposed to store value

user pls do not stop updating the charts. Things are slow right now, but it will pick up again.

See you in 6 to 8 days when we see the effects of reopening. Thanks for your work in the meantime spainbro. Stay safe out there.

Paint the rest of the skin and its perfect

Fascinating! So this could be this FIP

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▶ 9 new cases and 4 new deaths in Liberia

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short answer is yes, the Sweden approach was inevitable. The lock down was a panic because most of the world exhausted medical supplies during H1N1 and in the past decade never put money into resupplying numbers, thus they went full panic told everyone to lock down to make sure they resupplied

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>we can't find our journo bro from our circle who took on cnn. went MIA today
>cnn interviewed him about coronachan for the sole purpose to attack him
>labeled as a "right wing conspiracy theorist but this lad knew the rundown better than all of us and was close to the origin.
>article where our journo bro got attacked by CNN: >cnn.com/videos/business/2020/04/26/coronavirus-covid-19-conspiracy-theory-orig.cnn-business
>his latest videos are gone from his youtube, I was going to save them and also post them here but someone beat me to it
>a second person from our circle had their discord nuked for "hacking"
>mfw when the feds are after us

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Delete that, NOW!!!

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>Answer me this burger - how can depression be real if money isn't?
It is since we base our whole life on acquiring it and spending it and not arguing on this point either since its a red herring

>Did this 1 to 6% mortality rate virus somehow kill all the hard working americans that keep your country running?
No they told our businesses that aren't essential to close and even as an essential worker a 50% reduction in net sales isn't sustainable

>Did the machines used for production suddenly disappear?
They are there and who is going to use them?
Build a car? People lost them
Build something for the restaurants? CLOSED
Take the finished product to the market? Supply chain is fucked and even if you got it there people don't have money to buy it!
>Did the 4th largest nation in the world somehow lose control over all of its abundant natural resources?

When the oil we use is now next to worthless because no one is fucking using it who the fuck wants to pay people and buy machines to pump it out of the ground?

>And why are you feeding bankers exactly?
They are feeding themselves right now they made MASSIVE profits and redistributed the entire market into their pockets

Fuck man

Are there any skills I could do at home I could learn without going outside?

i don't get it

lf kids start dying en masse people will be out for chink blood


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We're all going to fucking die!!!

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Large corporations got so much more legit infinite money because they can sell the Fed worthless bonds and use the cash to buy back their stock

That's quite a lot for Kawasaki Disease

>Conspiracy theorists claim US military worker Maatje Benassi brought coronavirus to China.
Isn't that the narrative being spread by China?
I am sure CNN just forgot to mention that.

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Some 18 year old just randomly died in Malta, maybe 4 days ago a guy in his 20s died but I think he had some kind of condition. Doubt the gov would disclose if they died of covid though


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When the weather gets hot.

>i hope today

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My Lord. I hope this is incompleted data or a not very good and unproven correlation to corona. People are taking out their children in my country right now for the first time in a month

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yes could be in seven decades but it's coming

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I love you guys!

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zoomers nipped in the bud

People die every fucking day my grandma has COVID at 85 and is doing just fine

Friendly reminder. Some big retard like me is coming for your stash and there's nothing you can do about it.

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>Your god damned pic.

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i have a 1 y.o. niece , her mother is a stupid hippie , and they are in ecuador ... how could i soften the blow enough that she´ll get thru her thick pachouli scented skull that she needs to extreme precaution?
because every single time i tell her something she does the opposite

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That is really good analysis user with respect to China using NK to deflect the US away from itself but I can't imagine the US would be stupid enough to fall for such an obvious move. They would have to know NK is a puppet of China but then again it might serve US interests by allowing the US to focus hatred somewhere else and that allows the US to "maintain" relationships. Which itself works for international business interests.

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I said I doubt it's covid, wish they would tell us the cause of death though

Why are you grabbing your kids vagina

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You can learn cooking, survival skills, self-sustainable farming, work out, And study stuff online. The only limits you really have are the ones you impose on yourself.

Is this your child?

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Thanks for the effort anyway


>investigative journo bro had two new videos up on his youtube
>filled with facts and valuable info about the origin of the virus being tied into the US bio labs , China biolabs, and South Korea religious death cult. Also connected to a patient zero from a china war games event last year
>his latest video was him recording donni sullivano interviewing him for CNN
>reporter is obviously trying to make him say things to make him look like a china shill but didnt work.
>I had a feeling today he shouldn't had posted that
>one of the neurologists in our circle has the interview that he showed us today in one of his livestreams luckily

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Talk to her husband.

Planning to translate everything on a website.
Reopening will be another exciting moment, as things will pickup momentum again I will post more updates.

Its fucking cute

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Your trips better deliver me the sweet release of death today, or else Kenshiro gets corona from petting that tiger

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how did i miss this

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Yes it is my brudda. Thank you.

strong independetn ( insufferable) woman , had her child on her own , so no man in sight

>It is since we base our whole life on acquiring it and spending it and not arguing on this point either since its a red herring
You realize we can change this at any moment, right? There is more than enough food, as evidenced by farmers dumping milk and letting crops rot. We have housing, electricity, water, etc. The world has kept on turning.
The only thing preventing us from continuing on are special rectangles that only have power because we believe they do. Funny, isn't it?


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