Eurofag living in the US here. Why do white Canadians look and feel more European than *white* Americans?
Eurofag living in the US here. Why do white Canadians look and feel more European than *white* Americans?
Listen bro, north america is a complete shithole compared to europe and honestly canadians are becoming the less european. Just take a look at toronto.
Probably because we're actually white.
I jest, but a lot of "white" americans call themselves white when they are most definitely not. Plus, you guys have a much larger population, and a vastly different culture from Europe, while we are sort of a mix between Europe and North America
Taking it in the Chicago. Enjoy Aids canada.
Because they speak all goofy and act kind of gay. It’s the exact same way we look at Europeans.
autumn falls
the winds descend
the leaf is swept away
the evergreen remains
behold, i am the evergreen
Yea I’m talking White Canadians
Even the looks are different though. You can spot most *white* Americans from a km distance, Canadians however are hard to distinguish from Europeans. Few Americans I’d say they “look French”, or “German” etc
Lots of faggots in WA States, all American
>yurps are homo fags
>leafs are homo fags
big think
Americans are fat and cultureless
I have been looking for that image for like two years... without the reddit stamp but I can crop that out. Thanks user.
To answer your question, it's because our ancestors didn't race mix with sexy negress slaves 6 generations back.
How? It’s a fact. I live here. And I’m disgusted every day.
>no Mexico sucking America titties
Such a fucking waste.
then leave you pathetic cuck
you will never be american
I guess it's because there is a lot of people from different cultures in America. Most white americans are usually some Euro-mix so it's hard to nail down what their ethnography might be. And like I said in my last post, Americans have a vastly different culture from Europe and Canada.
But lots of Americans say they don’t have kangz blood
leafs only think about america
Problem: europoor mutt think it white.
Solution: return to commieblock in europe, look st gypsie hut in field. Consider self to be white.
>Because they speak all goofy and act kind of gay.
Amerimutt's projecting cause he's used to sucking Jewish cock every day.
In general, the average white Americans look a lot more like Australians to me personally. You are correct, Canadians and Europeans look more similar.
>you will never be american
Thank goodness.
It’s the uncanny valley of peoples, second only to Brazil
Obese fag
Is it because Australians are fatsos?
lol fucking good
>americans are fat retards
>you will never be a true American! Gotcha!
I ce never been there, can you describe mutts up close in more details? All I know from interacting with them online is that their minds isn’t human, they have the minds of animals, very un8ntelligent people
Gotta shoop this with foreskins hanging and the seething mutt instead of the fox
pure Northern Europeans much more common in Canada I think. it's typical to see white Canadians who could pass anywhere in British Isles or Scandinavia.. less so in the US.
londoner detected
then why don't you move to Canada? i heard they love faggots and European pansy's.
Vast majority of people are either fat or REALLY fat. No silhouette. The facial features are weird like very rounded nose like a potato, shapeless tired eyes. You could not pinpoint their ancestry even if you tried (unless both parents are actually from the same part of the world). Blond, blue eyed people look extremely generic, more than the dark haired ones. I mean it, it’s hard to explain
>All I know from interacting with them online is that their minds isn’t human, they have the minds of animals, very un8ntelligent people
Absolutely true. Pick the worst of the European narcissistic people, double down in stupidity, remove all forms of culture/cultural awareness and you have the perfect prototype of the Amerimutt personality.
When I was in Las Vegas, I was the only white guy on the strip.
Because we don’t race mix. Americans count spics as white and mix with them. The whites here are pure minus some with native blood. There is very little racemixing going on in the country . Most people stick to their own kind here. That’s actually the only benefit of multiculturalism compared to the melting pot method in America because with multiculturalism people live in enclaves and don’t assimilate and stick to their own. With the American melting pot method you get people assimilating and wanting to mix with whites to fit in. The only race mixing here goes on in the cities where there is a melting pot of people sharing and bonding over capitalist /Jew /consumer /nigger/ party culture . Even then the only pairing is usually white dudes with Asian girls. Occasionally I see shitskins with white girls in Toronto but not as much. Most of Canada asides from the memes is white as fuck. America has very little pure white places.
Because your country is good for making $$$, shartinmart.
Jealous of people with a whole dick, huh? How do you feel knowing you people are the only white people that have a penis like Jews?