Biden face

Biden in 06 vs Biden today. Is this even the same guy? Or did he get a shit ton of plastic surgery?

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wtf i knew he looked different


>12 years and several facelifts + god knows what else later


creep pedo

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Biden fucking scares me. His whole face is fake. It’s fucking nightmarish

>hurrr durrr hurrrrr hurrrr hurrr

Think Hellbound: Hellraiser 2

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He looks like king of hill character cotton

hes been replenishing his youth by sniffing children

Skin tightening. It’s very common.

Biden odds dropped a lot. What did he do?

As you get older your face sags and the part where your earlobe is attached to your face moves further down your face

Yes idiot

>but who was gravity?
Fucking doublenigger

He had a badly performed facelift in 2017
Honestly at he age he should've known better

>He described the size of Biden's incisions as "incredible" and "fairly recent." He said: "The scars come too far from his ear. This is very hard to correct
>"I've operated on several high-profile individuals, and I'd never let them look like that. Those are classic facelift scars. It's probably been over a year. I kind of feel bad for him. He should have had those scars removed. He's in trouble because he can't change it at this point and you expect him to look his best."

kek what an idiot Joe is

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He bouta get Metood

before / after adrenachrome obviously

look how sharp he is after

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What are they saying, Yas Forums?

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Apparently Trump is fascinated by all of Biden's bizarre plastic surgery. The cut scars are apparently behind Biden's ears, which is why he grows that old man mullet. That's what I've read anyway.

I mean he's the only person I've ever heard of going bald twice.

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That's an old story. They dropped today.

you tinfoil hat wearing stupid fucking faggot

it's all a show

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Yep. Several face lifts and some sculpting (pic related), ongoing botox, hair plugs and veneers.
They did a very nice job with the lifts. See how in OP’s pic he had free and now attached earlobes?
They have fused the lobe over the lift scar to fix two problems.

This is all part of the theatre to make idiots blind to the fact that they are “electing” another geriatric potentially as their commander in chief.

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This demented dude is really going to win in November because of the fucking flu.

Young Biden has the likeness of a cokehead

I wonder whats actually wrong with her she looks 78 percent psycho 10 oercent autiat and 12 percent schizo

What the fuck? I thought you were a fan.

Ears are different. The real biden died of covid-19 a month ago. There was a secret funeral in delaware.

Total teeth implants

I thought it was obvious. He doesn't even look the same as he did in 2016.

Too bad there are multiple witnesses who all corroborate the story with the same details.


ok this is creepy as joe
i didnt believe user so i googled and there are really 2 joe bidens
one with attached earlobes and one with separate
is it know he operated to attach his earlobes (who does this)

>inch long scar under your ear

what a bunch of retarded faggotry.. "oh man if he didnt have that scar under his ear he definitely would have won"

Nah, he just cleaned up his diet and started a serious moisturizing regimen. Works wonders.

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yes but it's evidence of a facelift too. Look how fucking long that shit is, but not saggy. Putin is worse.

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Plastic surgery is subhuman shit. Makes sense that a faggot demon like Trump and Biden would get it. Not to mention Nancy Pelosi's shitty tit job

So there are new witnesses today? It's been an ongoing story for a while, though. Weird. The guy doesn't show his face through shutdown and this sinks him?