I just unsubbed to Joe Rogan for the first time in ten years. The man went on a long rant saying the CIA is your friend and the deep state is protecting america. He is bought and paid for. See for yourself: youtu.be
timestamp at: 2:03:06
2016 joe would be disgusted by what hes become
I just unsubbed to Joe Rogan for the first time in ten years...
He's a rich guy in a gated community.
You are not very smart If you are seeing trough his bullshit just now.
not sure if fpbp or spbp
Joe Rogan...fuck off, choke on a goddamn mushroom and die
>wow guys this media celeb figure isn't on the up and level
Wow you don't fucking say.
Maybe you should unsub yourself for caring about ecelebs.
Joe is a gatekeeper. I remember my first redpill...
I just watched and its Joe rogan going on a rant about corrupt CIA agents though
Stopped watching when he simped for Bill Gates when Tim Dillon came on. It was a good run, but everyone falls away eventually.
>The man went on a long rant saying the CIA is your friend and the deep state is protecting america. He is bought and paid for
Oh cry me a fucking river user, Rogan is always like that, you really gonna whine like a pussy over that? I am a libertarian and I am very opposed to that sort of shit, but you are getting too emotional with that tiny little cock of yours
I'm still waiting for him to get to episode #1488. I'm surprised no one here is trying to meme it yet.
Nah, man. He just acts like the cia drug dealings and all that is just a bunch of cowboys who do it on their on dime and it's not the CIA as a whole. That's literally what that Mike Baker guy told him. Meanwhile he had that Charlie Manson guy on and it seems like it's definitely more than just a bunch of isolated cowboys going rogue.
He will have Nick fuentes on Kek
That is the least disgusting thing about that podcast. I'm a veteran, so I view government sector jobs a bit different. There are all kinds of rules that fit together in such a way that truly bad and evil things done by glowies are done because an evil person went rogue, not because it is inherent in the systen. FBI/CIA is a tool, like a hammer or a typewriter. If someone become a hammer-based serial killer or types up gay fanfiction, dont blame the tool.
Duncan Trussel episodes always have BASED conspiracy discussions bookended with that absolute faggot Duncan shilling the Kabbalah. Always willing to attack Christianity at every angle, but would choke if he ever had to talk about Metzitzah Bpeh.
I wish Joe would stop being an absolute faggot who could defend the Bible, like Eddie, but without Eddie's retarded flat earth. Like Steven Anderson or Kent Hovind. Hovind would redpill him so hard on science and Anderson would wreck him on the Bible and faggots and Jews.
We've definitely gotta meme this shit
Maybe he is correct. Follow the evidence.
Howard Stern endorse Biden!!!
Howard Stern endorse Biden!!!
Howard Stern endorse Biden!!!
>300, 000 listeners
>Rogan 90,000,000 downloads a month
Joe Rogan is a Neocon
>meme it
That's not how you use the word and I hope somebody kills you in an awful way.
based glowie blowjob rogan
The fact that he said that about Biden makes me think he's not all lost.
And for anyone saying Trump is just a Jewish puppet. You think Biden would be any better? The nigger is a walking corpse.
That caught the attention of the MuriMutts and MigaHats alike, Rogan says a lot of random shit
joe is just a guy who plays both sides to get as many views as possible.
he'll pretend to be right wing when Tim Poole is on, and left wing when any onions is on the show.
he never changed he's always just been pandering for money
look at his subreddit. People are all saying the same thing. they know it has to do with the "virus" and the lockdowns...
This. You're a decade late.
He's a transhumanist
He also said in one of his podcasts a couple weeks ago that anyone who comments on youtube videos (including the millions who comment on his) are "pathetic losers and failures". I instantly unsubscribed, he's a fucking dick munching narcissistic faggot.
>endorses Bernie
>endorses the CIA
What did st. Rogies mean by this??
When you have a small penis and a premature ejaculation problem shit like this seems very trivial.
trips of truth
so what should our countries do without intelligence agencies? lmao
come back to reality boys
>the CIA is your enemy but Mossad, hizboallah and a myriad of other intel groups are your friends.
>the CIA will harm americans more than any of our adversaries covert intel groups
Fuck you, faggit. I'd choose the CIA over some chink, kike or shitskin glow in the dark motherfuckers any day
who watches joe rogan for joe rogan
This as well, btw
Being born a trog manlet will do that to you.
I just caught cancer, thanks
>just realizing Joe is a retard
Not too bright
You don't seem to understand. The CIA isn't loyal to your country, it's loyal to the globalized elite even if it has a western bias. CIA, mossad, and all that are basically just one thing and the elites from different countries think are closer to eachother than you.
He knows what's up.
Invert his words to find his meaning.
He was compromised a lot earlier than 2016
Maybe he genuinely believes the shit he says these days. He's in his 50s now, so basically he's become old and boring aka too mature for wacky shit.
He's always been controlled opposition.
How else could someone like him be so popular?