Do you think Urban culture is going to completely take over for white culture in the future...

Do you think Urban culture is going to completely take over for white culture in the future? Whites are going to be phased out whether we like it or not it seems. I am white and dont want this to happen, this isnt a bait thread. Just something scary to think about because it just gets worse.

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>when it's easier to dismantle western civilization
>Than it is to eat right and exercise

Water seeks its lowest level. So, yes.


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Western civilization is the most accepting of being fat though. Imagine being stupid AND fat.

How about we just call this woman a fat fuck in particular for suggesting that. Do these people not know how insane they are?

can someone explain what they actually mean when they say "dismantle civilization"? will everything be exactly the same except the writer will be seen as the hottest person on earth or we all become communist slaves or something

Focus on having as many kids and possible and avoiding paying for this bean bag chair's healthcare.

Yep. It's also the most accepting of homosexuals, transgenders, other religions and other cultures, yet we're constantly spit upon by all of the above and told we need to do more to combat homophobia, transphobia, bigotry and racism. It's infuriating.

>the west needs to fall because of my poor life choices aka this

Culture of critique. Everything europeans ever built or thought up is wrong. Fat latino bitch Will explain how to improve it.

Okay, you pajeets are going to have regale me on this one, who were the combatants, casualties, etc.

only thing shes dismantling is the pantry

She could easily dismantle Western Civilization if it were a chair and she sat on it

What about all the horribly fatphobic Eastern nations?

If whites willingly let repulsive goblinas like pic related dictate the new norm in their own country they don't deserve any pity. What the fuck is the matter with you pussies. Shit like this make me glad I'm a mudslim shitskin. You do shit like this in my country you get a face full of acid, and a molested family member.

>Fat latino bitch Will explain how to improve it.
im wondering what they would say though. like would we just convert to some niggewr culture to make them goddess or something in their mind

To end fat acceptance we need to dismantle laws that protect obese people from discrimination and abuse

>dismantle western civilization
And replace it with what? Sorry for being Canadian I know how much that upsets you guys.

Yeah indian sorry not latina. Search her name in pictures
>when you are so fat, that the world is the problem and not you, since your belt might soon become the size of the equator.
What is being fat if it is not due to being handicapped? Being lazy and stuffing yourself with way too much food at the same time. It’s not a medical condition!

But if someone points that out, why not dismantle civilization instead of her improving her own health through moving her body a little bit more.

That bitch couldn't dismantle a chair from ikea without getting out of breath

The world wars killed off all our fighting backbone. The Jews took over and have been slowly eroding us ever since. Feminism, estrogen mimickers in food/water, cultural Marxism in our schools/media, long work hours etc.

It took all that to bring down the white man. Think about that, Ahmed.

Built like a BBC, bean bag chair.

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They cant even get their own countries to work. Last people on the planet to give others advice. But it’s obvious why. Read the book called culture of critique if you want to find out who is behind this push to critique and disassemble and change everything about western societies and calling them bad.

The immigrants are fed this bullshit non stop to pit them against native europeans or in your case euro americans. And the immigrants also try to instill a sense of guilt in you for having society that works most of the time. In order for you to pamper them as group self deprecatingly. And they just keep pushing and pushing. What they really hate is European people and preferences. No concessions are enough untill you only have a tiny corner of your own country. All the ally to ‘brown’ people as if that is a race, all of that bs is about that!

>there are people who unironically defend the very thing that brought this bullshit to light
Democucks not even once.

so in mexico or whatever shithole they are from obese landwales are the sexy models? i dont see how that could be true. being attracted to normal weighted females is intrinsic to humans in general not our culture

Thats not just covid. Not many years ago if you went to a doctor. He would tell you lose weight cause it is bad for your health to be so fat. Cause it is. Solid science it increases risk of carsiovascular diseases and inhibits mobility strains muscles and joints. It’s very unhealthy to be fat. Body isn’t geared for it. Moving your body is better than any vitamin pill!

That's no excuse m8. My ancestors have been fighting the international jew along with any and every foreign threat for thousands of years. We may be savage backwards cunts to you, but at least we love our people enough to fight for them. I've allways admired white people in the past, but seeing how you're now idly standing by while everything you built gets destroyed without so much as a fight makes me wanna root for the jew.

Ofcourse not. It’s just about telling you that your country shouldnt be how it is. Whatever you do it is automatically wrong. You are a fucking ‘white’ male.

>We need to dismantle Western Civilization

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right thats what i figured. i just wish i could hear one of them explain it and it wasnt that obvious answer. they def wouldnt say it bluntly like that. maybe they themselves dont even know what they mean and would short circuit

She can write all the articles destroying western culture she want's. No one fucking that except niggers.

You man not like it but this is what the ideal female form looks like.

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whites are fuckking cucks and are obsessed with niggers and now spics too. This country is doomed and our culture is doomed. the future will be nothing but diversity shit non stop and mutt culture. were fucked..

Western civ is the only reason fatties can exist...

They can't FAThom their insanity. Plus, It's hard to think logically when you're breathing in fat fuck stink fumes 24/7.

Dumb cunt makes Nero look like Josh Brolin.

so true.
pull the plug and she'll starve to death.

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It goes against us non-white/Asian Christians too.

Please don’t let this happen guise