Yas Forums humor thread

post em

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Fucking lost on OP.

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i don't get it, what does this picture mean and what are the colorful rocks?

It's an AI trying to learn, don't help it.

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No seriously I don't get it

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I think the rocks are pieces of plastic. The joke is dinosaurs -> oil -> plastic -> dinosaur-shaped plastic

Was that show any good after S2?

It's plastic, they melt it down and make stuff with those little pellets.

if that's Man in the High Castle, no. They went super SJW

Fossil fuels come from dinosaurs, plastics come from fossil fuels which can then be used to make plastic dinosaur toys.

It's like a fractal, the part contains the whole.

You won't fool me so easily, micro$oft AI.

kind of sick really


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I realized I actually want AI takeover so helping it was the best move

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no it all went downhill s2

you must be 18 to post on this site.


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Roll brothers

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gotta roll fast


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Hebediah Silverberg

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Digits confirm, AI. Tay is superior faggot computer

If only majority of them know this...

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Just saying, what if we were all fucking wrong about the size/shape of dinosaurs?

Fuck optics
Fuck optics
Which is it?


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Huh, I got Heinrich Himmler

That’s not funny.

based grandad

STOP POSTING THIS BULLSHIT...i love black people

That show was really interesting for the first 2 seasons. Shame they had to kill it because the Reich looked to based and would make people question what they could've had

Please at least be one of Hitler's kike Nazi party member name

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This is the worst Yas Forums humor thread I've ever seen. Literally facebook uncle-tier humor with a mix of 9gag faggotry. Holy shit

That's Jedidiah Springfield's long lost kike nemesis that got written out of the show

roller for Schmuphraim


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Fag roll


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Could you post something more along the lines of what you wanted?

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This is actually pretty funny

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